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  1. Hi steampowered, thanks for your comments. I’m not a solicitor,please excuse my ignorance and the fact I’m hardly impartial or objective. Does the above hold true if you replaced the word “chef” with “employee”.
  2. I think it’s too easy for people in my position to become emotional and become highly subjective. I think it’s fuelled by a sense of injustice. I should have read my contract. May I please provide the following info for advice on whether a PI claim would be likely to Succeed or fail ? When I put in a grievance about this matter. I believed my grievance was not taken seriously. I’d been told by 2 colleagues I’d listed as witnesses that they were not even interviewed by the regional operations manager investigating my grievance. I put it a SAR to my employer to see what had been recorded about me. Some of the data I received was email communications. On the same date I received my grievance outcome letter The SAR revealed this communication between the grievance investigation manager and the Employee relations manager. Here is exactly what it says in my grievance outcome letter. The above are exact copies with name removed. Employee relations manager = a manager who co ordinates grevience and disciplinary matters and advises managers involved.
  3. Hi Becky 2585, I have checked my contract; it states: “In the event that you are unable to work due to ill health or injury that has been appropriately notified and certified, the company may at it’s absolute discretion continue to pay you the basic rate of pay (company sick pay) calculated on a rolling 52 week period as follows” “Length of service more than one year but less then 2 – I working week” (This is the timescale applicable to me at the time. The contract mentions other timescales.) I have already wrote to my employer telling them of my intention to take them to the small claims court, I wish I hadn’t done this. I understood from my union rep that if the reason for injury / sickness is down to my employer being at fault eg; not providing PPE they were obliged to pay company sick pay.
  4. Thanks for your advice bankfodder and everyone for your advice. I am minded to ‘pull my horns in’ now and consider more carefully what to do. I didn’t know I had 3 years to submit a PI claim, that’s good to know. I am ashamed to admit that my disposable income after bills is £80 per month or less. I am still feeling the impact of loosing £560 since June 2102 It has been a struggle and an embarrassment due to having to borrow from mum in law at 49 years old. I am now in a position to pay the small claims court fee and £50 for a letter from my doctor to support my claim, I also have a grievance outcome letter were the employer admits failing to supply ppe. I guess I’m worried about not winning the case and having to pay legal fees of my employer etc. Re my employment – it is very uncomfortable and painful to work even with gloves as the heat and sweat of wearing gloves is enough to trigger the allergy. It is also impractical as staff cuts mean I have additional duties like washing dishes and serving customers. There are no other jobs in my location, even minimum wage jobs otherwise I would leave and do anything else. Lack of funds rules out engaging a specialist solictor, so my union's solictor will be my option there.
  5. Many thanks for your kind welcome HB I have updated my post to show Personal injury claim - not PPI
  6. I am employed by a contract caterer as a chef/supervisor. 2.5 years in post. Since a change of chemical supplier I have developed a form of contact dermatitis, which means the slightest exposure to foodstuffs without gloves means a lot of discomfort and pain. EG if I peeled and chopped 1 onion,within an hour may hands feel like I’ve poured boiling water over them. This develops into a very irritating rash lasting for days and has to be controlled by topical steroid cream. As a result of a grievance my employer has admitted that they failed to provide PPE. Training on new chemicals, has my signature forged on a day when I was on leave. I was forced under doctor’s instruction to be off for 3weeks to allow my hands to heal before I could begin to use gloves to control my condition. I received SSP –£86.70 for 3 weeks. I earn 7.30 per hour and I work 37.5 hours Financial loss is £561 I calculated this as follows: 37.5 hours x £7.30 =£821.25 earnings Minus £86.70 SSP x 3 My question is: can take my employer to the small claims court to recover my loss ? My union are encouraging me to submit a pesonal injury claim, but say it could take years to be settled. Because of my low income I cannot afford to wait years. Thanks in advance for any advice. Additional info. I have formally asked my employer to py full pay - they have refused.
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