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  1. Be wary of buying from amazon, i bought a class 10 micro sd card and it was a fake, i tested the speed of the card on an app, and it was basically a bog standard micro sd, buy these direct from reputable shops
  2. Im on giffgaff, and giffgaff is on the o2 network, so if you are using that and you have bad patches of signal, then stay away from this as its all down to the network.
  3. Hey the video isnt working, i want to see it now
  4. Check on your computer the maximum write speed, then buy a DVD that has the equal write speed or lower. plus is usually for pc and - is usually for mac, but i dont think it matters with modern computers
  5. ok here is what i do, VGA connected to tv and laptop. Laptop connected to my stereo, so plug in a 3.5m jack into the audio out (earphone) on laptop, then plug other side of the 3.5m jack into the AUX IN to your stereo. Done!
  6. you could always use a 3rd party email client like thunderbird, i love this one
  7. Buy a mac, seriously you will find it so much easier to use. Alternatively i hear lenovo laptops are the next big thing.
  8. There are a number of free programs for converting videos to different formats, if they are just going to watch it on their computers then no need to change it. If its for DVD then yes, convert to NTSC for America, you can also sometimes do this when you get to the Burning stage. So you can select to burn it in ntsc. dont quote me on that
  9. Hi there, together we know more than anyone hheheh
  10. Best options i find help, exercise, no caffeine past 18:00, and getting in bed and just chill there before even thinking about sleeping. Failing that sleeping pills prescribed by your doctor.
  11. I heard on the radio, that google ar going inside buildings so you can do a kind of street view inside. Not sure about you but i dont think its very safe. saying that im forever checking street view to get a good look around places. Anyone else heard that?
  12. I used to do mouth tobacco and then smoking, and now i use e-cigarettes, i stopped smoking real ones as soon as i found the right one for me. Dont give up if you dont like one brand of e ciggs, if you start on a stronger one you get that really nice feeling at the back of your throat, the weaker ones dont give you this. Gamucci are smooth and litejoy are strong as hell, but nice to have both .
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