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Everything posted by Grundles

  1. One loan for £2000 taken out in 2007 I think (exact date should be confirmed on SAR). Am I screwed??x
  2. Thank you This could be a cracker of a claim as there is also PPI on this one. Am hoping I don't finish off an already sinking ship haha. I'm not sure how successful my claim is going to be, but considering they really shouldn't have lent me money in the first place (Aged 19, earning only £600 a month I really wasn't going to be able to pay it back at the interest rate they wanted!!) then I hope I have a bit of a case against them! Am hoping I'm not forced to go to court to get it back otherwise you lot really will be fed up of me!! xx
  3. What letter should I send them to reclaim charges? Is it the same one for the credit/store card? Also, which spreadsheet, the same one as I used for barclaycard? Thanks am chasing today to see where they are at with the SAR...hoping that if I chase enough I will get somethign out of them! xx
  4. Thanks DX, and for your quick response! The link you posted is the one I found on another thread, just wanted to make sure there wasn't an updated/different/better one to use as I forgot to look at the date posted. I shall be sending this off tomorrow hopefully, along with the letter. I plan on calling Lowells at Lunchtime, and see what they have to say for themselves, will report back with how I get on. xx
  5. Thanks Slick too I changed banks as I had awful trouble with Barclays and them giving me an almost limitless overdraft, at 19 years old I wasn't educated in the world of finances enough to realise that spending my money on getting drunk wasn't a good idea. Now I'm older I realise how much more could have been done with that money and how much better off I could have been!!xx
  6. Hi, Can someone post me a link to the spreadsheet please? The one I found gave me interest of around £500 on £264 of charges (22 charges!) does this sound about right? I just want to send off the right amount to the blighters. Also a link to the letter I should use too would be great. Thanks all xx
  7. The payments made to lowlife were made from my Lloyds TSB account which is still open so I can probably go back and find that info. Was paid by DD too. Dx what do you mean by gone off the debt? Do you mean why have they still got information on it? Sorry I might be being thick there. The balance on the SAR from BARCLAYCARD has been zero since 29th October 2008. Surely if I did owe £150 then it would show on the info I have been sent and therefore that's fairly concrete evidence against lowlife? Thanks for your help guys. Slick, I found the excel sheet for claiming back charges. Can I fill that in and post it here for someone to check? Is it 24% of each charge of of the total? Thanks all. Cannot tell you how much your advice is appreciated on this one. Xx
  8. Hi All, Been through my statements and I have £264 worth of late payment charges/over limit charges running from 12th July 2007 until 13th August 2008. I'll give a brief DCA timeline of events for you. On 13th August 2008 Mercers (AKA Barclaycard I assume?!) wrote to me with a 48 hour notice saying they "will now pass on my account to a debt collections firm in your area and a local representative may call at you address." They go on to say I have 48 hours to stop further action. (Balance on this date is £410.02) On 11th September 2008 Mercers wrote to me again saying I needed to pay £442.52 and had seven days from the date of the letter to pay. Both these figures mentioned above match my statements. Now my statement for October 2008 reads Present balance £0.00 Credit Limit £0.00 Transactions (all on 29th October) CGHOFF DSFS (MANUAL), £12.00 CHRGOFF PURCH FEES £144.00 CHRGOFF CADV UNPD FIN CH £5.37 CHRGOFFPRCH UNPD FIN CH £47.80 CHRGOFF CADV PRIN BAL M £30.00 CHRGOFF PRCH PRIN BALM £224.53 TOTAL OF NEW TRANSACTIONS £463.70CR On my Experian file it is still registered under Barclaycard which indicates that they haven't sold the debt, doesn't it? Yet reading the bit that says "PURCH FEES" suggests that a company bought the debt. I know I made a payment to Barclaycard around this time to pay off the Card. WIthout SAR Barclays bank I have no way of knowing exactly when this was though!!! The reason I started this expedition into the world of SAR was to find out where £150.00 that I paid to Lowells has got to! There is no mention of Lowells in all the gumpf I have, nor a notice of assignment written to me, in any of copy letters they have sent :-/ What do I do now? I am fairly ok with how I go about claiming the charges back, but I would quite like the £150.00 back if it never found its way to B/C too. I am a bit upset that I have been duped out of this (if I have) as I was really struggling financially at the time I made those payments to Lowells. Any help would appreciated. Thanks Guys xx
  9. Righto, Picked up the SAR from my local branch, slight panic at one point as Branch Manager knew nothing about it to begin with! Have had a quick skim through it and it is going to take my most of the weekend to make sense of it all I think. Original signed agreement is there though, which from reading these forums is something of a novelty ;-) the three payments made to Lowells were not obvious though....not sure what to do about those, and how to go about claiming them back.... Anyway. any advice on what to be looking for? Where to start etc. Any pointers appreciated, so long as it isn't give up now haha!!xx
  10. Will do. Hoping to get my Barclaycard one today, I'm excited to see what that holds for me :-/ x
  11. Hi Brig, They haven't cashed the cheque yet, that was what alerted me to the fact that they hadn't actually done anything towards getting me the information and why I sent the "reminder" letter to them, they then replied saying that they hadn't received anything before the "reminder", alas what they hadn't banked on was me keeping my recorded delivery and printing off the signature taken when they received it on 24th April! I have stopped the cheque also to stop them saying one thing and doing another I will be making a complaint to them about how long this took but I want the info first as knowing what these companies are like, rock the boat a bit too much and they drag their heels even more. xx
  12. I know, I did try and point this out, she was quite rude to me but it was more progress than I've made for a very long time. I've got the information for free (so long as it turns up!!) and she did assure me that it probably wouldn't be another 40 days that I would have to wait. To be honest I stand to have the remaining debt written of plus some money returned to me from my rough calculations I've done on what I reclaim so I think I can cope with waiting a little bit longer. I'll be back no doubt, asking for help on reclaiming the money from the little blighters!!! xx
  13. I tweeted them, that got a response as it got bumped to the Web Relations team! It seems they have a massive back log of SAR's and so has taken longer to process than normal. SAR is being delivered to my local bank tomorrow, hopefully after all this messing around it will tell me what I need to know and I can finally start sorting out where my £150.00 actually ended up!! Otherwise this whole exercise has been for nothing really!
