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Everything posted by paydayjoke

  1. With the first letter it had an income and expenditure form I think
  2. Thanks @BankFodder I have received a letter (well second one) from Moriaty Law which is chasing one of the loans (bamboo) on behalf of Lantern that states "FINAL DEMAND BEFORE PROCEEDINGS" which says that if I don't contact them then they have been instructed to issue county court proceedings, and shows a load of extra fees that would be added. I'm currently on universal credit. Is there any point in contacting them or just wait for the claim form? I'm still not quite sure what to do when I get one. Whelp The loan was £3000, they are asking for almost £6000 which is the total interest for the agreed term (I guess) letters.pdf
  3. Probably because nothing comes of these "debts" because they can't do anything about it so people forget that they posted 4 years ago and don't come to update saying nothing happened...
  4. I'm in load of debt (too much for a DRO) and "owe" paypal more than you. The way I see it is you never made any agreement with them to borrow money, they aren't a credit company, and in fact in your case someone else fraudulently (if true) did it. I really care not what they threaten as I can't see them having a leg to stand on whatsoever.
  5. They have my address. They sent me a cheque here (and my SAR records if I recall correctly) Cabot have also written to me here (which I have ignored fully) I have just logged into online banking because there are unused accounts and my address is correct on there.
  6. They offered to settle for £2k at some point (when the debt was c. £5.2k). Since then they reduced the balance owed by £1500 and sent me a cheque for 400-800£ (I don't remember the amount) as a refund of some charges. They then recently sold the debt off. They have my current address as do Cabot. I don't recall when they received this address but I've been here over 3 years now. I did SAR them at some point for the statements. To be fair the amount "owed" is probably not made up by fees now. I was just wondering if their payment to reduce the balance/my communication with them accepting a cheque from them would have reset the Statue Barred clock. If it didn't I reckon the new owners of the debt have until some point next year to do court action. This is one of many but I thought Halifax had written this one off in practice to be honest. They've just sold it now after no recovery activity in 4-5 years!
  7. I received a notice of assignment and also it now shows on my credit report as being in wetcloth's name @Old Cogger I have no intention to contact them any time soon just wondered if the fact halifax had been in touch with a partial refund to me and also the account restarted the statute barred clock I'm so sorry its CABOT not westcot. My fault
  8. One of the Loans has been sold to Lantern. They issued their notice of assignment by email. Is this legitimate if/when it goes to court? Or does it have to be in physical written form? I have ignored this debt buyer and plan to unless I receive a PAP. Also they have sold it with the whole 3 year's interest due. Back last year Bamboo said they would start an irresponsible lending complaint for me (I have this in writing, by email) but when I chased they said I hadn't started one (and I didn't) Should I do one still as I understand if they agree with it they will remove the amount owed back to principal only? If I do this does it restart the statute barred clock (which is nothing at the moment, less than a year so far but I don't want to make any unnecessary contact) Thanks!
  9. After no contact regarding trying to chase this debt, Halifax have sold this debt to Westcot. It shows as defaulting/closed in 2015 so I am hoping to run the clock down until it is statute barred. Part of me has a feeling that it A couple of years ago Halifax contacted me (without me asking) and said they had been reviewing accounts and had treated me unfairly at the time so were making a refund of x amount of fees. An amount (i don't recall exactly what, 800£ or so) was paid to me via cheque and the rest was reduced off the owed amount by them. I was wondering does that reset the 6 year clock do you think? I also have a feeling that they had the default registered/account active in 2016 (also the date I started this thread) and part of them "making things right" was moving the default to when it should have been in 2015. Last thing I want to do is in 6 months or whenever it is write to Westcot and say its SB and them to say it isn't because of the above and restarting the 6 years... Cheers
  10. Brilliant thanks that's what I needed to hear. I'm gonna go back to burying head in sand/ignore everything but "pre-action protocol letter" you mention which is I guess what comes before a ccj. Many thanks. I enjoy ignoring them. Just wondered if I should have done anything else. Thanks @London1971!
  11. Ok so I have had enough of a break from not dealing with any of this. I spoke to Stepchange and their advice was to send creditors my I&E plus list of other creditors and ask for a payment suspension for 12 months. I can't see why I should tell them who else I owe money to? My total debt is around 30k it looks like. My income at the moment is £400 and outgoings more than that so it's not great! I have nudged bamboo again about the irresponsible lending complaint as that one genuinely was. The rest I don't know if I can claim any irresponsible lending as they were just credit cards and the first loan I took out I was in an ok position. Now stuff has mainly defaulted what should my next steps be? I do feel I should write to them again and get the £1 a month going? Or not? I genuinely don't see things improving anytime soon. I'm somewhat tempted by the bankruptcy thing because what have I got to lose? It's going to take 6 years for my credit file to repair either way and I don't have any assets. I am aware it costs £680! Stepchange didn't recommend bankruptcy and that's only because I couldn't afford the fee but I could borrow that to make it all go away. I don't really see the downside at this point as I can't see myself paying off 30k+ I could ignore things and let ccjs come and say I have only £1 a month to pay or what? Could I get some debts written off by writing nice letters pleading and avoiding all the inevitable hassle that is coming? My mental health is not great at the moment to say the least.
