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Everything posted by chrissy88

  1. Does anybody have any suggestions on inexpensive but good beauty products? I'm especially interested in bb creams and moisturizing creams which I use quite a lot in winter because of my extremely dry skin. Best regards, chrissy
  2. This is a fair petition in my opinion so I've signed it Good luck
  3. That's a good petition in my opinion. I'll sign Everybody should be able to afford at least a basic living of their wages.
  4. I know that its not fair at all, but that is how insurance companies work and make their huge profits
  5. Hello crocodille, I'm quite new here too but you are right, this is def a good place to get help
  6. I don't think ebay is gonna be very helpful in those cases
  7. apps might also be an interesting option cause I always forget to fill in these excel tables, at least after a while
  8. thanks, some deals are really a lot cheaper than at my local supermarket
  9. thanks for the idea, the file looks quite useful, guess I should really try it once cause I seem to be spending way too much money on little things
  10. haha I had to laugh when reading this I friend of mine used to do that at university, but you don't end up saving almost anything so I don't see the point
  11. Seems to be a good routine but personally I would not be disciplined enough to really do it myself. Although it is certainly a good way of saving money. But do you really need to get up at 5am, I mean 7 or 8am would still do
  12. Hello, I'm just like you in that sense, I also always spend a crazy amount of money on beauty products. I know that with some girls to much make up just does not seem to look good, but with me it just seems to fit and highlight my facial features. That's why I could probably not live without eye-liners, blemish balms and moisturizing creams anymore. There is a lot of talk about natural beauty, but I think that with the right cosmetic products it is always possible to highlight that natural beauty. Of course eating healthy and playing sports also makes you look beautiful, but it just can't be denied that the right make-up always helps too.
  13. My friend has warm air heating and it seems to be a little bet less efficient, probably by around 10-20%
  14. Ok I've signed it Congrats on getting over 100 signatures in only two weeks, your petition seem fair to me
  15. Really had to love when I read that story If anyone gave me £5,000 I would probably be like woman number one and spend a lot of money on makeup, blemish balms, skin creams and a few nice new outfits. Then I would also get a one-year gym membership to stay fit and look good. What I would def not get is breast implants, a beautiful skin and a slim and athletic body are more important to men
  16. I am not sure what the current duty free rules are but 9 kgs of tabacco does seem to be a bit excessive. Last time I brought back 1kg of tabacco and a few blemish balms for a good freind of mine and did not have any problems at the Customs. As far as I know they allow you to bring the amount back that's for personal use, but then again 9 kgs for personal use seems a lot. That would probably last you at least for a few months. But of course I wish you best of luck with getting your goods back!
  17. You should contact costumer service
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