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Ruth Smith

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  1. Thanks for your feedback. I am learning the hard way!
  2. My recent dealings with The Money Group have been scant to say the least. They approached me with a too good to be true offer in January 2013 and after some negotiation they took a small deposit of £50 to secure my amazing affordable money management solution. I was very nervous about giving a company any money when I didn't know who they were and was promised a pack in the post detailing everything. I was sent an email that asked for me to reply to it with a digital signature, which I did. I then didn't hear anything for weeks, in fact months, no pack arrived. During this time I was made redundant and decided to set up on my own (online marketing company) and totally forgot about them. Until Friday (1st March) when a letter arrived detailing my direct debit instructions to them for £250 a month. I checked my bank account to cancel this direct debit payment as my circumstances had changed I didn't want to pursue the route they had suggested. Seeing as I had received no communication about my 'account' with them during this time I simply forgot about them, nothing reminded me of them as I had far more urgent matters to attend to. I also naively thought it would be a simple process getting a refund on what seemed to be an error. When I phoned them on Friday afternoon to ensure my account was being cancelled and that payments were not being taken, my details were taken and I was promised a call back as my account manager needed to handle my complaint. He didn't call. Today I called again to follow up on what had happened and got through to my account manager who asked me 'what don't you understand and what wasn't clear to you?" He tried to get me to take an alternative debt programme before finally handing me over to his manager. She is clearly paid to do her job of being hard and cold and fierce. She said they had text me, emailed me and phoned me. When I told her I had received no contact what so ever until this Friday (1st March) she finally agreed she would see what she could do and promised me a call back within 20 mins regarding a refund of my money. 4 hours passed and I had no contact from The Money Group so I called them back...... it goes on and on and on...... The long and short of it is I have been told I am not entitled to a refund, even though I didn't agree to them taking this money from my bank account and even though they have done nothing about managing my debts. I have written a letter and email of complaint and I have contacted the financial ombudsman about their shady dealings. I welcome any feedback on their terrible 'hoodwinking' of money from people and their shocking customer service and seemingly no-refund policy.
  3. Hi there, I found this forum as I have received some terrible service from a certain money lending outfit, (The Money Group) who do nothing for their money and refuse to refund the sum they have takne (without full consent) or now, even answer the phone. I have taken it to the financial ombudsman and seek support and advice in this forum. Perhaps someone experienced in this forum doesn't mind pointing out what the best way is to get the most out of this site. I have started on the 3 days of reading
  4. I sadly have been hoodwinked by them into taking one of their debt management programmes, on Friday they took £250 from my bank account however they have not contacted me since their initial cold call in January where I foolishly parted with £50 to set up my account. They are not managing my debts, in fact they do not have the details however when i asked them for a refund I have been fobbed off by them stating they will not refund me. Even though they have done nothing about managing my debt. Good luck!
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