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Everything posted by LillaLoves

  1. Thank you, I hadn't seen the blog! It looks very helpful. Will keep my eye on it over the next few months.
  2. Thank you so much for all the advice. I've managed a few nights sleep, partly because I've been ill. I think I will need to cut the coffee out completely. I've recently got into the habit of having a latte a day, which may not sound a lot but I don't really respond well to it!
  3. Sorry I meant, just with general debt/credit score advice. I found both of your planners very helpful and have actually used Coniff's to sort out mine and O/H budget. Thank you
  4. Sorry it's not, I was on the site and came across it and thought it was interesting/useful. If you can suggest other sites with similar information i would really appreciate it!
  5. Oh, I am so sorry! I've been looking on there site and found it interesting so wanted to share. Could you possibly suggest alternatives?
  6. Seq, No worries! Thank you for the advice! I expected as much, I guess I was hoping for a miracle. My salary has gone up so I might try to talk to them and see what can be done as I will need to re budget, hopefully if I continue to pay the same amount it might work out.
  7. I know this is probably all common knowledge for the Debt savvy users on here but there were a few I wasn't sure of! Did you know all of them. http://www.vanquis.co.uk/credit-information-resources/bad-credit-myths.htm
  8. Conniff! That is amazing! Thank you so much! I will try it out this weekend!
  9. Thank you! I am hoping that the coming bank holiday will give me an opportunity to relax and get some much needed rest.
  10. Hightail, thank you I will look into it. Currently they are on First class and the occasional pouch of applaws as a treat. Also my tom cat is also on Hills c/d prescription food which is £9+ for 12 and generally lasts 3 days!
  11. I've got my budget planned on there but obviously I can't change that each pay day to help with meal plans or to help me remember to save for my MOT for month x or my parking permit etc. Also the budget only covers my salary etc not my OH.
  12. In a bid to keep my finances in check I am looking for a good budget planner, can anyone recommend one? I'm in a debt management plan and would like to try to save for my wedding too. I've found this one from Vanquis, but has anyone got any others they would recommend?
  13. Hi guys, I am having trouble sleeping at the moment. I know that this isn't a big deal here and there, but it's been a couple of months now and I am exhausted. It's making it hard to concentrate at work and i'm not in my a game, being forgetful, lazy tired. I have no energy. I am permanetly Anemic due to a genetic trait I have so I just feel awful. I've tried warm milk, horlicks, mediation, relaxing bath before bed, lavender, sleeping the wrong way round on the bed, not going to bed until tired, only staying in the bed when it's bed time. I'm at my wits end. Any advice? Lilla
  14. Does anyone buy there petfood from a wholesaler or manufacturer? I have two cats who usually have dry food in the morning and soft in the evening. My boy cat has recently had a reaccurring FUTI so i have been advised to only give him soft food, which is a lot more expensive! I'm hoping to be able to find a cheap website or contact where i can cut out the middle man and hopefully the price.
  15. Just need a bit of advice about my DMP. I'm expecting a pay rise in April and would like to save some of it to help pay for my wedding in September when i call them to give them my new budget. Does anyone know if this is possible, or will the banks see it as an unnecessary expense? I thought the DMP was going to be a life saver, while it has obviously eased stress it also makes me feel like my life is on hold. We are getting married in September and hoping my future father in laws will make it until then as he is quite ill, if it wasn't for his illness we would probably be putting it off because of the money. Regardless of this i only intend on getting married once and I still want to have my dream wedding so I feel like i need to contribute so that i can have more input.
  16. Thank you! Do I need to move the post to a better board? and if so which and how? The overall outstanding amount is £10000.88 and I've been in a DMP since December 2009, I'm currently paying £81.68 a month. It was more but I have had to reduce my payments my last two reviews because my slary has stayed the same but the cost of living has gone up!
  17. Thank you, there are 2 of us in a one bedroom flat, but we aren't exactly massive water users, thank you for the tips! I will definitely get on the water saving devises.
  18. Hello, I'm new to the forum, so not sure if this is the right place but I hope it is. I'm currently in a DMP and am really struggling to pay my bills. When I moved into my rented flat the agent mislead me to believe the water was included. This was eventually put straight after 5 years of being at the property and no water bill EVER being charged (even with the tenants and owners before me). Southern have been very helpful and are only charging us for 3 years (including the current) and we are in a special payment thing where every £1 we pay of they pay off another. Last week I found out that they are going to be putting meter in to all the properties on my street - I'm really concerned that this will increase my water bill - has anyone got an experience with the switch as such? I've already lowered my DMP in my last 2 reviews as my pay is not going up and the cost of living is going up. I am getting really anxcoious about it. Any response is much appreciated. Lilla
  19. I have been on WW for the last 2 years and have lost 3 stone, I think it is a good way to lose weight for the long run and not put the weight back on. The only problem is my lack of motivation. Also exercise is really important. Hope that helps Lilla x
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