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Everything posted by jerry75

  1. Hi all , I need a bit of advice , After falling into arrears on our mortgage with Natwest we were threatend with repossesion , it duly went to court where I was able to come to an agreement with them. They placed us with their Debt Management group whom I had been paying regularly each month till I fell ill . Eventually I was able to get back to work and via a few phone calls to them came to an agreement in Feb2011 to pay them £3000 and have the remainder spread over the remaining mortgage , this entailed uping our payments from 520.24 to 534,36 as well. I have now received a letter from them asking for just over £2000 or enforcement proceedings will take place , I rang them up and they said I hadnt repayed enough back to them since feb2011 to bring me back to my original payments of 520.24 , I explained that there was an agreement made with them from feb 2011 which they checked and agreed but said the bank would still go ahead if I didnt repay this £2000+ to get me back to my original payment with them. Can they do this as I really dont know what to do and now we are living in fear of repossesion when we thought everything was ok. Please help Jerry
  2. Many thanks for the information everyone , I had Scotcall ring me again today asking for my wife . I'm getting in contact with the insurance company to try and sort this matter out and if they wont bend and insist its paid hopefully I'll be able to ste up a repayment plan with them.
  3. Thanks dx , I've been trying to contact Express Insurance to query these debts but im just getting passed from call center employee to call center employee . If we owe the debt then I'll happily sort out a repayment plan with them but I cant understand how we owe for something we didnt and arent using. Jerry
  4. Hi all , My wife received 2 letters from Scotcall dated 04/04/2013 about outstanding debts with Express Insurance , 1 for £45.43 and the other for £279.51 . The last time my wife had insurance with these people was back in August 2012 but when it came to renewal I found her a cheaper quote so she changed companys . I rang Express Insurance and they said we had to put it in writing or the policy would automatically be renewed. I did this and we received her documents 3 days later from express insurance , I rang again and was told to send back all documents which I did but in hindsite should of done it via recorded delivery as they said they hadnt received them. from what I could gather they wanted the full years policy paying even though we didnt have insurance with them anymore. Now some 7 months later we have received these letters saying to make a payment or they will escalate it to Home visit , I've received an email from them as this was the email address used for the insurance and they have rang me on my mobile but as its in my wifes name they couldnt discuss the matter with me , I informed them I deal with this sort of thing as my wife is profoundly deaf and was asked if they could talk to her or to get her to send an email to authorise me to speak with them. I'm not sure what to do next any help would be gratefully received .
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