  14. After a lot of pestering and calls etc I have managed to get them to waive the fee, although I will have to wait another 40 days max tor receive the SAR Not sure if I would rather have paid the money and had the info within the original 40 days or not! Thanks for the advice RenegadeImp xx
  15. Hi All, I have requested an SAR from Welcome Finance, with a cheque for £10.00, they have not yet banked it. I sent it signed for, they have signed for it the day after I put it in the post and I have printed the confirmation of this. I hadn't heard anything and they hadn't banked the cheque I sent a "reminder". They have now written to me saying that they need a cheque suggesting they have not received the initial request, yet they have signed for it?! Is this a normal stalling tactic? The 40 day period expires tomorrow......mail has been redirected so is taking longer to reach me. I am fine with this as this is expected but am very annoyed that they have signed for it yet are now denying they have had it!!!! Any help appreciated. Thanks.
  16. What I don't understand about shortening pakistani is why is not also wrong to shorten British to Brits? It's all about context and when, where and how it was said surely. There is way too much political correctness these days! Having said that I do not condone calling people names and if it was said in a derogatory or malicious manner then that is not on. The fact that the OP had to chase to find the offer of employment had been withdrawn seems to be the main question here. Sadly, I think the only way to find out is to stump up the £10, surely a small hit in comparison to repairing your reputation if what you say is true??
  17. Sorry DX. *Slapped wrists* I thought this would have been long gone by now and my internet is being pants so it takes waaay too long to load each page. Thanks, shall give them a buzz and see what they have to say for themselves.xx
  18. What should I do if they fail to respond to the SAR within 40 days?! I know they have received my request but they haven't banked the cheque I sent them, and time is ticking by!! Thanks
  19. Get onto Paypal and Ebay via social media....if the complaints are in the public domain it seems to speed things up a little! I did when I had a case opened against me and after kicking up a fuss publicly they refunded the buyer out of their own pocket. I posted about it somewhere, will try and find the link for you xx
  20. A little update for anyone that is interested.... I spoke to Paypal, gave up on eBay, and they were quite helpful. They refunded the buyer his £8.00 out of their own pocket so I got to keep the full amount. To be honest I can't believe that the buyer went to so much trouble for £8. They have also requested that my negative feedback is removed, as he is the only one that can authorise this, not impressed by that system but ahh well, as I said to Frank at Paypal, there are more important things in life than this sort of petty argument xx
  21. Ok, thanks Johnym worried he's going to send me an empty box back or something, how do I prove it was an empty box when he posted it :-/ have seen reports of this happening, and it wouldn't have occurred to me if someone hadn't mentioned it elsewhere, maybe I'm doing too much worrying and reading on the matter!! MaxxPower, he paid after I gave him the updated information AND offered him the chance to cancel the sale TWICE, so when he paid he knew what he was paying for. Stressful week to be quite honest!x
  22. Thank you. I would have given him the partial refund but he wanted a full refund AND to keep the phone the cheeky so and so!! I have told them, several times, through several mediums that I won't be paying them back a penny if they demand I give him a full refund as I attempted to contact him twice and gave him as much choice as I could. Without emailing after him making payment going "Are you sure?", which to me sounds a bit patronizing, I couldn't do much more I don't think. Hoping the fact that he got abusive in his emails will also count against him!! All I have to do is wait until judgement day now! Thanks for your help.
  23. Ebay have already said that they can see that I sent the messages, does this count towards me? He has also admitted to seeing the messages in his "complaint" against me. To be quite honest if he saw the emails and later decided to pay I can't see that he has much grounds for a refund! The messages were sent over a week ago now, were they having the problems then too? He has gone quiet and hasn't responded to my last "response" on the case, he has either given up or he is waiting for the 8 days to elapse so that he can escalate it, hopefully it's the former. I have put a reply on his negative feedback explaining my side of the story. I am toying with the idea of closing my eBay account and as and when I need it I just use my sisters as to be quite honest I feel thoroughly let down by the whole system! Thanks for your help though,.
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