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Everything posted by Grundles

  1. So went away for a week (lost my purse in the process!) but did come back to a letter from BC offering me just over half of the money claimed with no mention of sorting out my credit reference. I plan to write to them stating that I conditionally accept the offer subject to them updating the default on my account, if they refuse to do it then I shall be . Not sure, as they have sold the debt to Lowells, whether this will actually have any positive affect on my report. Lowells are not mentioned on my report at any point whatsoever and the debt is still showing as Barclaycard. Lowells have already refused to update my report as they are adamant that they are reporting it correctly. If i insist that BC update it, will it have a knock on affect that they shall insist to Lowells? Or will they say that they have sold it therefore I need to sort it? Assuming it is the latter...?! Any thoughts?
  2. Thanks guys. Any hints or tips on good places where I can get info from for back ground reading please? Apart from here, any good threads for pointers? xx
  3. Thanking them for finally sending the SAR clarification which I had to almost bully them for, I also gave them the opportunity to discuss it if they so wished, to show willing but meh, as you say silence is the greatest weapon, but considering it's been going on since April I just want to finish playing letter tennis now!! That and I was being polite, as my Grandma always taught me :-p It's ridiculous that they are defending such a small amount, I have given them the possibility of making me an offer etc, it's surely going to cost them as much to defend as it is to just make me an offer?! Either way, what will be will be..... Thanks SLick xx WIsh me luck x
  4. Notice of Issue received by BC today. The Web Relations have gone all quiet on me, it would appear they don't even want to discuss or come to an agreement outside of court, am I reading these vibes correctly? What can I expect now? They have until 19th August 2013 to respond....
  5. Hi people, WF have responsed saying they may take up to 8 weeks to respond in full to my reclaim. I specified that the time they had was 14 days in my letter, rather dropped the ball on this one as have been battling with BC so they've had more than 14 days. But they have responded, just not actually responded to the charges reclaim. Do I still send them the LBA or just give them a "nudge"? x
  6. Mine had differing numbers on it. The one was what they actually lent and charged me, the other was that but without the PPI on it, as they have assumed to requested the information to claim it back..? Could they have done this on yours?xx
  7. Had a quick look at the link posted above, very very helpful indeed. Glad I read it to be honest, otherwise I wouldn't have sent three copies of all the docs (only one!! phew!) It also prepared me for how long it could take, although mine isn't anywhere near the sums of money Trancyb is looking at. I posted special delivery just a minute ago and have the receipts etc. I've kept track of all the emails, letters, phone calls etc so I have also included this in my claim. Still don't have the full info requested from the SAR but I know the figures and the dates I paid them on. This is more just to prove a point that I shan't give up as much as anything :-/ I know, slightly childish.......x
  8. Oooo trancy I admire your tenacity in this!!!! My claim is for nothing like your figures but I have been nice and understanding but now I'm annoyed. They don't want to see me annoyed!! Commenting mainly so that I get notifications on this thread..... Good Luck xx
  9. Thanks Slick I shall have a look at the other thread too...here goes nothing!x
  10. Righto, LBA sent, and responded to. Still not budging. I have the N1 forms in front of me and some guidance as to how to fill them out etc would be gratefully received. I've looked at the templates, but there a figure of 8% interest is stated in the particulars of claim not 24.9% that is mentioned above. Which do I use? Any pointers? I have given them the chance to make me an offer outside of court but to no avail. What should I put in the brief details of claim?! I am planning on doing it online, as it is a quicker way of doing so and involves less printing etc. Thaaaaaanks so far!
  11. Here are our bank details: Bank name: BARCLAYS Sort code: 20-06-05 Account no: 43151468 Please remember to quote your reference with all payments. xx
  12. P.S letter never received that Monday as they sent it to my old address, even though I had passed Data Protection and updated my postal address, the customer complaint service respondent didn't note the new address!!!!!xx
  13. I have a final response from BC saying that they will not uphold my complaint. Not sent LBA as mentioned as I managed to get a response from the web relations team. As far as I can see N1 is the next step, looking at shutmeup advice? Not that I don't trust people I just want to make sure I get every step right so as not to make myself look like a fool!!xx
  14. Right, so claim has been declined (Not sure that is the right word!) so I have filled in the N1 forms, is this correct? They have said I can refer it to the financial ombudsman as they feel that "the charges of £12 was in line with our actual and estimated costs" and that I agreed to the terms and conditions. They say it is their final response too. They have also failed to provide with all the information I asked for in the SAR, can I throw this at them? If so, how? They are still messing around with this part of the issue though. Any pointers from people that have managed to get the charges back off of them?xx
  15. Web relations have been very good to be fair to them. They were the ones that have hurried everything up for me, and have been a point of contact since chasing the missing info from the SAR originally. That and chasing the response to the claiming of the charges. Get cross with these companies in public and they seem to get somewhere...... Which forms would I need to fill in for a court claim? I have the lba ready to go monday if the letter I receive tmz is not what I want it to say ;-/ xx
  16. Do I send the letter before action if they come back to me saying they aren't going to repay my charges claim? I have been told by Web Relations (I tweeted them about the ongoing lengthy process of my SAR request!) that I should expect a reply this week, either today or tomorrow as it was sent Monday by business class post. I want to be getting ready to send them the next letter I need to as I am preparing for the worst and hoping for the best xx
