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Everything posted by sickofdebtcollectors

  1. it was on the cra file years ago but i had the number changed i got sick of calls from 7am untill 9pm i had a loan from a company but i fell ill due to p.t.s.d. not trying to make excuses up but when you come back after doing your duty serving your country you just want to chill out after the crxp you have been under paying bills is the least of your worrys but after i came on leave my wife and i got news that our son had been killed by a drunken driver i informed the loan company that we where under so much heart ache but they sold the debt on to robbinsonway who then started all there threats i told them bring it on send how you like im ready for it sorry for going on but i hate these people who threaten people on the telephone they havent got the guts to say things to your face just on the phone or in letters or am i wrong
  2. just from a supermarket which i wont name just in case cag might get in trouble if i post it up they deliver my heavy shopping and other items but they have had the number for years and say no information is given out to third partys
  3. hi i got a letter about a week ago off BCW group for hoist then just a couple of days ago i got a telephone call off them on my landline asking for me i dont know how they got my number from as i have been ex directory since 2004 only my friends and family have the number and would not give it to anyone, even my mobile phone provider does not have it and my car insurance provider does not have it either does anyone have any ideas how on earth they obtained it ?
  4. Then why does the oft not revoke licences when so many complaints go in to so many dcas ?
  5. I know that mate but they all are connected in someway if we help them they should help us it does not matter if they are TS or OFT they should pass complaints on
  6. So trading standards needs our help bringing to book these companys, filling complaints to them so they might be able to close them down for good well i suppose thats fair enough. how about trading standards take our complaints seriously and helps us aswell getting rid of DCA"s licences for good who break guide lines instead of saying now behave yourself you naughty company or we might do something:To trading standars i have been told by some DCA"s im a piece of **** im nothing im going to be arrested by the police and sent to prison for not paying an alleged debt also some people are making a doorstep visit to you soon so you should pay now or risk that i told them bring it on im an ex para and proud of it but these DCA"s if Not all pick on vunrable people: cabot financial.robbinsonway.wescot.mckenzie hall.moorcroft.lowell financial.capital 1.capquest.ruthbridge. please do something againsts these parasites instead of just warning them.
  7. hi mate i had scotcall idiots at my door last thursday it was funny these to bulky men got out of their car after watching the house for other ten minutes god knows why, its been recorded by our cctv for our protection they came to the door and asked to speak to me i said who are you and do you have an appointment to see mr xxxxxxx he said im from scotcall and i dont need an appointment to see him i replied well you are tresspassing then because you do he came out with all kinds of bull that he was going to have me arrested for obstruction and was going to have all the property in our home taken away also i said well try but the police have been called and are on their way and you will have to answer to them he said well we might be gone by then and will come back later little did they know my mate had all ready clamped their car they could not i know its childish getting revenge but at the time it made us all laugh and feel good
  8. ok cheers mate i thought so i do wish that some people would stop watching a channel out there that gives them very little help in the long run saying stuff i dont think it help them they are getting diffrent laws mixed up with there alleged debts
  9. hi i know im new here but ive had the run around with loads of dcas since 2003 none of them ever do what they say they may or might do are they allowed to send people letters out that some may think are threaterning them ?
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