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  1. I am thinking of going bankrupt as I have been in debt management for 6 years hoping I didn't have to go trough bankruptcy as I felt scared about the whole process but now I have been slapped with a mortgage shortfall of 30k which I will never be able to pay back. It all started from being at university bad relationship I have been trying to move forward but this has landed me in even more problems. I work full time but live with my folks and pay them rent I have no assets but I want to in the future get married and have assets but this is all creating me a problem. I've had a look at the bankruptcy forms they ask if you sold any assets within 5 years which I did my car 3 years ago. Will they want to ask for that to be changed? lso they ask if I have access to a car which I do but it's my mothers will they look at tat too? Also as I'm working but renting will they take that into account or do they see you living with parents as not renting? If they ask me to ake payment to debt then again I will never be able to save and move forward and I have been paying towards my debts for 6 years. I'm not sure what to do as my defaults will be gone in two years.
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