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Everything posted by B3cca

  1. Thank you I shall do that now. I have made a complaint to the ombudsmen too so hopefully they will help when I call back tuesday
  2. I have the welcome letter which states the fees and the conditions that we agreed. I also have the emails which relates to the fees and an email I was sent by mistake where they were arguing over the additional fee. I have just been CC in to an email by the senior clerk at the barristers chambers. They have asked the solicitor to confirm his position in regards to fees and states I paid for the court bundle he failed to do. They attached an invoice which was sent to the solicitor stating the outstanding fees and it's addressed to the firm not me.
  3. So Last night I failed to block the number properly so I had 2 calls this morning, I did not answer so he then text. I replied stating I paid what was agreed and to contact the solicitor if there are any issues with him not being paid. I then got a text saying ' Becca, You do know it's in your best interest to speak to me'. I'm really unsure what to do but I have text him asking not to call or text my phone any more, I know he will be sly and try anything to make me pay him though. It's really stress I do not need at the moment
  4. Thank you Bazza The solicitor has sent me a closing letter which thanks for for paying all the agreed fees, Apparently it was agreed between them that the barrister would now collect what he thinks is owed from me. Each month he has been texting demanding I pay by the friday of that week into his bank account, If i don't do it asap he then starts calling me. Last night he was calling and texting me at 9.30 asking for me to pay. They accidentally cc me in on a email of them arguing over the barristers fees but both are still making threats for me to pay or they will take it further. I have now sent another letter to solicitor for him to deal with the barristers payment but so far ive been ignored
  5. Hi, Sorry if this is posted in the wrong area. In june i came to the end of a long court case, From march I had been paying a solicitor who was arranged by the barrister working with us. It was agreed £3500 fixed fee which would cover the barristers fees for 1 hearing in march and a 2 day final hearing and all solicitors fees. The solicitor turned out to he useless to the point 2days before the final hearing he had not prepared the court bundle,mThe barrister ended up doing it and charging me £300. I paid everything owed including the £300, i then received an invoice for £1000+ barrister fee for the 2nd day of the hearing. I had started paying it due to them pestering me and threats of court, I was wondering if i even need to pay it was agreed all the barristers fees were to be included in fixed fee. I've had to block the barrister from calling me as he's constantly pestering for payment. Any help would be great, Thank you.
  6. Hi Guys, Any advice would be welcome as I've had enough of battling with horrid council staff. My brother was made homeless by his Ex partner July last year, Due to that he lost his job and she took everything he had it was quite a controlling relationship even now she has his bank card. My brother tried to take his life went it all became too much for him thankfully the police managed to get there in time to cut him free, Due to the suicide attempt he was taken to hospital then placed under the crisis team who would visit him at my nans. He was given a support worker along with various care plans, They thought that due to his mental health and learning difficulties he would get help quick with the council. The council have gone out their way to make it hard for him with wrong bands, lost his medical info along with care plans apparently it was left somewhere and then refused to admit he was homeless because he kipped on my nans sofa. He has been sofa surfing for the past year with him staying more frequent at my nans on the floor, Then the council contacted my nan around 2 months ago and threatened her with eviction for allowing him to stay. I attended a 'meeting' at my nans with a housing officer who said she was meeting us to help my brother, When she arrived she reduced my brother to tears saying he will just have to live on the streets as he's not vulnerable and then upset my nan with yet more threats of eviction. My brother is now on the streets with the occasional night on friends sofas, the council wont help and they are keeping check at my nans to make sure he's not there. The council medical Dr dismissed the mental health issues said he's on a common anti-depressant with a slight mood disorder and a incident of minor self harm (tried hang himself). He said learning difficulties didn't make him vulnerable, My brother went to a Special needs school he's 26 and still cannot tell the time properly, manage money, understand the date and needs a lot of support. I'm unsure where to go from here and the pressure of all this is really taking it's toll on everyone.
  7. Thanks Kiki, The problem is all I have is the receipt from when I bought the other car and handed over my old car which was still taxed. They were only sent 1st class so I have no proof of posting. I cannot understand how the date of liability is 01/08/2012, I sold it around 4th March 2011 and I have no idea where it is now.
  8. Hi Guys, I could really do with some advice on how to deal with DVLA/Intercredit. In the past month intercredit have sent me a few letters to my home address which I moved to 18 months ago stating I had ignored DVLA attempts to contact me, I have not heard anything from them and they knew where I lived as I updated them previously. Basically they are demanding £80 within the next 72 hours (again) with threats of going to court if I don't pay up. The car they are talking about was supposed to have been scrapped march 2011. At the time I had bought a new car so the guy knocked £100 off the price because he was going to scrap my old one for me, It was literally falling apart. The V5 was filled out then sent along with the V5 for my new car, I received the new V5 around 7 weeks later after chasing it up but I forgot to check the other one had been removed from my name So it seems that they had received it because I had the New V5 but I cannot prove they were sent together all I have is the receipt for the new car. I'm a little concerned as to where the old car is because according to DVLA it's not scrapped with Liability date of 1/08/2012 Is it worth me trying to challenge it?
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