  12. With all due respect they will. You know my paypal situation from my main thread. It's the same essentially. I have simply removed my tainted paypal account and linked my new (third) account to it now. My Ebay account I've had for donkey's years so loads of feedback etc.
  13. The same good as paying any service provider; you get to keep using them. It's just totally separate from his paypal 15k gambling balance. Sure he doesn't have to pay them, but he does owe them and if he wants to use the same ebay account then I imagine he would have to
  14. Ebay doesn't own Paypal anymore. They are separate entities. Just pay your ebay fees with a debit card.
  15. If they're being difficult then maybe cancel and return whole order and start again? For what it's worth I have bought lots from eBuyer, would recommend them in a heartbeat and have had refunds processed without any grief.
  16. Yes get on the ignore train. That's what I'm doing with two £5k debts (yes they let me do it with another account after I already owed them £5k from same story as you). We made no credit agreement with them regarding this. Hopefully the gambling credit card rules in April will include this (I'm not sure they will but there was some mention of paypal for gambling) One of mine is also with Westcot (the other hasn't reached them yet). I wonder how many Paypal £5k debts they are chasing
  17. In August I was going to India with a friend and made two flight bookings via kayak. one via BA and one via a travel agency called Crystal Travel. This was because my return date was different to hers and this was the cheapest way. My friend wasn't very well and we needed to change the flights by a few days. This was right around the time when there was strike action announced by BA. We changed hers online for a cost of £230 (minimum change fee is £150!) against an initial ticket cost of around £565 For my ticket, on the BA website it wouldn't let me login until 24 hours before so I called the travel agency. They wanted me to pay something like £380 to change my ticket to the same flight(original cost around £480). It was exactly the same change but they wanted to charge £150 on top of BA's price to change it for me! I did not know at the time that you had to go through the agency to change any ticket. I was not willing to pay this so I thought if I could get hold of BA then they would help me change it on the phone. Unfortunately this proved impossible. I genuinely mean hours spent on hold. This was all due to the upcoming strike action (not affecting my flight period at all). I tweeted them to ask the question and carried on holding. Nothing worked. OK. I found a new flight one way on air india for around £350 or something and I'd come back on BA. This was more about the principal than the money. Flight was amazing by the way, totally recommend! My friend had to come home early. We logged on and changed her flight for another £150. I thought I would look at my flight and logged in except it wouldn't let me. I contacted BA via twitter and they said because I didn't travel on my outbound flight my return was automatically cancelled. FUMING! There was absolutely nothing they would do about it even though I showed them https://t.co/CJum59dhag?amp=1 "although most people think the policy seems 100% unreasonable "Emirates and Flybe say they will protect return flights if passengers contact them after missing a flight. AS WILL BA, 'if a customer has a genuine reason'" To me it's a total sham; they didn't inform me they were cancelling my ticket. If I hadn't have checked then I would have ended up turning at the airport to checkin and being told "sorry sir, your ticket was cancelled, if you want to fly today you can buy another ticket for the EXTREMELY generous price of £thousands!" I did have a genuine reason for missing the flight; couldn't contact them to change it. This wasn't a ploy by myself to do a split-ticket trick thing where you use only one portion to get a cheaper overall journey. I kept tweeting @ them on twitter to contact me leading up to the flight but they didn't reply until a couple of days after. Whilst I think this is ludicrous, I figured it was pointless going after any refund but what about the taxes and charges tried to find out how much those were. Crystal Travel wouldn't tell me offered me £32. I made a formal complaint they offered me £95. I carried on at BA asking for a breakdown and it took multiple months and me prodding them when I remembered to finally receive, "I'm sorry you're having problems getting the breakdown of your refund. I spoke with our Ticketing team and they confirmed your refundable taxes are £139.12. Your travel agent will deduct any applicable cancellation fees. " I don't think this is the correct amount. As I didn't fly surely there were no taxes and charges paid therefore I should receive these back right? I have not been able to get a breakdown of the ticket cost so have just sent a SAR to the travel agent. Based off the ticket booked directly of my friend's £565 ticket, £362.22 was for taxes, charges and fees. I get that I didn't fly (I believe it ended up a very full flight and someone on standby likely got my seat). Do you think I am entitled to more than £95 that the travel agent offered? How do you think I should go about persuing this further? On another note, do you think my travel insurance might payout for it as I had to change it due to my friend being ill? Sorry for the long post, I''ve tried to stick to the pertinent bits. It could have been longer!
