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  1. I decided after many years being with my Bank to re-claim all my bank charges over a period of years!! today i received a call from my bank in regards with what i was asking for, the lady on the phone sounded quite vague and then by saying that they could only refund me partially my charges for 6 months??? So then i refused it and i told her to put it in writing what she had offered me,i told her i disagreed with her offer and i will be taking this further. Can anyone advise what i need to do now? thanks
  2. Hi thanks I can't really afford that right now, can anyone give me some input what those descriptors mean exactly still confussed?
  3. Hello A few day's ago i had my first home assessment with the change over from my old DLA, i have anxiety problems and not able to go out socially with my agoraphobia and i also suffer from painful joints with my arthritis. My home assessment was at 10 am the Assessor turned up 10 mins early a woman, she seemed ok at first but as the assessment went on she became quite abrupt and over voiced her opinion over mine which was very annoying? I had a friend with me noting down some of the assessors questions and the way she was trying to see if i was getting stressed with the questions being asked. The next question was about getting around has i have agoraphobia it's obvious that i have difficulties going out or even using public transport, my mental health will not allow me to use public transport reliably. This is because there are specific features about public transport that will trigger my mental health symptoms causing severe distress anxiety, panic attacks, somatic symptoms . As a result I specifically avoid using public transport. But again she over voiced her opinion that in my form i had said i can only travel in a car for emergencies only? usually in my friends car. I was under the impression that anybody who couldn't use public transport reliably as above should not be considered as being able to make an unfamiliar journey, this would mean they satisfied descriptor 11d and not just 11 b? But what would this also mean if i could get to the doctors ok which was a familiar route and not far from my home, but again i would need the help from my friend to take me i found these descriptors very confusing? Can anyone explain more about these descriptors, thank you
  4. Hello I've been with my back for over 20 yrs and i get charged silly amounts of money when just being over drawn by £10, my back will not up my over draft facility and i usually go over drawn each month, i don't have any credit cards as i can not afford the repayments. I just wondered if you can re-claim back the charges that i think are unfair to customers?
  5. You should come and join the JSA office where i live, my friend has had a terrible time from them she's already been sanctioned twice without good cause? she was signing on the regular days and sometime the person who she had to see didn't show up and left my friend hanging around for an hour..the JSA advisers really do enjoy giving sanctions to the poor people that can not find work...my friend has been to several job interviews but because of her age which is not really old she always finds the younger person gets it first? i really do hope if and when labour gets in and change the whole JSA and ESA system back to how it was run before. IDS AND HIS conservative pals should all be chucked out next election.
  6. kAPPS


    I would get on to you local MP tell them you are not happy being made to go through this stressful situation again also make a complaint to Atos and DWP, i don't understand why they think its necessary to assess someone so quickly and for that person to be waiting on edge for months for their results, i think they must enjoy making sick people worry to death?
  7. kAPPS


    Hi there Can i ask which group you had been put into in feb this seems abit soon for you to be even sent a new claim just after a few months? it goes to show this Governments desperate approach of assessing everyone that has already been through this stupid and stressful process.
  8. Yes this happens to my friend when she gets her DLA and ESA payment in the same week, her ESA was a day late which worried her but the following day received it.
  9. Comic relief red nose day is suppose to be for charitable people with a giving heart, not for the likes of David Cameron who is just greedy and does not know the meaning of being generous?
  10. Yes thay do say you need a water meter but not always the case, my friend didn't need to have one and just had a deduction from the yearly bill. Worth just telling them that you don't want to be put on a meter
  11. Hi there My friend has got a skin condition called psoriasis anyone managing their skin condition with water can be deemed as needing help, if your son has any skin conditions that needs attending each day you could get a deduction from his water bill each yesr?
  12. Hi Which of the disability benefits that you can get will exempt you from this cap?
  13. Government response: 32. The Government is keen that Universal Credit reflects the world of work, where 75% of people receive wages monthly.4 Paying in this manner will help smooth the transition into monthly paid work, encourage personal responsibility for finances and support claimants to budget on a monthly basis. This Governments ideology of work work and more work is just getting beyond idiotic now many of the vulnerable people will find having a monthly payment difficult enough, and many more will not understand the UC rules and will need to be safe guarded in case of falling behind in rent arrears, how does the DWP know which type of vulnerable groups of people will most be effected by this change before its to late?
  14. I have heard some people saying that people that receive the support group and DLA will not be affected, i want to find out more about this for my friend who is also in the support group contribution based from IB, plus she gets dla in LRM and LRC compacity i don't think shes gets the premium rate on top of her benefits, i just wondered if she will be affected she already pays abit towards her rent each week and pays about £14 council tax monthly
  15. I would imagine it was a stupid idea to start with how would people pay for other essentials other then basic food needs? it seems like this Government rush through polices that had not been thought through properly just like these welfare reforms?
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