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Everything posted by Scots1

  1. Hi Yes we lost our house because of it!!!! They were taken to the Court of Session in Edinburgh but that was too late for us and in this last week we got a letter from the Met Police to say they are investigating them!
  2. Good luck dealing with nram, they repo'd our home yesterday despite us paying toward the arrears and offering to pay more, they also had a near market value offer from a property investement company which the declined, they are nasty vile people. Fortunatly we have moved into an amazing new home and can start to put this all behind us x
  3. What happened was when Shelter Scotland represented us in court both my husband and I were represented in court instead of just one of us, had it just been either myself or my husband then yes we could have gone back to court, it is unbelieveable that this is the way it works but it is, 3 lawyers have told us so. Mandate is in place so we are at their merci. The offer for the property that is going to be given is only 5-10k less than market value but we know in our hearts it will be refused
  4. Well NRAM are going to get a very decent offer for the house but we have a feeling they are going to refuse it simply because of who they are and how they conduct themselves. Lawyers are astounded that they are doing this even though we were paying our mortgage plus extra! I started packing today and we get the keys to our new home in a day or so, it is a beautiful house where we can start to out al this behind us what ever the outcome. i am having to move my childrens schools which for autistic spectrum disorder (aspergers) is going to be a huge stressful adjustment but we will get there no matter what.
  5. Hi We are almost at this position with nram ourselves, our date for us and our 4 children is the 27th Nov next week). We have a property group making an offer to nram which being honest is a great offer, not too much less than market value and we would be willing to arrange a payment plan for the short fall. If nram refuse and auction the property it will sell for 40-50k less than the offer they are being given yet we have a strong feeling they will refuse it, they are nasty people and pray on people. We fell vivtim to fraud last year which left us unable to pay our mortgage for a couple months, we were honest with them and told it was ok and we could repay the arrears. Then in Feb we got an eviction notice which we got stayed but when it went to court the judge sided with them and a mandate put in place. WE then arranged to pay extra on top of what we were paying and all fine until last Monday when we got a second eviction notice!!! Fortunately we have found a beautiful home to rent and are moving this weekend and we hope and prey this offer to purchase is accepted but we doubt it. If it isn't we will dispute things when they come to us for the short fall!! I hope you get this sorted, this is a horrid stressful time, I for one have got very ill over it x
  6. We are still no further along with this, have has 2 letters from NR saying that they won't accept our proposals.Spoke to emergency accommodation people and we can't actually get into accommodation until the day of eviction. This is awful, I haven't eaten all week our poor children are suffering, we just don't know what to do
  7. yes they have our bank statements, we faxed them twice, got fax confirmation that they had gone yet NR say they didn't get them, funny that. They have got them now though. Even the lawers acting on NR's behalf are surprised. Al we want is a bit more time to get ourselves housed in the property we are looking at tomorrow then they can do what they want with the house. We do have other options but it is hard not to look beyond the worst situation
  8. The extra payments weren't agreed in court, they were agreed with NR when my husband spoke to them after the mandate was issued
  9. I have spoken to Shelter Scotland and they say that because we were legally represented in court and the mandate still issued then there is basically nothing we can do. I am just going to call a lawyer
  10. I posted some months ago about an eviction date set for Feb this year, we managed to get a Stay of Eviction and (sadly Northern Rock). The court date was set and the court sided with NR and a mandate put in place. We managed to negotiate paying extra with our monthly mortgage and this has been fine, we pay over the phone every month but on Monday we were served an eviction notice for 27th Nov at 10am. We spoke to NR and agreed further additional payment and had to fax over bank statements which we did but NR said they didn't receive them, it is so hard to get through to speak to any one and they are just refusing. We just don't understand why they are suddenly doing this. We will literally be homeless with all our belongings some how in storage, 4 children and no where to go. All we want is some extra time to get our stuff packed and into a new property
  11. No idea why Shelter where like that. When my husband spoke to nram yesterday it turned out they had made several errors in our expenditure form and even said they thought it looked unusual but they didn't contact us!!! How ever it is sorted now. For the mean time we would rather pay the increased amount and have the 5k in an account as backup should we have a month where money is very tight so we can say use half from our bank and half from the savings, that will take us through to next year when husbands next annual bonus is due (it was late this year) when we can then give them a lump sum. For the moment we are just happy that we don't have to pack up and go, we can and will get through this x
  12. Another update My husband finally managed to get to speak to some one at NRAM today and they have said we can either pay just over £900 a month and try to sell the property in 3 months (never going to happen) or pay £1200 a month to start paying off the arrears which we are going to do, it will be tight but we will manage. WE are terrified that NRAM move the goal posts again though! A letter is being sent out stating the above options. I am going to squirrel away 5k into a bank acc should any hard time arise. So we are cancelling the rental property we had found, husband still wanted to send the keys back but surely what we are going to do is better than having a repossession hanging over us. Maybe in the coming days I will be able to eat and sleep again!