  17. Got the SAR eventually. They have sent me two statements, one is the actual statement and the other is one with the PPI premium "lent" to me at the start taken off, which leaves me with around £1000 less owing. Have gone through and put all my charges into spreadsheet I used for Barclaycard claim, charges plus interest = around £11,000 !! I've paid them £4700 on a loan that should have cost me £1300 + credit of £2000. They've added an attachment of earnings court fee which was done due to an admin error and the CCJ fee, again which wouldn't have been added if they hadn't charged around £50.00 a day for "outgoing phone calls". Just an update really. Letter and claim have gone in the post today recorded delivery so we shall see I suppose! I'm not holding out much hope of them just coughing up but one can dream....x
  18. After a lengthy call with the web relations/social media team we have concluded that it is not an overpayment as the debt had been sold with this amount outstanding, we are now moving onto the credit report issue, which I don't feel is being reported correctly. I have sent the reclaim letter off, also backed up with an email to the WR team explaining my points and reasons behind all the questions! They have missed off some payments that I made to DCA's but he is having to come back to me with who these were to etc. I hope that I haven't shot myself in the foot by sending the claim off already and possibly jumping the gun slightly. ..(looking for reassurance here btw!) but we shall see. I am not looking at getting credit from anywhere for a long while yet so the CRA File should repair itself over time so long as I don't naff up anything else along the way! Sooo, now to my 3000 word essay on Law of Tort....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  19. Slowly but surely I'm getting there!x
  20. UPDATE Transactions (all on 29th October) CGHOFF DSFS (MANUAL), £12.00 CHRGOFF PURCH FEES £144.00 CHRGOFF CADV UNPD FIN CH £5.37 CHRGOFFPRCH UNPD FIN CH £47.80 CHRGOFF CADV PRIN BAL M £30.00 CHRGOFF PRCH PRIN BALM £224.53 TOTAL OF NEW TRANSACTIONS £463.70CR This entry on my statements apparently is not me paying the debt off but is in actual fact "Collections" clearing it down to start debt collection. "Collections" are due to call me back to confirm. What I don't understand is how the statements ever since then read ZERO, when they have just confirmed to me that they sold it owing money. The last payment is £334.36 in February 2008, according to the person I spoke to. They sold the debt to Lowells in 2011 with £140.70 owing according to their records. So Lowells payment would appear to be legit at the moment. It is a minimal amount of compound interest to be claimed back so in that respect I don't care and maybe it would simplify things if I was just claiming back the charges etc now. If I owed it I am happy with that as it is now paid off, what I didn't want was to have lined someones pockets for nothing! Thanks.
  21. Thanks DX. Spoke to them today, am literally going to chase them every other day until I get my info! He spouted the usual we have forty days to conform bla bla bla!! He says it will be with me 25th July, as that is 40 days from when I first sent it on 24th April. Just to clarify, is it working days or just days?? When I enquired as to how they were getting on with he said "no movement" since I caled on 29th May, at this point I hit the roof as he went on to tell me that it was an easy job getting the information together and printing it off, it didn't take very long at all all that [edit]. Soooo then, why are you taking so long I asked, at this point he seemed to lose interest in my conversation and just said he didn't know.....!! I actually think I hate them!!x
  22. Ok, thanks. I have a call from Barclays card due tomorrow where I am essentially going to say you've not sent me the information about when you sold the debt in the SAR, (they should have sent me a letter of assignment right?), and see what they say about that, hopefully that it's never been sold!!! Then I can ask them what they outstanding balance was at a certain date after my statements start saying zero!! Thought this was going to be easy, it would appear getting the information was the easiest part and now the fun begins!! Thanks all. Once I've got the answers I need/want from BC I shall be sending the letter (recorded obvs) to start the wheels in motion of claiming these SOB's back!!xx
  23. Just occurred to me that my Experian credit file entry for BC says last updatedf 2011, does this mean that Lowells may have purchased it after it was updated? Are they obligated to update an entry when a debt is sold? Are they obligated to inform me when a debt has been sold? Should this letter be included in my SAR docs?? Post would have reached me as I was still living at the registered address on my account at the time. FML, this SAR has only thrown more questions up!! Thanks x
  24. Ok,so just got off the phone with Lowells, nothing outstanding on the account, account closed. Confirmed I paid £40.90 on 26th May/June/July 2012 and he claimed that they owned the debt, he said he would look on my credit file to double check but couldn't "because it was locked" he claimed that it was because I must have viewed it too many times. I know this is not the case with any because I haven't been on Experian for over a month, and haven't subscribed to any others, Noddle didn't recognise me and neither did call credit (I think!) Experian definitely says Barclaycard, therefore it is still owned by BC, am I correct? Barclaycard show me paying lump sum (as mentioned above) and ever since then statements are showing ZERO, good old Lewis from Lowells says that must be because they bought the debt..?? There is no letter of assignment in my SAR, there are a few letters from Mercers stating I must pay to settle the debt, then I paid about a month later £463.70, but nothing mentioning Lowells. Lewis also said they have had the account since early 2012, just before I paid the £140.70. I have to send them a covering letter, plus a copy of the statement to prove that the balance was nil as of 2007, can I add compound interest onto this charge too?? As it isn't rightfully there's to collect. I am aiming to get something in writing from Barclaycard confirming that they own the debt still ....in case I have got something majorly wrong! Apologies for all the questions....xx
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