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Honey Monster

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Everything posted by Honey Monster

  1. Hey all Looking for a bit of advice please. I bought a pre-owned Samsung galaxy tab 3 from GAME earlier this month (still have the box, receipt etc). After having no problems with it, the last few days it has started restarting itself randomly - this could happen after a few minutes of use or even after an hour. When it does restart itself, it turns itself off and cant be turned back on for 5mins or so. Anyway, to me it appears faulty and took it back to my local GAME store today but was told that as its an intermittent problem, I need to take it home and then video it when it has a problem again. Is this a usual thing? Is there anything I can do besides sit and wait for it to happen again? Many thanks
  2. Thank you both for your replies. Having spoken to my area manager and the HR lead today at some length, they have decided that I won't be required to attend a disciplinary meeting now and no further action will be taken. That's at least some less pressure at this time.
  3. Good morning all. Just after a quick bit of advice. I have been off work for the last few weeks after finding out something horrific that had been happening to my 8 year old son. I informed work what had happened and that obviously I would be off work as needed time to not only help my son through it but, also to try and deal with all the emotional things I was going through. I went to see my GP and obtained sick notes to cover me for the time I was off. I even attempt to come back to work sooner but after a few hours there, I was an emotional mess and broke down in tears so obviously wasn't ready. Anyway, I had my welcome back interview and my manager didn't ask how me or my son were doing just simply kept stating how much pressure my time off had placed on my colleagues and, as I was off on Feb for 2 days with sickness I will now be having a disciplinary meeting. I appreciate they are just following company procedures buy just feel the way it has been handled, knowing what I was going through, was very unsympathetic. Anyway, I have seen something about time offf for dependants this morning and was wondering if this is something I might be to have instead of having it as sick even though I provided sick notes? Many thanks
  4. Okay I see, sorry obviously didn't understand the procedure. How long does it take to be transferred to my local court?
  5. Just a quick question, how long does it take to get a decision? My defence was recieved on the 23/06/16 Thanks
  6. Thanks very much for that - showed the manager and he processed a full refund
  7. Good morning all. Im hoping for a bit of guidance really. I purchased an Acer laptop on Saturday but seems to be faulty. After its been on for a round 30mins to an hour it shuts itself off and then starts with a warning screen saying it wasn't shut down properly. The laptop doesn't seem to be overheating or anything as the fans are quiet and the base cool. I took it back to my local Argos (where I purchased it from) but was told I couldn't have a refund and would need to be sent off. I explained the little I know of the SoGA but was given the same response. Are they right? I dont want to be without a laptop for the foreseeable future. Thanks very much
  8. Just to update and ask for a little advice. I have requested extra time to submit a defence. I have been through all my paperwork (which Im pretty meticulous at keeping) and cant find a copy of the original default or the letter of Assignment. As such, Im thinking this is going to form the basis of my defence but nit entirely sure of how to word it - any help will be gratefully received Xx
  9. I have now decided to go ahead with an IVA (just waiting to finalise the paperwork). Would this decision have any impact on my reply to the court letter? Many thanks
  10. Just to add, I am in the process of looking into arranging an IVA. I have had a chat with StepChange and looks like something I will be going ahead with
  11. Hello Date of claim - 15/06/2016 Particulars of claim - The defendant entered into an agreement with o2 under account reference ***** The defendant failed to maintain the required payments and a Default Notice was served and not complied with The agreement was later assigned to the claimant on 30/06/2016 and notice given to the defendant Despite repeated requests, the sum of 202 remains due and outstanding And the claimant claims a) The said sum of 202 b) Interest pursuant to s69 county courts act 1984 at the rate of 8% per annum from the date of Assignment to the date of issue, accuring at a daily rate of 0.0044 but limited to one year, being 15.85 c) costs What is the value of the claim? £292 Is the claim for a current account (Overdraft) or credit/loan account or mobile phone account? - Mobile Phone O2 When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? - 09/2011 Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. Lowell Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? - No record of notice being received Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? - Yes Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? I don't believe so, haven't got any in my records Why did you cease payments? - Was off work for over 6 months with illness and the breakdown of my relationship What was the date of your last payment? Unsure but the default date listed is 04/2015 Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? No dispute Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any - Yes but requests ignored
  12. Hello all. Just arrived home to find a County Court letter for a claim issued by Lowell regarding an old O2 mobile contract. I've never received any thing like this before so not entirely sure what my next steps are. I did consider filing a defence but it doesn't really seem like I have one. Is it just a case of filling out the form, hope they accept my repayment proposal and wait to hear back from the court or do ai have to attend? Many thanks
  13. Morning all I was just wondering if there is any guidance on how long is considered 'resonable' before receiving a letter for a disciplinary meeting? I'm assuming it is basically however long my employer deems it to be but would like some confirmation. The reason I ask is I received my letter today (34 days after returning to work after 2 periods of sickness in 6 months) with a date of the hearing which will then take it to 45 days since.my return. Thanks for any help.
