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Everything posted by whoflungpoo

  1. With Work Experience you are entitled to the NMW there or 3 exemptions to that rule and there or 1) If you volunteer 2) if you work as an shadow worker ( following a worker around but you don't do any work yourself). 3) If you or on a government scheme such as WP. part from that you or entitled to the NMW if the employer refuses to pay you NMW then just walk away as he is breaking the law. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/national-minimum-wage-work-experience-and-internships
  2. I went to my CWP provider today acorn training and according to them if you sign off because you find work then after 30 weeks you don’t have to go back to them if you are made redundant and have to sign back on again but if you just sign off and then sign back on after 30 weeks just to avoid working for nothing (slave labour) JCP can put you back onto CWP. My question is how would they know if I had a job or not if I don’t tell them anything also if I decided to become self-employed and sign off and then sign back on after 30 weeks because it wasn’t going to well and I couldn't find any funding than that will be classed as employed so that mean I wouldn't have to go back to the CWP?
  3. Thanks Mr.P for the reply So balanced time = the full 30 weeks and allotted time = is also 30 weeks but it's like you say Mr.P 10 weeks on CWP 12 weeks off then you have to do the remainder of 8 weeks back on CWP witch = 30 weeks to class it as balanced time
  4. Reading through the CWP guidance which can be found here https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/314475/community-work-placements-provider-guidance.pdf I found this and I quote “section 5.02 Please Note: Where a claimant’s benefit claim ceases and a subsequent reclaim to JSA is made beyond 30 weeks following referral, the claimant will not return to you to complete a 'balance of time'. Claimants will only be signposted back to you to complete any remainder of allotted time (not balance of time) e.g. where a claimant started CWP, gained employment and left provision at week 10 of allotted time, and returned to benefit 6 weeks later they would be required to undertake the remaining 14 weeks CWP allotted time. “ So does this mean that if I went to the CWP referral and then found a job the following day which lasted 30 weeks or more and then I returned to the job center the job center cannot put me back on to CWP as I’ve already done my balanced time whatever that means? Can anyone with more brains than I clear this up for me as I do not understand the meaning between balanced time and allotted time.
  5. been forced onto Community Work Placements (CWP) today by the job-center:x (that's another 30 more weeks wasted) after completing the WP i'm guessing that the same rules apply when i have my first meeting with them do not give the any contact info or CV or sign anything so it would make it harder for them to put you on a work placement
  6. you do Know that you can claim 2 weeks JSA while on sick?
  7. I thought this article (Published: Sat, July 5, 2014) may help those people who are forced into Working for their benefits by they work providers http://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/486818/Back-to-work-scheme-breaches-human-rights
  8. i finish the my 2 year sentence at my WP on the 5th July but i have an post work program appointment at the JCP on the 30th of June i'm guessing that i don't have to sign anything that JCP put in-front of me until my WP is truly over i'm i correct?
  9. this may help to answer your question why no-one as been put on help to work yet. " Another Shambles At The DWP "
  10. according to the void website G4S has one of the contracts for help to work program if its true then this program is destined to fail like all IDS ideas
  11. cant see this daily JC visits thing working myself as i don't think many JC staff work on a Sunday or a bank-holiday and plus it will cost them millions in travel fairs for example IF 200,000 people visit the JC daily with an average of £5 travel fair per day that will cost the tax payer ( we all pay taxes no-mater if we work or not) 1 Million pounds a day
  12. thanks antone for the info it just that i have a weekly appointments with the JCP and i ask my adviser (whose an old friend of mine) to make the appointments on the same day and around the the same time as my WP appointments and i think its peeing my WP adviser off a little:-D
  13. Can anyone answer this question is it mandatory to go to a WP appointment. If the appointment was made by telephone and I wasn't given a written MAN can their sanction me for it if i don't turn up as I did not receive a proper written notification?
