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Everything posted by Dawnb

  1. hi guys i haven't been on the site for ages i have been too busy starting university but i am back on the game now, i am going for the rest of what is due me now that the banks have lost the court case. before i start is the procedure still the same or different and do i use the same letters etc as before.
  2. hi all, sorry i haven't been in touch for a couple of weeks ma computer went on the blink and that is me just getting it fixed, what a nightmare i was lost without it.
  3. it was the first account willow that i had with the RBS. the one that i have filed a court claim against, so i will wait until the cheque arrives before i write to the court and cancel the claim but i am still a wee bit feert and won't be cancelling until cheque arrives. Is it 3 days or 5 days the cheque will take to clear. Dawn
  4. i am over the moon well nearly i won't believe it until i get the cheque in my hands i have received a full settlement figure from tommy boy today offering me over 3grand. i have posted the letter back signed and am just waiting for the cheque. i have just the bank of scotland to do now, i will be donating to the site and will keep you all updated with my progress. thanks very much guys for all your support d
  5. hi guys thats me just e-mailed tommy boy the above letter that was so kindly drafted up for me. so here's hoping that it will get the ball rolling. thanks again
  6. awe, thanks very much for taking the time and effort in drafting this letter for me. I am going to e-mail him it right away. and also set up a new thread for each claim - i never set up a claim for each thread because i was not wanting everything scattered everywhere. thanks dawn
  7. right here goes, 1. i have 3 accs with the BOS. the first account that i claimed for i have received a partial payment. i am waiting until the first account is cleared before going on to the rest. 2. I have 2 accounts with the RBS and the 1st acc i filed a court action but received in the post a part offer from tommy mclean which i replied i would accept but only as part settlement. I received the hearing dates for court in between all of this. 3. for the 2nd acc with the rbs i sent the prelim letter which i filled in "I calculate that you have taken £XXXXX plus £XXX which you have charged me in overdraft interest for the sum which you have taken. Total £XXXXX . " and that is how i added on the interest because i filled it in in the prelim. the 14 days for the prelim letter will be up on 22nd november. 4. On friday i received a letter from tommy mclean asking me to clarify the totals for both accs as they differed in each letter, likelylad i do hope that i have done this properly, i told him the reason they differed was due to the interest as stated in the prelim letter, i also reminded him that the 14 days for the prelim letter would be up on 22nd and gave him the totals for both accs and the interest for both accs. .5 I received this e-mail back from tommy mclean "We will deal with it as quickly as we can. Entirely your decision whether you raise an action before we reply." i hope this makes sense to you and any help will be greatly appreciated d
  8. hiya lively lad, thanks for taking an interest in my case it is much appreciated, ta.
  9. thanks willow your advice was taken on board and much appreciated as any help is ta
  10. i have 2 accounts with the RBS the first account i have filed a court action. the date is in January. The second account i have just sent in the prelim letter and they have until the 22nd nov to respond. i have also a claim in against the BOS and have received a part settlment from them. I must be doing this all wrong because i have added on the 8% since the very beginning.