  14. Hello all. I'm hoping for some advice. Over the last few years, I have found myself increasing in debt (various catalogues, credit cards, overdrafts and a personal loan). Towards the end of 2014, my long term relationship broke down and (stupidly) all debts are in my name. In addition to this, in early 2015, I was diagnosed with with a life long medical condition that meant that I missed around 8 months of work during the last 15 months or so. I have now found suitable medication to control my disease and am back in my full time job . Everyday I receive letters from one debt collection agency or another and to be honest, I have been stupid and just bin most of them. I now feel I am in a place mentally and physically to deal with this massive mess and am hopoing for some guidance really. I am a registered health care professional (not a doctor or anything that well paid - my net pay is £1350 per month) but was worried that declaring myself bankrupt would affect my ability to register with my professional body and as such, came across something known as an IVA. It seems to be something that could be of great help to me but there are so many companies out there offering it, Im not sure if it is something that can be trusted. Thank you for taking the time to read and for any help.
  15. Thanks Rebel. Yeah I was expecting a few typos / spelling errors to be honest as I had to quickly type it using my phone on my break and didnt have enough time to re-read it after I had finished. Will definitely have a good check through tonight when I get home as Im typing it up on the computer. I really appreciate your help
  16. Okay, I have drafted the following letter - do you think this would be okay. The trouble is, I don't want it to come over that I can't do my job because for the most part I can it's just on 'bad days' doing my usual duties involves quite a bit of pain and discomfort (which to be honest I don't mind just dealing with and and getting on with it). Also, I'm worried that making a fuss may cause me problems as the place I work there aren't really any adjustments that can be made to my role to make things easier - it's primarily the sickness issue that I am most concerned with. Please feel free to make any suggestions to the following and thank you for your help. I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Disease early this year and am currently under the supervision of a Rheumatoid Specialist in the local hospital. As a result of this chronic condition I am currently experiencing the following symptoms - serve pain and stiffness in my neck and shoulder due to inflammation in my spine - stiffness in my hands - fatigue caused by the activity of the disease - psoriasis - stiffness / pain in thighs - painful, swollen heal in one foot The above symptoms make it difficult for me (on 'bad days') to lift / carry heavy objects, reach above shoulder level, to comfortably step up onto a kick stool / step ladder,etc. As a result of the disease, I am currently being prescribed NSAIDS to help try and reduce the amount of pain / swelling I am currently experiencing on a day to day basis whilst carrying out basic tasks. In addition to this, I have also been prescribed methotrexate to help reduce the damage and effect the disease is having / going to continue to have on my body. Unfortunately, due to the nature of this drug, it in itself has many side effects some of which I am currently experiencing - such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness and extreme fatigue (for a couple of days after taking my weekly dose). As well as the side effects, the medication is immunosuppressive which has the result of making me more susceptible to any viruses or bacteria that I come in contact with. As a result of this, I would like to request a referral to Occupational Health in order for them to assess my situation. Kind regards
  17. Thanks for the replies Reading thr Equalitirs Act it seems Rheumatoid Disease / Rheumatoid Arthritis isnt automatically covered so not sure how seriously it will be taken by HR. I remember a few years ago a colleague that developed a physical disability tried for months and months struggling through visable agony via the manager and HR directly to get a health and safety assesment done and all HR did was firstly send some information regarding the use if step ladders and after a few further months of explaining that was of no help sent through a risk assesment form relating to pregnant employees and told the manager to amend that as need :/ Im not holding out much hope to be completely honest.
  18. Good morning rebel. I havent contacted HR regarding my condition but my manager is aware (due to numerous hospital / G.P. appointments I have had lately). What would I need to include in my letter? Im not very good at this sort of thing.
  19. Good morning all. I work for quite a large company (around 500 UK stores) but unfortunately the HR Dept is next to useless and usually you get a different answer to a question each time you call. Anyway, the company policy regarding sickness is 2 periods of absence in 6 months is okay but on your 3rd, you begin the disaplinary procedure (Which I understand is pretty generous in that respect). I've worked for the company for 10 years and have not had any disaplinary issues before but now I am worried sick that soon I am going to have a 3rd period of illness in 6 months, have a warning and ultimately lose my job. The reason for this is recently I have been diagnosed with a auto immune disease (Rheumatoid Disease). Unfortunatel there is no cure but it can be managed to some extent with medication. The problem is that the medication is pretty potent (is is also used to treat some cancers at a higher dose) and really takes it told on you. Nausea and chronic fatigue are common side effects but in addition, the way it prevents the disease attacking your body is by reduces your immune system. Obviously, this makes me more prone to infections and bugs doing the rounds. Okay, Ive waffled on long enough I think So basically, how understanding is a large company likely to be regarfing this issue or is it just a case of planning for the inevitable i.e. ultimately losing my job Thank you for reading.
  20. Good morning all. I have credit accounts with Woolworths, Very and K&Co. Although I havent actually defaulted (or missed a payment) on any of them yet I've got myself into a right mess with them and can no longer afford the monthly minimum payments so it's only a matter of time. Everything was fine and the amounts I felt were manageable but following the breakdown of my relationship I've been left in a right mess and am now in a panic as I fear what will happen when I start missing payments. I have a full time job and earn a reasonable wage (but sub 20,000 pa) but with rent, utilities, council tax etc I just don't see a way out of this mess. I have sent Shop Direct an email a month or so ago informing them of my financial difficulties but had a response saying - tough, keep making at least the minimum payment (which I have done). I'm terrified of these accounts being passed to debt collection agencies.. What can I do if they aren't willing to help? Thanks Woolworths - £1300 Very - £2600 K&Co - £4900
  21. Thank you for the reply Haven. Youbhave put my mind at ease as this was threatening to ruin christmas Will give them a ring x
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