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John Stirling

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Everything posted by John Stirling

  1. This topic was closed on 10 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  2. This topic was closed on 09 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  3. I sent my LBA letter on 22nd May to the customer service Recovery Centre, Birmingham. I added to the format the fact that listing your charges and making them transparent does not make it just. i invited them to respond and justify the charges made asking them to show that these were "not for profit". I got a very weak and uninterested reply yesterday. "Stating they are unable to add to the previous letter, sorry if i am unhappy, but they do respect my opinion on the matter! I will now be following this through to moneyclaim shortly, i would appreciate a quick heads up of what i should do and what will happen from now on. Thanks for your support. Regards John
  4. Hi to all in the fight, thought i would post this thread as i have started to take action and would like to share this with you all. Requested DPA info on account about mid March, i managed to retrieve 2yrs of statements via internet banking site, the rest i requested from my branch using the standard DPA format. They reponded very quickly with statements however they said that my manual intervention info was sent to another dept to be actioned. Let the 40 days run to 5 days left and wrote a strong reminder. Info was sent from my own branch 2 days later. Armed with all my info i inputted this into the spreadsheet and low and behold over 4k in charges. Sent preliminary letter and responce came from Birmingham not my own branch, must have a task force set up from here to deal with us! Letter stated my complaint would be dealt with in 2 weeks. Letter signed by a David Just. Responce was sent within a few days, saying go away our charges are just and transparent no hidden charges you knew this before you signed sort of attitude. i am now sending of LBA letter and we will see what comes back. Has anyone actually won against these guys and if so how far did you have to go if we can gather some responces we may be able to figure their damage limitation policy, thus giving us the point of folding. Good luck to you all, and power to the people.
  5. Thanks for the Thread it looks as if i will claim via English if it comes to it. Scottish Law proves more cumbersome with multiple claims up to £750 a time and only 5 years instead of 6. I will keep you all informed at how it goes. Will be sending my prelimary letter tommorrow, wont hold my breath. Nice to know your local, Rothwell myself, did you have any problems when you claimed, would be nice to hear your story.
  6. Thanks Woolfie, i'll investigate through the local small claims court and then have a go at 6yrs either way nothing to lose!
  7. As a Jock now living in England, my account is with LTSB Scotland, i have tried to change this in the past however English LTSB have told me this is not required as all facilities linked to the account would be available in England, this obviously includes charges! if i were to file a claim should i being doing this through the Scottish small claims or can i start proceedings through my local courts in England? I have now obtained my DPA info and are about to send my prelimanary letter, i would like to get this squared away as i belive you can only claim last 5 years in Scotland as opposed to 6yrs in England, any info would be appreciated.
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