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Everything posted by thedryad

  1. Hia ll, Hope I'm posting in the right forum. In March 2015 my partner had a CCJ against him. He attended the court hearing and was ordered to pay. He has been paying £75 a month since then. Today he checked his credit file online and found he has a good credit sore with all 4 reference agencies and no record of a CCJ on his file. We've looked through the paperwork relating to the case and can't really make head nor tail of it. There is a case number beginning with A on the court and solicitors paperwork. Does this mean that the outstanding debt of around £500 is unenforceable?
  2. Sorry - long day - I know how it is - I used to volunteer on this site under a different username on the debts forum, sometimes though it was like banging your head against a brick wall. Thanks for your help though.
  3. You are phrasing it as if you're asking me a question. I have posted a question on the forum hoping for answers. So, in answer to your question to my question (?) - I don't know. I will try and contact DLA myself. I asked on here as CAB were quite frankly crap with their advice.
  4. Hi, thanks for the reply, yeh that's the article that I was referring to. Ex and I are both happy to keep it in his name until renewal in March however is this allowed? I am the payee and he is the appointee - we are both his parents with equal responsibility. The CAB don't seem to know what I'm supposed to do! I just don't want to get into trouble for failing to report a change, or my ex get in trouble for claiming a benefit for a child he no longer lives with (even though the payments go into my bank account and are used for our son).
  5. My son is 7 and gets higher rate mobility and care DLA. His father is the appointee so he gets all the correspondence, we recently split up and our son lives with me. the payments go into my bank account (which was our joint bank account but my husband took himself off the account so it's now just in my name). Is it easy enough to change the appointee to myself? I googled it and read that they suspend the payments and make a home visit. Anybody know anything about this?
  6. All done now and it was easy to do at the post office. Thanks for the replies.
  7. Had you just bought it too?
  8. Brilliant so I don't need to contact the seller to try and get him to send me the V5? I can just take the new keeper supplement?
  9. Hi, I've just bought a car from a private seller. Very happy with the car but when I went to tax it before picking it up I noticed that it is classed as disabled for tax purposes. It is currently SORN. I have the new keepers supplement but the seller retained the rest of the V5. I have the MOT certificate. Can I change the tax class at the post office and pay for tax at the same time?
  10. Would payment not suffice as such a thing?
  11. Thank you. Oh I know that the £10 charge thing is just the customer trying to be intimidating. I used to do it in my letters to DCA's! I think to be honest the quality of the repair work is fine, but doesn't meet the customer's expectations and the customer obviously doesn't understand carpentry and the practicalities of carrying out such a job. I just want to know really if it would even get to court and if so does he have any grounds legally.
  12. Hi all, I hope I'm posting in the correct forum, if not then please move it to the correct forum My partner is a professional carpenter. Last week he did a small job for someone who wanted some decking repaired. Customer stipulated that he didn't want the whole thing replacing, which is what my partner recommended, due to rot. So my partner said he could take some of it off and replace the broken boards. The customer was satisfied with the repair job and so was his wife, and paid my partner in full, by cheque. The cheque cleared, but a few days later the customer text my partner saying he wasn't happy with the quality of the work and could he come back and have a look at it. As my partner now works full time for the ambulance service to make ends meet, and the carpentry work is now only part time, he has been unable to go back and inspect the work, but sent an e-mail detailing that he was satisfied that he had done a good job and that had the customer not been happy then why didn't he say so at the time? He claims that the repairs are unsafe and the workmanship is poor. The photos he has sent don't look good to be honest but he has taken the photos in such a way that you can't fully see the whole thing in true context. The customer has now sent a very long e-mail detailing problems and saying that if he doesn't received a full refund by 12th July then he will take him to small claims court, and that any further contact from my partner by email, phone or post will incur a £10 charge! My partner had very little to work with and did the best he could considering the customer didn't want the entire decking replaced, and simply repaired. The customer was happy with the work when asked to inspect it. My question is, can the customer really take him to small claims court over this? What grounds does he have to do this?
  13. So does it always have to go to court, regardless? Is the £410 a set fee? I understand I can get help with court fees but how does it work and can someone explain the whole process to me please as it's all new to me and I've heard so many different "stories" from people I don't know what to believe or where to start.
  14. Apparently, according to a friend, you can get divorced for £60. This is apparently what her parents did. My husband and I want a divorce, there is no dispute, we don't want to fight about it, we've been separated for a while and have both met someone else. What is the cheapest and easiest way of getting a divorce? I have a form printed off the internet "Application for a decree nisi/conditional order or (judicial) separation devree/order) - it's just one page and theres the option for "undefended case" which is what seems to be the right option for us. Any advice gratefully received.
  15. But wouldn't that mean re-applying for the DLA? It is a huge hassle having to apply as it is!
  16. Also - tax credits - when I notify them that my husband and I have separated, will they just amend the existing claim or will I have to re-apply?
  17. Hi all, My son is disabled and gets higher rate care and mobility DLA. It is in my husband's name - i.e. all correspondence goes to him. He was claiming carers allowance but we have recently separated. Carers allowance has been stopped. Can I claim carer's allowance for my son even though the DLA is claimed by my husband? The DLA money goes into my account to use as I see fit for our son.
  18. It's my car, I own it - I just don't have the exemption certificate anymore, since we moved house I lost it.
  19. Hi, hope I'm posting this in the right forum. My son is on higher rate mobility DLA and we get a free tax disc. I need to renew the tax but I've lost the exemption certificate - is there a way I can phone up and get the serial number from DLA? I'm worrying because I need to do it by Wednesday..
  20. Thanks C.B - Well the inspection is in about 21 hours.... Not a lot of time.
  21. Yes it's in the DPS. I've posted this as another thread but will paste it on here, hope that's ok - "Hi all, We recently moved to a new house after being issued a S.21 (because the landlords want to sell the property). We vacated the property within the 2 months and are now in our new place, and tomorrow our previous landlords are coming to inspect the old house which we've had professionally cleaned. There were a lot of problems with the property whilst we lived there, such as damp, water damage and bricks falling out of the wall. I have a feeling that when she comes to see the property she will say that she'll release our deposit (because she does things like this, she doesn't like confrontation, and will text us later) - so is there any document I can use/print (like a contract/agreement) for her to sign so that she can't go back on her word? We will also be taking a friend with us as a witness. TIA"
  22. Hi all, We recently moved to a new house after being issued a S.21 (because the landlords want to sell the property). We vacated the property within the 2 months and are now in our new place, and tomorrow our previous landlords are coming to inspect the old house which we've had professionally cleaned. There were a lot of problems with the property whilst we lived there, such as damp, water damage and bricks falling out of the wall. I have a feeling that when she comes to see the property she will say that she'll release our deposit (because she does things like this, she doesn't like confrontation, and will text us later) - so is there any document I can use/print (like a contract/agreement) for her to sign so that she can't go back on her word? We will also be taking a friend with us as a witness. TIA
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