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Everything posted by :Boy:

  1. My membership took ages as well (about 3 months). I would write to Sir Alex himself as well, he is very much a 'fan' person. Nothing ventured nothing gained.
  2. Just read that post, very interesting. I think we should start on the defaults very soon!
  3. Have you (un1boy) filed a N1 at the County Court for the Default to be removed, if so, what 'Particulars of claim' did you put?
  4. I am gobsmacked myself, with what they have done. I think they have thrown their toys out of the pram!
  5. After recently obtaining a copy of my credit file from Equifax I was concerned to note that your company has placed a "Default" notice against an account in my name. Further to this I have no recollection of ever receiving such a notice, and I therefore require you to substantiate this data at your earliest convenience. 1. You must supply me with a true copy of the alleged agreement you refer to. This is my right under your obligation to supply a copy of the agreement under the legislation contained within s.78 (1) Consumer Credit Act 1974 (s.77 (1) for fixed sum credit). Your obligation also extends to providing a statement of account. I enclose a £1 cheque in payment of the statutory fee, Cheque number 100171. 2. You must supply me with a signed true and certified copy of the original default notice I would request that this data is provided to me within the next 14 days, if you are unable to provide this data then I must insist that it is removed from my files as unsubstantiated. This is what I sent, and they took it off. It has not worked on others though...but with time and all our help, I think we can get this sorted!
  6. Just had a thought. If they have stated that, they should of withdrawn the Overdraft, your account would of then gone overdrawn, then demaned repayment. If you do not pay and the account is inactive, then issue a Default notice. This seems to be an abuse of the system/process from HSBC with is an offence.
  7. Do you mean 'Provident'?
  8. I used to work for Robinson Way/London Scotish Bank/Call4cash many moons ago. It is very easy for them to wipe the debt off, seen the guys and gals do this! They are targeted to the hilt to get their bonuses (the basic wage is not too bad) and they will try any intimidating trick to get you to pay. They have a high staff turnaround as well (christ what would expect from this bunch of idiots). I would suggest that anytime they phone, either do what peterbard has done, or ask them to put it in writing. I used to work now and again in the letter room, and some of the responses we used to get were great (rude, but a good read). When you get a letter from them (when you see the envolope, you can tell its from Robinson Way, cos of the yellow mark on the envolope),put on it (the envolope) return to sender, does not live here anymore. That should stop letters, as it would be marked on the account as 'Gone Away'. Hope this helps in some way. P.S, if anyone is looking at paying them a visit, get the Metrolink to St Peters Square, the office (you can't miss it) is oposite the G Mex centre!
  9. Credit card. To my knowledge (done a bit of reasearch in this, and I also done a Equifax course some years ago) if a Default has been issued on your credit file, a Default notice has to be issued to advise you of this. When you request a copy of the Default notice, it has to be a signed and ORIGINAL copy of the notice. If they have issued a Default notice and not advised you...well they have commited an offence. If they can not supply a copy of the Default notice, the default has to be removed as Unsubstantiated. Please correct me if I am wrong on the above, its been about 10 months since I really got my teeth into this!
  10. Pombix, I have been down that road already, where they were taking money off. They have stopped doing it now. Whats the point in paying £11.95 etc when you pay £2 and get it in the post in 14 days. Nothings going to dramatically change in 2 weeks.
  11. HSBC were the company that actually took a default off for me. I asked for a copy of the default notice, they stated that they did not have a copy and that they have removed the default, and they did!
  12. Just had post, no news to update on yet. Best regards
  13. Fair play to you if that has worked, I would get a copy of your credit file next month, and see if it has gone. I know sometimes the credit file is not updated automatically, it is whenever they will do a download. I only have a couple of defaults, 1 to come of in March and another that should be off by now (RBS). I have just ordered my files again to check. The missus though...she has alot of defaults, probably 6 and at least 4 of them are iffy at that! Lets start the ball rolling on this. I believe that either Experian or Equifax was set up by a catalogue company to hold details, and they hold no law whatsoever (apart from DPA) and apart from their own laws they make up. I would like them to produce a document that I have signed explicitly stating that I gave them permission to hold my details like Electoral info etc etc.
  14. Is your credit good enough for a mortgage with C & G, if you ghad a mortgage with GE? I did not know they done mortgages for people with adverse credit, if they do I will look into this.
  15. Very interesting. I tried to take Equifax to Court over the automated processing of data, and I must of recieved 4 written pages in their response of just jargon over jargon, in their Court defence so I gave up (this was last year). I will soon be on this mission for defaults, so lets band together!
  16. Can afford the house, difficult work situation I am in. Long story which I am not going into. We would sell the house but there is a £10,100 ERC on the property, which would eat into our equity. The mortgage we actually have for the property amount, is actually not that bad, considering interest rates have gone up, and everyone I know mortgage amount have raised, bar us (we are on a fixed rate for 4 years). Thanks for your advice though.
  17. I would be interested about a template letter, HSBC have removed one of my defaults as they could not provide a copy of the 'Default notice' and as I only have 3 more accounts to chase in regards to charges, I am now working on defaults!
  18. Thanks and will do. Your help is, as always, greatly appreciated.
  19. I think I will, at least that is cleared then. Should I do this by email, instead of the phone?
  20. That's what I thought!, but I did not think they would stoop this low, and also seeking possesion order on less than 2 months arrears, does not sound right. The arrears are £1465 (1 and 1/2 months of arrears) The ERC I am claiming is £1353.12, plus £162.83 interest, plus £120 Court fee, plus £100 AQ. I have offered £1300 to settle the case, and that is when I have got a letter from this G Vowles. I would be happy for that money to be credited to my mortgage account instead of a cheque (if they settle), to clear the arrears.
  21. I had started this claim for the ERC before I went into arrears on the mortgage. Plus the ERC was on a previous mortgage when they were I Group.
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