  11. yes i have filed a claim for one account and the hearing date is January but he is asking for clarification of the 2 accounts, you see i have sent the prelim letter for the second account and the 14 days are up on the 22nd november so do you think my letter sounds ok. thanks for replying so quickly because i was just about to e-mail my letter to tommy boy
  12. thanks willow for answering i thought it a bit odd as well, i have just typed that the interest is calculated daily and this is why the amounts have increased with each letter, i have also put that i stated in my letter dated 8th November that he had 14 days to respond positivly or i would be sending a letter before action and that i wished to keep within my timescale so he has until the 22nd November. do you think that this sounds ok
  13. hiya, looking for a wee bit of help again. I have received a letter from Tommy McLean this morning asking me to clarify the amounts that i am claiming for both of my accounts because the amounts are differing with each letter. the reason for this is due to the 8% interest. will i just write a letter back to him telling him this and give him the totals as at today or what do you all think
  14. hiya, i received the same letter from the bank, it is just a wee fob off letter just you carry on with your timescale as others have said. Good luck
  15. hiya, another wee update, I e-mailed Tommy McLean today just asking if he had received my e-mail and letter by post ok that i sent last week. He kindly took the time to answer my e-mail and tell me that he did receive it last week and that that days e-mails are being ealt with today. I hope that i receive an answer before the end of the week. What do you all think, D
  16. hi alison, i was reading the above and i am waiting on a response from Mr mclean for a full settlement as well i was wondering if it was not too much bother if you could please send me a copy of the e-mail that you sent to him and i will try this. thanks d
  17. thats brill news, just before xmas, can i please ask you how long did you wait for a full settlement because i was offered a part settlement last tuesday and a accepted as part payment of my full settlement. i also had court papers issued last week so the reason i am asking is just to give me a rough idea how long i have to wait
  18. Hi guys, Just giving you all a wee update on my ongoing sagas well, i thought that i would have heard from the RBS regarding my e-mail and letter that i posted on Tuesday regarding my offer of part payment. I also received my date for court for the 2 banks, the cases are held on the same day the return date is 12th January 2007 and the calling date is the 17th January 2007, i was really really hoping for a wee something for xmas but a doubt that i will just have too wait until January. Okt well at least i know when my court date is. D
  19. Thanks Geo for the support, well since i asked you the last question, i have since then e-mailed mr mclean and told him that i will accept the amount as a part payment of the total amount due to me and that i will if need be go to court for this. so basically i have done the same as you and as you said i will have to wait, i am not takin less than half of what i am due i will wait for the full whack. do you think that he will send me my partial payment.
  20. hi clare, thanks for the support, so i have not mucked up my claim by accepting the part payment and letting them know i am going for the rest, did you e-mail mr mclean and post it recorded or what did you do. I know that my questions sound stupid but i am quite anxious about the claim now incase i have made a balls of it by sending the letter and will have to wait for ages. any advice and asistance will be appreciated D
  21. hiya, i was reading your thread there and noticed that you were offered a partial payment from Mr mclean, well today i was offered a partial payment of £825.00 as well, i typed up a letter accepting the partial payment and told him that i would be pursueing the total amount of 3grand i have e-mailed him this letter tonight, have i done the right thing because now i am scared incase i have lost the 825.00 and will have to wait until i go the full hog and go to court. any advice would be appreciated, the 825.00 would come in very handy for xmas but the 3 grand would be brill. thanks
  22. hiya delboy, i sent my subject request letter to Edinburgh so you are sending it to the best place, i have sent all of my correspondance to the same address and now i have started to e-mail them aswell. When i am posting anything i have been posting it recorded delivery. I am not too sure about the time period so i don't want to commit myself but i think that it is 6 years. Another wee tip is good luck, don't be afraid to ask for assistance we are all here to help each other and i hope you win.
  23. thanks very much for your advice pauline its much appreciated, i have 2 claims going on at the moment one for the RBS and one for the BOS the both are bank accounts, i have 3 accs with the BOS and 2 with the RBS but i am claiming just one acc at a time, as i live in scotland you will know as well as me this small claims thing is a drag but it will be worth it in the end. I have posted my letter asking for statements today to the RBS mastercard, i hope they don't take long to come, how long did it take the rbs to payout pauline on your mastercard. Have you any claims going aganst rbs for bank accs, i got an offer from tommy mclean the day offering me 825.00 but i have accepted the offer and also let him know that i will be going for the total of over 3grand. i am now worried incase i don't get my 825 and he holds out as i would love it for xmas do you know anything about it.
  24. thanks polly, i hope i don't have that long to wait, have you any ideas? i filed a small claims against the RBS for the same account yesterday so mr mclean will no have received that yet, do you think that when he receives that he will realise i mean business and pay out at least something
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