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Everything posted by wjamie23

  1. hello hope some one can help me. as of monday just gone was told that i had to attend the jobcentre daily at different times to do a job search now been told this i had to go back to the JC the next day for 1:35 which then i was made to sign and was told since i had been up yesterday which was monday that he was going to do job search next time i come up. so after leaving the JC he forgot to give the new time which was for 1:00 for the following day when i got there he told me that and that it was his fault since he didn't tell me then was made to sign and no job search again. he gave me a new time for 9:35. to me they either can't be bothered to do the job search to help me find work or there just find it funny me turning up just to sign a bit of paper and give excuses. i do my job searching at home since i have my own computer and internet with a job match account and can't really see how making me go each day is making any difference especially when they have done nothing to help. also can someone tell me if the distance from JC is too long that they can't expect you to go each day as i live 3.0 miles away. had some information that if you live within 2 miles then they can make you go each day and if 2-4 miles then they have to make to twice a week. just what i read up on the internet. thanks in advance.
  2. just letting you know i got the full £69.75 this afternoon which i am pleased about thanks again for the help
  3. yeah i will let you know. thanks again everyone for the help
  4. finished the phone with loans direct which is funny after all the phone calls to them they where fobbing me off. i told them my bank said that they have to give me a full refund as they have not managed to get me a loan and what do you know she spoke to her advisor and came back back says they have issued a full refund so even though the bank has not done anything they give me some information. thanks all for the help aswel great helpl
  5. barclays. i am back on the phone to loans direct as the bank told me because have not managed to get me a loan they have to give me a full refund
  6. well i tried and they said because i have entered my card details they cannot do a chargeback or do anything about it
  7. thanks very much i am on the phone now to my bank. i had already done this once before and they said they wouldn't be able to do anything so i will try again. not taking no for an answer
  8. hello i was unlucky to get [problem]med off this company loans-direct. in searching for a loan i had gotten a link to say i had been accepted for a loan, after entering my card details £69.75 was taking out off my account. after phoning loans direct i was told to write a letter and send it off before the 14 days is up so i did this. i have had no phone calls and i have rang them 4 times now asking about a refund. today i give them another ring and they put me through to one of the managers who said i can have a refund of £40.75 as they keep £30 for set up fee which is not in their terms and conditions i have a good look through so they are trying to fob me off. she also said something about they take money off depending on how many days my account is active which is also not in the terms and conditions. i have more then likely racked up the phone the what i have managed to get back off them. what to do? any help would be great.
  9. also i have had the pup to the vets and seems his health is fine and also got his first injection and worming tablets.
  10. is it true that the mother's paper's need sending off for the registration of the little because this is what she told me and only showed me the papers for the father thanks
  11. ok but i cannot really see why she not answering her phone apart from ignoring me because she knows she lied to me
  12. she said that she would post the papers asoon as she's gets them but she sounded genuine when talking to her
  13. no nothing was giving to me. she give me some bull **** information that she had sent off the mother's papers to register the pups i only have seen dad's papers. but i know the exact address for this person so if i have to i will pay her a visit tomorrow after i get the pup checked out.
  14. ok no not yet will be taking him down tomorrow as everything the person told has all been lies
  15. anyone have any advice since i am stuck on what if anything i can do. i know the person's address and she has her mother who is living down the road from her
  16. been ringing her back went through to answering machine now she took the answering machine off
  17. hello i went to see some akita pups today they where advertised as kc registered. now when i got there i asked if i could see paper's she showed me the dad's but not the mother's papers. her words that could not show me the papers for the mother as they have been sent of for the registration of the pups is this true as i don't think it is. she said that they where also had been microchipped which i did not receive any paper for the chip. phoned her and she said that she forgot to tell me the pup has not been done due to time wasters and that her boyfriend has a certificate to do the microchips and that he would come out to do it or i could take the pup back and get it done over there but sounds strange. thought it sounded ok about papers since i have seen other breeders not get anything back upto 4 months. so i just went for it. now having second thoughts as she lie about it been microchipped. anything i can and should do any help would be much appreciated.
  18. yes i'm able to work, i was on ESA when i started taking antidepressants for anxiety but failed both assessment and appeal after that i had to sign back on.
  19. hello since not attending a work programme appointment i have been sanctioned but after filling in the doubt has arisen letter and going up to the job center for a reconsider i have come to suspect the dates i'm putting down has been wrong now the question is what else can i do to get the decision changed. I am currently on antidepressants which i looked at the leaflet and one of the common things is confusion which is why somewhere down the line i'm getting my dates confused wp appointment was for the 14th of may but for some reason i have been thinking that the appointment was for the 21st of may the only other option would be to appeal against it then but i think with me already filling in 2 forms the 3rd time is not going to change the decision that was decided any help would be great on what i could do thanks
  20. ok thanks for the information really helped a lot,as soon as i received the letter i filled it in the same day and sent that off the i received another last saturday saying that the reason was not good enough.I went to the job center yesterday to sign my declaration and i told them that they have stopped my money for 4 weeks and that i'm not going to able to go to the tcv place and they got me to sign the form for hardship and then the man i spoke to said we will try and fit you in for a reconsider so just waiting to hear back from them now fingers crossed
  21. ok thanks. well i have just been on phone to job center they where no help i told them that i would have no money for my next appointment for bus fairs and basically said i would have to find away to get down i live about 10 miles away form tcv.so i am a bit of trouble cannot do anything about it
  22. hello i have received a letter yesterday from DWP saying that they have stopped my money for 4 weeks because i failed to attend a WP appointment at TCV. the reason i failed to attend was that i had a death in the family which was not very nice since i was the one who found my aunt dead in her bad which was a shock to me. with everything going through my head i totally forgot about my appointment which i told them this which they said yesterday morning in the letter that it was not a good enough reason.also with them stopping my money i'm not going to able to go to my next WP appointment since i will not have any money for travelling. any help on what to do would be great thanks
  23. ok well i went down for my first appointment and i got another appointment for the 27th june so does anyone know if i do only need to go for the appointment i don't really see the point me going to use there facilities when i got what i need to do my job search at home
  24. hello i have just been for my first appointment down at tcv was giving all the information about they help people find work but now i'm not sure when i have to attend the WP daily or weekly .is it just the advisor appointments i need to attend if someone else has been on this work programme please can some one explain thanks
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