  18. What he is saying is that due to Paypal not being able to reclaim the chargeback, he can no longer view his credit account statements and balance. This is because once your balance is negative for a certain time they close the account. He made some payments after being hounded by phone, but these payments have not been applied correctly to his credit account. It's probable the phone calls were about the neg balance and not credit. So his credit account has now defaulted. They should have sent you a letter (they did with me) warning of default to come and if not I think you can appeal on these grounds? I'm no expert but others here are...
  19. Conflicting advice from @dx100uk and @uncle bulgaria :-It's not tax credit its housing benefit; I don't owe HMRC anything... I don't have payday loans, just loans with crap interest. Why are you against doing the bankruptucy so much? Clean slate and all that...
  20. a little update; Of the 6 letters I sent 3 were acknowledged. One accepting £1/month for now and two from the same creditor trading under different names asking for full I&E which I haven't done. In a moment of madness I managed to depsoit 5k to a gambling site I didn't have due to paypal's crazy policy of allowing payments which are to be collected by direct debit after a couple of days to gambling sites! Mad they allow this but this will show as a negative paypal balance (in a different account to the original "debt"). The first paypal -£5k account has been closed and passed to a DCA now. I have ignored them. My council has appeared to have stepped up their collection efforts for £2.5k in alleged housing benefit overpayment from 2015/16. I have acknowledged their letters over the past 3 years each time by email but they rarely respond to my pleas. I truly think if there was overpayment then it was for less than half the amount they claim. At the time I didn't think I was being overpaid because I wasn't really working but I had stopped claiming JSA/ESA (and told them as much) but earned a couple of hundred pounds a month from sporadic work. Also what I thought was a dormant debt from 2016 to Halifax has been actually sold ( to caboot? I think. Hard to keep track of everyone) I've been getting phone calls daily but ignoring them for the most part. I did request all communication in writing in my original letters. I feel incapable of dealing with these creditors and whilst initially I was feeling that I would be happy to just ignore all the letters (arreas, defaults and the like) and phone calls for an indefinite amount of time and hope to make it 6 years to statute barred-ness and accept or defend any CCJ attempts that did arrive. I figured that avoiding these creditors for 3 months so far is 5% of the way there to statute barred! But I figre for these fairly sizeable amounts they probably won't all let it go and I will get some CCJ docs (never had to deal with that) However now my mood and thinking has changed. I am looking again at insolvency. I'm over the DRO limit now so its BR or nothing. I was wondering why you said to not consider this and it would be stupid @dx100uk? Although shirking my debts/responsibilities it does seem like an "easy" way out at the moment. It would be so nice to know that what's done is done and to be able to draw a line in the sand and start again in a year or so and not have to avoid creditors or worry about what's coming next... It certainly would help the environment what with the amount of letters that are arriving already(!) considering the first payment I missed was october/november (excluding the old halifax and council debts). I am inordinately stressed about it now even though I thought I would be already . Any advice would be great if it was to get my head out of the sand and contact people/do the ignoring thing and seeing what happens/reasons to do or not to do bankruptcy for these unsecured debts? Thanks
  21. my pro-rata offer is minus at the moment lol so I will look to modify it and offer the £1 token payment. Is that the right move? At the end of the day both they and I know that you can't get blood out of a stone and I am a stone currently Thanks again sir
  22. Hi @BankFodder and Dx100 thanks for your replies. Well nothing has defaulted yet as I had been able to make payments up until this month for everything. This/next month is when this going to start hitting the fan and I want to The livelend loan is about a year old. Bamboo is like a month and I've made one payment Likely a couple of months and I've made two payments. Aqua credit card I've had for a few years and it started with a smallish limit and they kept increasing it. Say it went to up to 1600 at some point and I used it and paid it back and didn't use it and they increased it a couple of times. I had always paid it off and had it sitting there doing nothing so they were quite happy I guess. Interestingly they actually cut the limit by 300 to just under 4000 and I got a letter saying after a review they were doing that (I don't know what triggered them to do this). It was only in June that they increased it significantly from approx 2.5k or 3000 to 4100. Capital One credit card I think they increased it once and again I only used it once and cleared it and then they increased it slightly and I've utilised it all now. I have probably had it a year or so. Paypal credit they just offered me 2.5k limit and I used it for buying things. It was probably opened 18 months ago. I missed payment last month but paid it since. Barclays I've been with for years and am actually premier (lol) and have had loads of money going through my account but never sitting in there for long and I actually don't have to pay anything for my overdraft. Santander I have had the account for a few years but never really used it too much, it was more of a backup current account and I used it for work once where I needed to keep some things separate. They only recently let