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Everything posted by me_n_ze

  1. The story goes like this I took out a trade policy 2 years ago with Unicom and listed my cars and had a year of no worry insurance. Last year we renewed my policy with a company called gardners insurance in Chelmsford. they took the deposit and started the policy. The company was given a list of vehicle's to be put on the MID website. 1 of the car on the list is not registered to me. The owner of the car that was not registered to me got a letter saying that the car had no insurance on 06Sept 2012 and has been flagged up as uninsured and Not on the MID and fined. I contacted gardners insurance and asked them why the car wasn't on the list. they said it was added at the start of the policy and that it was a mistake by traderwise the underwriters . they said they would sort out the mistake. after a few months they did nothing and the fine went up, then went to court. I gave up and contacted traderwise and had a good chat with a guy, and found out that from the start of the policy 1st may 2012 till 13th/14th sept 2012 there was no cars added to the MID list. then all 3 cars was added. I asked how the 3 cars details was added to the list and was told that the list was updated by gardners insurance. I phoned gardners and asked how the details got to the MID they said they are not sure. I know we didn't contact them and give them the list of the cars after the 06/09/12. the woman said the policy didnt have any cars added to the policy for 4 months as we didn't give them any details of the 3 cars. I replied that someone must be physic as some how the MID list was updated. I was thinking of asking Gardners in S.A.R letter to show me all the emails they have had from myself to them. I was also told to ask them for all call records kept. From the way I see it Gardners had missed listing all my cars on the MID and then added then after the no insurance offence. I was also lucky they didn't fine me for the other 2 cars as they was not on the list too. I would like some help in getting gardners to admit to the mistake and pay the fine. does anyone know what I should do now??
  2. I phoned Newlyn knowing that they didn't have the car and asked if they had the car, and after a few minutes the women on the phone said "you still have the car don't you ?" and then said "you cut the clamp off" at which point I made it clear that I didn't cut the clamp off and that Newlyn has not got the car in storage
  3. I sent a email to Bournemouth council and this is what I put to them. please note i'm not the best at writing letter or putting things across well but i'm sure its good enough To whom it may concern. Ticket number BB81023*** This ticket is for Miss z ****** and I'm miss ****** partner J**** ******. We had a vist on the 22 February 2013 the bailiff clamped the car and said to me that the fees was £700. I told him that miss **** will call him. He left without leaving any levvy paperwork. Miss ****** contacted TEC filing T7 & T9 forms. Miss ****** phoned the bailiff at around 3pm to tell him that the forms was in place. I contacted the bailiff and He said that the clamp would stay on the car over the weekend. I informed him he had no rights to immobilise the car. He said the car was seized. I told him it was only immobilised and not siezed. As no paperwork was left nor was the car romoved and in storage. I told him to come collect the clamp as someone is coming to collect the car and keep it safe. He refused to remove it. The car was removed by a third party and is now in a safe storage. We received a let from Newlyn dated 4 march 2013 informing miss ****** that the car had been removed by them and is in storage and will be sold or scrapped if the fees of £1465.84 is paid. They also sent another letter adding the cost of £250 for the clamp. Please see attached photos of the letters about the removed vehicle. I would like to point out that Newlyn have not got the car in storage but are charging fees for the removal of the car. This is a deceptive act and is a criminal act. As Newlyn are contracted by Bournemouth council Bournemouth council are responsible for any illegal act that Newlyn carry out. I checked the bailiff register and Mr **** is showing on the register as to work for JBW Group and not Newlyn. This bailiff must be registered to the Newlyn. I would like you to request full break down of all the fee's applied to this account. If any of the fees are incorrect I would like Bournemouth council to carry out a investigation and impose maximum penalties for breaching the law and informing me with your actions. I hope this case will be dealt with quickly. If you need any further information please contact me on this email. Thanks J**** ******
  4. Tomtubby Did you check the bailiff and did your check come back with him working for JBW group and NOT Newlyn
  5. I have had the same problem many years back when bailiffs from drakes clamped a van of mine. The fees was incorrect at the time as he had 3 congestion charge warrants. But was applying full fees to each warrant. The there was some action that ended up his wheel clamp was damaged. I was arrested for criminal damage, but after telling the CPS that the bailiff fees are incorrect and he had no legal rights to fitting the clamp so was not charged with the offence.
  6. The car is not stolen , we don't have it at the moment just in case of the bailiffs. I'm sure that they will be wanting the car even more so if they could get their grubby hands on it. LoL
  7. we knew about the parking ticket, we appealed against the ticket. the grounds for the ott to tec was not getting a reply from the council. The car is worth £1500 at best and not on finance. TEC did say that Bournemouth council was contacted and told about the forms on the Friday. the bailiff was wanting to clamp the car till the council told him to take it of or worse still could have removed the car. We do not have the car but nor do Newlyn Plc
  8. had a email that the court had the forms and that they was sending them to the council the day we filed them. the car had gone after the forms was sent and after the working day. so any action from the council would have been on the Monday.
  9. keep this short but I owe the hmrc a tax debt of around £13,700 for years of unpaid tax. they have filed for bankruptcy. I do have my own home with my partner. I am trying to find the money but want to know if they will force the sale of the house to cover this debt?
  10. the other day a bailiff attended my home and had a warrant for my partner for a parking ticket at a cost of over £700. The bailiff clamped the car and went away. we phoned the bailiff later around 3pm that afternoon to tell him that the t7 and t9 forms was in place. I phoned him at about 6.30pm and asked him to remove the clamp and he refused saying the clamp would stay on the car over the weekend. He then turned up about a hour later to find the car and his clamp had gone:!:. Today we got a letter from Newlyn Plc saying that "we have removed your vehicle for non payment of a road traffic contravention" your vehicle will be sold\scrapped at auction in 7 days from the date of this letter unless you pay the sum of £1,465.85 plus storage. in the same envelope there was another letter saying "our records show that the debt has not been paid and furthermore, that the wheelclamp has been forcibly removed without permission. It is therefore our intention to increase the balance of your debt by £250 to cover the cost of the loss of our property, and the criminal claim we intend to start against you In order to avoid further bailiff action and to obtain a speedy settlement of this matter, we are prepared to accept payment of the outstanding balance of £1465.85" I phoned up Newlyn and asked if they had the car in a compound and they said "No" and that we cut the clamp off. I said that it wasn't me or my partner that cut the clamp off. I then asked how their fees have gone from £700 to £1465.85 if they didn't have the car in a compound. I said that this is not correct, and further more is "a act of deception" as they knowingly know that that car was never removed. The woman on the phone said that its the bailiffs fault as he told them to charge the fees. I said that the letter are from Newlyn and that the request for the money is from them and this maybe a criminal act asking for money that is not to the fee scale I checked the certificate bailiff register and the bailiff is listed to work for JBW Group Ltd and NOT newlyn. this may well be that the site is not up to date but might well be correct. his bail bond is only got another 6 months to go. I want to know what I can do I know I can file a Form 4 about the bailiff but what can I do about Newlyn act in trying to charge fees that did not happen and the letters saying that they had the car when the didn't.
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