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  1. Thanks for the replies, Yes we have both moved to separate places and renting privately. What would be the first port of call for me? all we seem to of had from nram is a couple letters saying the outstanding balance and to call to discuss, then a couple letters from a debt recovery agent 'Allied' chasing the money. Also stay strong Scots1 any help would be truly appreciated
  2. Hi all, I'm looking for help, Last august (2012) my house was repossessed by Northern rock asset management (NRAM). After a very long fight over arrears Nram got the their repossession order enforced and my wife and 2 boys plus my self had to move out. this was the final nail in the coffin for my marriage and we moved to separate houses. after 2/3 months our house was sold by auction for £30000 less then the market value. Brings me to my help, we are now being pursued for £18694.18 and I would like some help fighting this. I know many people will say that its my debt and I should pay it back but if I'm honest I don't feel responsible for it and nram owe me not the other way round, We had our house on the market and had interest even a offer (although rediculas) which we was told by NRAM that it was not good enough as there would still be a shortfall of £2000- £3000. Now I know I am not going to ever see money back from nram but I want to fight the money they claim i owe them. What would be the steps I would have to take? Kindest regards.
  3. hi all, just a quickie, got a solicitor involved now who seems extreamly confident to get this set aside and then defend a case too. ( he did say if its set aside he thinks it would be unlikely 1st crud wud put another claim in). but another company wud prob try their luck
  4. hi rory, what do i comlain about? what i mean is i just tell them all the things 1st cred have falled to do, how they have treated us so on and so on or do i have to quote law to them? i have wrote to my local mp but not heard anythin yet. i want to do all i can to help kick them hard in the B**ls :D
  5. hi all, Well court hearings have been agurned, the judge was quite nice and i think felt for me over all this. she has asked me to prepare a witness statement inresponce to 1st credits one and given me 3 weeks to send it to the courts and Lcs. Then LCS would have 2 weeks to respond to it. Got a appointment with a solicitor on tuesday who deals with this sort of stuff. the judge said my case looks good but i need to explain in more detail the why's and what for's , She advised i get legal help. I'll post when i no more peeps
  6. Hi all, it sure is close deepdebt, in court tomo. well just a quick update, we received a letter from LCS solicitors today (thats right today and court tomo), it had enclosed a witness statement of Natalie Sookhoo (haven't got a barny who she is) and a claiments statement of cost for hearing 25 february. Long story short from what i can make out, this person has tried to pick apart my application to set aside giving answers to my reasons to set asside. I must admit when the wife phoned and said they have sent all the paperwork i requested i was bricking it.......... that ended when i read it. What a compleat joke i am really looking forward to going in to court now, My reasons for set aside, 1, I do not acknowledge or reconise the debt to the claiment. To this they have sent a copy of the original application form for the M.B.N.A credit card. ( it has no terms just a bog standard app form ) 2, The claiment did not serve me with a default notice before filing claim. To this they have said " I contend that this is a matter for MBNA and the claimant is not required to file a default notice. (Surely they do???:?) 3, I did not recieve notification of the claim nor particulars of claim before the hearing and a judgement was givin in default in my absence. To this they say " The claim form was sent to the Defendants last known address, Known to the claimant as ****Blah blah blah***** on the 04 September 2008 and therefore deemed served under rule 6.7 of the Civil Procedure rules. Indeed this is the address given by the defendant in his application. ( the judgement was made on the 6th June 2008 so how did they serve me the papers on the 04 september 2008 thats 3 months after the court date and i never received them then or even received them now) Also in the statement under a heading Correspondence, They confirm that they recieved my CCA on 26th June 2008 and nobody replied. And on the 14th Sept 2008 they received my indefault to CCA letter and they replied on 18th sept 2008 with a letter saying they have requested the information from the original creditor. ( i still have not received this information only a copy of the application form attached to the witness statement) I did try to keep it short sorry
  7. hay all, got my court hearing date today, 25th feb 09. still not heard from solicitor going to drop them a line monday.
  8. ive sent a letter to my solicitor, so hopefully i'll be able to get all my cost back and i have also drafted a letter up to send to the oft and trading standards.
  9. think i will, i'll write up a letter and send it off to him tomo.
  10. hay all, i have sent a complaint to guildford through their complaints form. i did think of writing to my local mp to see what he makes of it all.
  11. cheers ODC, I have drawn up a letter and just about to walk it around to my sol's now. beero7
  12. that did cross my mind ODC, i bet their wondering how i knew because they never sent me any paperwork to say i had a hearing. oh well lets wait and see what they will do now.
  13. Hi all, Just got back from court, 1st crud sent a agent to act on their behalf. Well, the Judge has adjurned it for the next avalible date after 14days were he will hear both the final charging order and the set aside, he did say that my reasons to set aside had 'Very valid points' but because the lady who turned up was only a agent for 1st crud he would give them 2 weeks to look at my application. Im really thinking of getting some Legal repesentation for the next hearing, Im a bit worried that LCS/1st Crud will turn up with everything in order and i must admit ive never been so scared in my life as i was at court. I'll keep you all posted when i know more.
  14. update, hi all, today ive had some contact from hastings courts. there is a hearing on monday for a final charging order, thats right ive been told today......friday...... that im in court monday. also guilford have admited they have lost my application to have the judgement set aside, i had to run down to hastings courts with a new application and hopefuly the judge will look at it monday. also i still have not heard from lcs/1st crud with my cca think its been about 5/6 months since they received it ( they did confirm they received it on 14th september 2008 ) so im gonna try and sort all my stuff for the hearing on monday morning, any advise will be lovely. cheers
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