me have an overdraft and I it up the wall this month. @dx100uk Thinking about it I didn't have any real credit for a fairly long time aside from payday loans which I got into a trap with but paid off. The only thing that was a major negative on my credit file was the closed Halifax account with a balance of between -£3.7k or -£5.2k depending on when they looked at it. So what I'm saying is I don't think it was shot (though it certainly wasn't good enough to get many "normal" low-interest products. Bamboo and likely loans are, I imagine, high risk lenders in that they will give them to people with not great credit but with that comes high interest. I think one is 60% and the other 70%! These were used to try and gamble my way out . Nobody sane would take out such loans but as I've admitted I'm deluded. Livelend they were more reasonable around 13% I feel like I could have a chance with bamboo and likely about irresponsible lending and it doesn't hurt to ask. With everyone else (the credit cards) I think I should just write and offer them £1 a month and say I will review in 6 months (or is it 3? I forget the standard practice). I didn't realise that considering DRO or BR was "stupid"; The amount I owe feels insurmountable and hence this is why I was considering those options... Is it better to approach them now or wait for things to default? I don't mind if they pass them off to DCAs but I would prefer to get them to agree to freeze interest so the number owed doesn't rack up. As I've read countless times DCAs are powerless and have to work with what I offer (which, currently, is basically nothing). I still want to bury my head in the sand but I think for my mental health it would be better to get ahead of things. I guess I shouldn't care about my credit rating now. There's no reason I need to get in this position again. I know that I need to do things in writing and refuse to talk over the phone. Are emails suitable in this day and age or do I need to stick to physical letters? I think that recorded delivery isn't necessary just proof of postage? Sorry for the long post and I hope I have got my thoughts across. Thanks again
  23. Oh I just remembered I have a long defaulted account with Halifax balance approx £3700 I believe (from around 2015) but they aren't chasing me for it or anything. It was actually over £5000 but they refunded me a load of unfair charges (their words) This does however push me over the £20,000 limit for a DRO I think? i'm on happy pills (anti depressants) but they aren't cutting the mustard anymore and I do need to see my GP soon to see if he can help in anyway. With regards to gambling it's so complicated; through my life I have made money (as well as having had some jobs) being a "professional gambler" (gambling where the odds are in your favour - think card counting for example, fruit machines years ago for a long time.... Other things.) But I've also been totally compulsive at the same time. It;'s so entrenched in my psyche that it's hard to imagine just giving it up totally. I also have drug issues that have plagued me and it's a shame because I am fairly intelligent and could have been successful in life in theory but mainly due to those two things (and not really having any drive, ambition, whatever... I could go on and on but this isn't a therapy forum :P) I've not managed to. I'm 36 by the way. Cheers
  24. Hi people I've managed to get myself into a sorry state financially. I'm insanely depressed which I guess is common for many. I don't think all of it comes down to the financial stuff but it is really crushing me now. Facts: A lot of debt has been due to living on credit and gambling. I don't have a job. I know I should get one but I just totally despondent at the moment (due to many reasons) . I don't expect any sympathy but I thought I would share this. It's tempting to bury my head in the sand and wait for the inevitable calls from various collections departments but I want to be as proactive as possible. I think I've cancelled all direct debits so I don't get bouncing charges from the banks... So onto the debts: Loans livelend; £2400 was 4k 13% interest Bamboo £3000 (only just made the first payment this month) supid interest Likelyloans approx £3500 stupid interest One payday loan for £200 I just got to cover some bills (knowing that I'd unlikely be able to pay it) - this is the only thing I haven't cancelled with the bank as they just take it from your card Credit cards: Aqua approx. 3900 Capital one approx. 1200 Amazon approx £500 Paypal Credit Approx £1100 Overdrafts Santander £1500 Barclays £1k limit (I don't actually pay anything for this) So all in all approximately £18,000 I also have a negative Paypal balance of £5000 but I don't believe this classes as a debt and I don't think they can do anything about this having read up on it quite a lot. I guess my question is what is my best course of action. Should I look to do a DRO? Should I go bankrupt? (eurgh. Full disclosure I did this 15 years ago when I was 21. You think I would have learnt!) Should I write to each creditor and offer them £1 a month? Should I talk to one of the debt charities? It is all my fault that I'm in this state but I also know that it's not the end of the world because they are all non priority debts. I probably am slightly behind on the council tax but not significantly. I started claiming universal credit a couple of weeks ago and had my first appointment last week but managed to miss the next one due to not being able to sleep and then oversleeping and so I guess they've probably kicked me off that already and I might have to claim again. So yeah. I take responsibility for what's happened but I don't see any way out. I've been very depressed lately due to this and other things. There is no one to "bail me out" and I probably don't need or want that anyway. Any advice appreciated
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