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  1. Will do, thanks again, it is something I feel very strongly about, I will let you know when I get a reply to my letter I will also send recorded delivery.
  2. I plan to send this email as complaint, do you think this will suffice, thank you so much for your help reallymadwoman, it is very much appreciated. Dear Mr. Duncan-Smith, I am writing to you to complain about a breach of DPA by your department. I applied for DLA in April and they wrote to me recently advising that the claim was taking longer than usual as they where waiting for a report from my GP, as I have ticked the deny consent box on my claim form, your department had no right to request this report from my GP. As the head of this department I feel it is your responsibility to make sure your staff are complying with the law.
  3. No, but I will do tomorrow. Thanks for your help. Is there anyone outside the DWP I can complain to.
  4. Thank you reallymadwoman, I have called in at my GPs today (I received letter from DWP on Friday)and they have informed me that DWP have asked for a report and it has been sent, the letter the DWP sent to my GP had in big letters across the middle of the letter that written consent had been given. I have sent them reports from my orthopaedic surgeon and physio. I only have extremely limited use of my left hand which is very apparent. I would have happily gone for a medical however as I said I do not see my GP very often and did not want this to go against me.
  5. Thank you so much, so sorry to inconvenience you.
  6. Hi, not sure if this is the correct place, so sorry if it is not. I received a letter from DLA advising they where waiting for a report from my GP, however I ticked the no part of the consent form, tis means that DWP have made false claims to my GP telling them they have written consent. I just wanted to ask how I go about dealing with this now, who do I report it to and how do I get the report struck from my records. I do not have anything to hide, however I do not need my GP to tell me to take my pain killers and so do not see him very often and I have been led to believe this goes against you for any claims. Thank you in advance for any help and advice.
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