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Everything posted by turkwyfe4lyfe

  1. And if money does go when u have instructed it, then the bank have to put it back! It will be a struggle to get ur money back tho, but if it happens...fight all the way to get it back. Luckily with me, my bank was easier to deal with once i got the fsa leaflet out lol and i had two copies, and he stamped and signed both. even put his name there lol....
  2. The 32 is £20 for missed payment charge, and 12 is cos u defaulted on ur loan by nt paying.... It is true, Wonga can try to collect but if the cpa has been removed then no money willl leave ur bank. Email Wonga to try arrange a repayment schedule...else they will keep adding! keep a copy of all emails sent to u from wonga, and all u sent as u may need them for future reference!
  3. OK so ive edited details and sent letter off. 1st class recorded delivery....only 30 mins from where i live so should get there tomorrow. Included a copy of my ID...( driving licence - but i scribbled out the signature just in case) utility bill, and also copy of marriage certificate as my surname changed in the last couple of years. Also included screenshot of credit entry by them. HOPEFULLY now they will sort it out. Oh and i didnt sign the letter, i just put my name, and initialled as ive read posts to say dont include a signature just initials. Thankyou Brig
  4. On credit file I can see the last 4 numbers of the account number!
  5. im not complaining, i want to keep paying it! i just wondered if they could do that!
  6. It has the AR ( Arrangement to Pay) marker up until december 2012. Then as 01/01/2013 it is UC ( unclassified ) and got a ST underneath which is closed/settled!! and is now in closed account section of noddle...not open. Account start date 11/07/2012 Account end date 01/01/2013 Opening balance £ 1,000 Repayment frequency Monthly Status history Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 2013 UC ST
  7. ahaha well Enjoy ur evening sweets....Thanks for your help MUCH appreciated xx
  8. Yes ideally. But if i cant then i want a new card so i CAN use it
  9. but it has never been used!!! The limit of £100, has stayed the same ever since the cc account opened! never been used at all...just the accounts open.
  10. Oh i see.. But on my original letter ive already stated that i applied for it...but assumed i was declined due to not receiving a card, pin or even a statement.
  11. OK Thankyou Brigadier, i cant thankyou enough sweetheart.... xxx
  12. becareful cos in the past, wonga have took payment for their loan from me at bang on midnight....
  13. QQ have informed me that because I am on a repayment with them via direct debit, collection activity is not happening so therefore they update the account is ' settled' although if i chose to stop paying, collection activities would start and my credit file would change...i didnt think it happened like that !!
  14. no no defaults anywhere....its just updated every month...same balance as when it supposedly started in 2008, and that payments are up to date! Ideally i wanted to cancel the card and account but this is where im having trouble because I am unable to get thru security when ive called them as I cant remember the details when i applied, and also by post they cant help me cos i didnt include the account number( which i cant provide as ive never received nothing from them)....its not causing me any problems being there, but if i cant close it, then at least give me a new card and then i can close it, if that makes sense.
  15. no theres no use....never been used and balance always same since i supposedly had it in 2007/2008..
  16. What am i to do with these? I apparently have a credit card with them from 2008. I remember applying at old address. but never received a card, a pin, not even a statement. so i assumed i was declined. Now i saw it on my credit file, rang them up but they cant do anything as i couldnt get thru security, cos i cant remember the details. was advised to send a letter, proof of name change( as i married in 2011) proof of address to update my account at least. They replied saying they cant do anything as my letter didnt have my account number on ...well duh, i never received nothing from them, how would i know....what do i do now? they told me to call but i cant get past security, so no point in waste of fone bill.. . i dont know what to do. help please!
  17. Just a random question that i thought someone else may know the answer! My experian now shows that Very have updated my account..but the Updated date is 10.03.2013 How can they do that, when its only the 27th feb 2013 today??
  18. OK Sorry, my mistake. Seems they all hide behind offices!!
  19. I dont know what exactly i should do. QuickQuid was not reporting to the CRA correctly in whch I raised disputes and got in touch with both QQ and noddle. After a month of fighting, It seemed the QQ had finally sorted it and was up to date and had the right information( account balance, account status) until i received my new report just yesterday. NOW even though my account with QQ is very much open and active, the CRA have informed me the account is closed and ' settled' Even yesterday a manager at QQ confirmed my account was open and emailed me to say that too... Other than raise disputes AGAIN and have sent emails to this manager asking for an explanation, what else can I do? Any ideas anyone?
  20. Brigadier, they look like personal home addresses to me...but seems their business address is st john street
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