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Everything posted by jimmy2times

  1. Thats interesting, off topic I know but I have the same car. How do you know if the air suspension has failed. I have noticed in mine I am able to park ok but when I return to my car and reverse the front spoiler scrapes the kerb. So effectively the car is lower when drivng away then when I parked it. Is this the sign of a failed air suspension?
  2. Thats a good point. You only have 5 grounds for appeal and I dont beleive parking a car knowingly in a designated motorcycle space is one of them.
  3. Excellent advice, I now have an email from Ebay linking the highest bidder of my car to the address of the buyer. Useful evidence for me, cheers for that.
  4. Dont be a fool, the advert costs £20 to list. You really are misinformed, back in your box.
  5. I hope so too. If I dont win I'm going to take the E£$%£$% to the small claims court for my £130 quid, even if it ends up costing me more.
  6. Not quite, he didn't win the auction, he failed to meet the reserve. The sale was done outside of Ebay, thus avoiding Ebay transaction fee's (would be worth it now I know!). I do have text message immediate after the auction ended asking what the reserve was and how much I wanted for the car. Also 3 text message on the day he bought the car asking for directions etc. But again nothing in the text to say "Thank you for the car I am happy to have purchased such a fine car on this date xzy". So nothing solid to show he bought the car on that day.
  7. I have arranged a personal hearing for this reason as currently my evidence is thin on the ground. The car was paid with cash so no bank transaction.
  8. I did cancel my car insurance a week before the sale, because that's when I picked up my new car. So no nothing to show it happen on the day. The offense was committed by the owner driving through a no entry bus only lane. It happen 3 days after I sold the car. Regarding the proof of where I was at the time is not that relevant, the owner/registered keep is responsible for all tickets apparently. I have written to the DVLA's sensitive case department explaining the issue, they will get back to me in a few weeks, hopefully with the letter stating the corrected exchange of ownership. If they don't do this before the appeal I will write to the adjudicator and postpone one more time the hearing until I'm ready with my evidence.
  9. Register the car in your name and sell it on gumtree for £1.
  10. Any monkey can get a degree, the opposite side of the spectrum would be a Phd.
  11. If you are 100% certain you are correct, ignore all correspondance, wait for the court summons and take your evidence along and enjoy your day in court. It will give you great feeling to know the otherside have spent alot of money for nothing and are forced to walk away empty handed.
  12. The easy get out of a £60 if you are in the unfortuante situation where you are stuck in the box junction is to flick on your right indicator. How will the council dispute you were not intending to turn right?, thus no offence was comitted.
  13. If you appeal you will b given the DVD of the incident. I have received 2 similar in the past, appeal them both and lost, in both cases the boxed junction was badly painted and marked, the adjudicator seem to not care too much of my argument. Interesting following my failed appeal the council repainted them!!
  14. Hi, I'm new to this forum. I need some advise. I sold a car two months ago and have received the new owners traffic offence fine they committed. I have return the paper work stating I sold they car but its been rejected, stating I have not supplied any evidence for proof of sale. I have appeal it this and my appeal is next month. When I sold the car I signed the V5 log book but gave it to the new owner to sign,it was a present of this wife and so she couldn't sign it for me to post it off there are then. Unfortunately they signed and sent off the V5 2 weeks later, stating it was sold then, after the fine was issued. I have written to the DVLA stating the date of sale is incorrect and asked for it to be changed. Technically I have no other proof I didn't own the car when the offence was committed. The new owner has refused to accept liability, has not paid the fine even though I have contacted them and sent them the paper work. All I have is a letter from the DVLA with a copy of the V5 with my signature backing my version of events, and a few txt messages from the new owner agreeing the price of sale. The car was advertise on Ebay, he didn't win but contacted me within 5 minutes of the end asking to buy it, so i have a record of this, just no actual receipt on the day. What are my chances of winning this case if the DVLA do not update they records to prove I was not the owner? Should I cut my losses and pay the **** bags £130 fine, I am so :mad2: ****ed off about this!!!
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