  14. i found this on the FOI website i was looking up supervised jobsearch as i have an appointment with the WP to do supervised jobsearch i wonder if it something to do with A4E being penalised in the south yorkshire and East Midlands areas(BBC News website).as i was happly parked by them:-) this will be my 5th visit in 16 months anyways the quote is old but it does make sense. S. Martin left an annotation (27 September 2012) I can state that Ingeus do not use supervised jobsearches as a mandatory activity, and none of the providers HAVE to use it, they choose too. This is for audit puropses, basically they have to provide an audit trail for the various DWP/Government assessors, basically its generating statistics and information and nothing more. These statistics are used as proof via the audit trail, that the WP provider is providing value for money. To do this they ensure everyone signs in, so they ensure many people are mandated to visit their premises several times per week, even though it is of no benefit to the participant. Much the same could be said of supervised job searches, basically one member of staff can log multiple people onto the computer network and tell them to do a jobsearch. If there are 20 people, one member of staff can do this, once logged on the member of staff can leave them to do other things, which they do. We now have 20 people logged on as having done mandated job searches many times a week, this is extremely cost effective to the WP provider, and takes up minimal staff time. The crux of the issue is simple, get as many participants together with as few staff as possible, repeat this as often as possible and you have a lot of statistics for the autitors. Remember the WP providers are "for profit" companies and will always maximise their profits by any means possible, even to the detriment of participants.
  15. Thanks for the reply Chester6 since there wasn't any start of finish time on the MAN for this supervised jobsearch does that mean I can attend the seetec office do five minutes jobsearch print out 3 or 4 jobs and then leave the premises and claim my £6.30 travel fair? if so it's not bad work for £6.30 is it has i've got everything to search for jobs at home i have Internet access printer, copier and fax and have already told them this. It just really seems pointless for me coming in just to do something which I can do better at home.
  16. Got another letter for a pointless interview with the work programme today i think it is not worded properly see what you think. quote "As part of your participation in the work programme. I am writing to inform you of an appointment which you are mandated to attend an employment plan review appointment as been arranged for" And then it goes on to say " location: supervised jobsearch seetec Springwell house Newbould Road Chesterfield" my question is this a valid MAN as as they got their location wrong. there's is a seetec in Chesterfield but for the live of me i cant find supervised jobsearch seetec anywere in Chesterfield
  17. I quite agree when I withdraw my consent at my introduction meeting which the [pejorative word removed] didn't like I was then parked. It's now been 13 months and have only had four meetings with the [pejorative word removed] (touch wood) and that includes the introduction. And I'm loving it. I've done more in these 13 months even found myself a temporary job if it was only for 3 months trying to get myself in to a training courses to improve my skills as the training with welfare to work [pejorative word removed] offered were next to useless as so I suggest to everyone to withdraw your consent, as it's well worth doing
  18. Just tried to apply for that job that you pointed out, Raven1, on A4E (Angry 4 Ever:-x) website and if it's not for profit company than i'm an monkey's uncle as one of the application questions is. Do you have experience of working within a target or sales driven environment?
  19. I have a two weeks course for "work skills and customer service BTEC level I" next month. The funny thing is me and my pimp never discussed it. It just came through the letterbox . So I'm thinking that while I'm there on this pointless course which I didn't want or needed i'm going to asked the people who are with me if they want a copy of the withdraw consent form which you can find on consent.me.uk in front of the pimp, who trying train us just to see his/hers reactions are. my way of thinking is this if they're making money out of us, then I might as well return the favour and make them lose money from us I'm guessing when I do this I won't get too many invites for training in the future.
  20. I'm wondering if someone can clear something up for me, I didn't signed the consent form with the work provider and with. I know they can't contact my employer. If I do eventually get a job, because I won't to be telling them where I'm working . I'll just sign off but can they contact employers for whom I sent applications to I don't think they can since I haven't signed a consent form for them to Contact any employer can anyone of you tell me is this correct:???:
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