  13. So sorry to hear you are going through this, hopefully some one will be along to help you soonx
  14. We don't understand either, I have read so many cases where people go on like this for years yet one court hearing and we are out. I just don't know where to turn and my husband now just wants rid of this house
  15. This has only been going on since Feb when the original eviction notice was for. I don't understand why NRAM are being so harsh on us especially when we have been paying extra to the arrears, we even offered them an extra 2k at the end of this month on top of our normal payment but that was refused at the last court date 2 weeks ago.
  16. but the judge has already sided with NRAM, we were being represented my Shelter Scotland and they have said that it isn't worth putting an appeal in. Arrears are 9k which includes the unsecured element of our mortgage.
  17. should have also said that we hadn't used nor heard of the payday loan company. We just don't see that we have any other options at all than to either hand over the keys or let repossession go ahead (we will have moved out by then) . I am worried sick, not eating or sleeping, trying to sort out schools/transport/after school care for the children. NRAM say the hardship team are there to talk to but all they want is an offer to pay back the arears but we were already paying extra
  18. We had agreed to pay of the arrears then in Nov/Dec last year we were victims of fraud, a payday loan company sent a wages arrest on my husbands wages leaving is very short of money. When we called the court who has issued the arrestment they had never heard of us, the case file number didn't exist and the "judge" that signed the letter didn't exist!!!! The"company" have since had to appear in front of the court of session in Edinburgh!! NRAM said that as their was just enough money left in our acc to pay the mortgage we should have done that but by not doing so we broke the prior agreement. WE informed them of everythin but they still started eviction proceedings
  19. We got a stay of eviction back in Feb (I posted about it on my other thread) and anothe court date was set of 2 weeks ago, judge sided with NRAM saying we had broken agreement so they could proceed with eviction
  20. We have been left with no other option but to hand our keys back to our mortgage company! We can't put it on the market as 1/ it would take too long to sell if at all and 2/ prices have fallen so much where we are, we have a 6 year old 5 bedroom house and would be lucky if we got 160k for it now and we are in negative equity as it is. We have secured a stunning rental home not too far from where we are now, the children are so excited at moving so that part is good. The stigma I am finding hard to cope with, getting "that" notice slapped on the front door and the gossip that follows , I don't want the children to suffer as a result. I am so cross with NRAM for doing this, we are paying our mortgage and extra towards the arrears but that isn't enough we have to get out of the house. So we will move into this stunning rental house and start saving so that in a couple of years we may be able to secure a mortgage again.
  21. Hi, sorry to hear you had to do this. I hope things work out for you, it is something we have considered doing as well. Re the locks being changed from what I am aware of changing the locks means that your mortgage company have repossessed the house (there may even be a repo notice on the door now).I would write to your local council tax office and inform them xx
  22. Another update, last court date was last Wednesday, husband has spoken to the lady representing us at Shelter Scotland and basically Northern Rock don't want to know, because we missed 2 payments over christmas when the money was fraudulently taken from our bank it broke the agreement we had in place so NR are saying that is it. We have to speak to them again but knowing what they are like it is going to be flogging a dead horse it would seem!
  23. Just thought I would update on this. The first court date was put on hold as the solicitor appointed didn't turn up!! The second time the judge wanted to look at Northern Rocks procedures and paper work. The Solicitor at Shelter got the impression that NR thought we couldn't afford the payments + the extra we are paying at the moment so suggested we offer a lower payment, my husband offered this plus a 3k lump sum which was refused, NR are now saying that they want the lump sum and to up our payments from £1100 to £1200!!!! They seem to be doing everything to make our home un affordable for us (we are meeting the payments plus the £110 extra a month). The last court date was on Wednesday (8th May) so we are waiting to hear what happened, I am now just worried all over again
  24. yeah we have contacted both, not that they have done anything! was just wondering if any one else had had dealings with them really
  25. ANy one ever had any dealing with them? We haven't but they seem to think we have and in Nov and Dec they put an arrest on my husbands wages and £1400 was removed! Upon further investigation it transpired that the letter of arrestment sent to my DH's employer was forged! It came from Barnsley (I think) county court, the letter head was forged, the judge that "signed" the letter doesn't even exist and the amount we "owe" changes all the time. How do these people do that, when dh contacted Barnsley CC they had never (obviously) heard of us and we weren't the first people to have contacted them about it that day, very odd. Back in court this month, sigh!
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