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Everything posted by Montyman42

  1. Retired from Tesco Senior Management, I know how it works. Problem resolved with an apology from the person concerned. Subject now closed.
  2. Financial is not now a problem, apology from the store manager and to ensure that this doesn't happen to others is required. Re-training of those involved.
  3. Tesco Fullborn Cambridgeshire. Order to be delivered to my son and family on 21 1 13. At 5.30 they phoned to find out where it was. They were told loaded and then unloaded, No delivery Money would be refunded in 3 to 5 days. If re-ordered delivery would be 2 days forward. It was explained that there should have been a phone call, they had insufficient funds to re-order and that 3 to 5 days was too late. 3 small children. No luck, then spoke to customer services who spoke to the store manager, a Mr Marco who would not give a reason for non delivery and would not help. Customer services were not happy with this and contacted again but he still refused to do anything, give reasons or apologise. This left my son and family a problem, I have had to go to the bank to transfer money to them, they had to manage on supplies they has, which were running low. They then have to go to the shops today. Is the store in breach of contract, should the store manager be discplined. can action, by me on my son's behalf be taken against Tesco for breah of contract.
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