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  1. Hi, I'll try and make this is as concise as possible. I have a PayPal account which has a PayPal credit account on it and about half way through last year I sold an item on Ebay which the buyer paid through PayPal to me and they did a dirty trick and PayPal did a charge back but were unable to get the funds back from my bank account because of insufficient funds. They attempted to get the funds on numerous occasions before giving up and then they locked out my PayPal account and because of this I can no longer use my PayPal credit or see any of the information relating to that which includes the statements. What started happening was the day after my PayPal credit payment was due they would start phoning (always 3 times a day for some reason) and I would call them up and pay the amount they requested and that was fine. Then one day it occurred to me that PP are calling up and saying my bill is late and to pay it now but they aren't ever sending me any statements I have no clue what my balance is, what the minimum amount I need to pay is or when the payment day actually is! the next time they called up, I spoke to them and said I'm not paying unless you send me a statement (which i said I am sure was actually a legal requirement). the response was that the statement is online and I can view it there I told the guy several times that I can't log in because PP have locked down my account. His response was that I needed to contact customer services as PP Credit and PP are two different companies. After spending an hour on hold to PayPal and not being able to speak with anyone because they couldn't verify my phone number (Which is amazing as they'd called me up on it enough) I gave up trying to contact their useless customer services. After a month of the 3 calls a day from PayPal credit (most of which were recorded announcements) I called them back and again requested a paper statement and to be contacted by letter only. To be told again that statements are online only and I got quite irate with them to be honest at this point. The phone calls that I asked them to stop making didn't and they've continued to call three times every day (except Sundays) since. Because I have refused to pay them they have now started to send out a letter each month saying that a £12 fee has been added and a statement! Then on Wednesday this week without any warning I got a notification on my credit file that PP Credit have placed a default on my file. Can anyone advise what steps to take? I think I was within my rights to ask for paper statements from the outset because I couldn't log into my account and the fact they also ignored my request on how to communicate with myself.
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