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  1. The problem is that I need to enter my plea pretty soon. By going not guilty I can buy myself some time during now and the trial to try and get TFL to settle out of court. The issue is if they decide not to and it does go to a trial. I need to know if I can then change my plea at that time as, like you say, I'm unlikely to succeed at trial
  2. Its under Regulation 7(1)(b) of Vehicles regulations 1990 and section 25(3) of public passenger vehicle act 1981, which from my research earlier I think are strict liability matters. So you do agree that there is a possibility that TFL will settle out of Court even if I do plea not Guilty at this point, or is it a complete gamble? Is there any chance of building a case on mitigating circumstances that could get a not guilty plea? I had recently lost my job at the time, have recently been under doctors for depression & anxiety. Actually I had a bit of a panic attack during the incident (which did not make it into the inspectors report which I thought was odd). Clutching at straws at this point I know, but I'd really like to avoid a record.
  3. Yep, I'm trying to avoid the criminal record at absolutely all costs, quite frankly the court costs (although significant given my current financial status) mean very little. I'm almost dead set on pleading not guilty and hoping that they'll drop the case when I re contact TFL. Its the only thing I can do at this point I think, I can't take the record without fighting it somehow, its a potential life changer over 50P.
  4. Hello there. The offence. 'Being a passenger of a Public vehicle operated on behalf of London Bus service Limited being used for the carriage of passengers at separate fares, did use in relation to the journey you were taking a ticket which had been issued for used by another person on the terms that it is not transferable'. Can anyone give me some sort of idea of how much extra in costs of the prosecution and court fees if I take this eventually to trial, and if I have the option to change my plea at the trial? I really need to avoid this criminal record, I was thinking about pleading not guilty in hopes that it buys some more time to settle out of court? Is this madness
  5. Nope. No further correspondences from either TFL or the law centre I asked the provide advice.
  6. Can anyone give me some further input? I basically need to make my decision as to what I'm going to plea tonight Thanks
  7. Thanks for the reply HB. I'm 21 and the bus pass was a discounted 'new deal' job seeker one.
  8. Hi there, I'm hoping someone can help me. Last month I was caught on a London Bus with my mother's discounted job seekers Bus pass. Genuine mistake, but then everyone says that and quite frankly it isn't really the point. What is however is that I am being taken to a Magistrates court by TFL on the offence. With it being a first time offense on I think this seems incredibly harsh, but I was willing to go along with pleading guilty and paying the fine... Until I noticed on one of the 'FAQ' attached forms that I'm going receive a Criminal record for it!? I was told numerous times by the inspector that I simply would have to pay a fine and be done it. Even in the attached statement of the inspector he quotes me as worrying about receiving a criminal record on the day (I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing?). Things to perhaps note: 1) I at the time had a claim for job seekers pending at the which was eventually accepted, so I could/would have been entitled to the same discount. 2) The DOB on the court papers is wrong 3) One check of the oyster card's history would show that it was only used almost entirely for the same journey y, i.e my mother picking my brother up from school. I'm not a serial fare dodger, in fact one look at my own oyster I'm "happy" to do that, but getting a criminal record actually seems like the end of the world to me and I want to do everything possible to avoid it. Any advice? Could anybody give me a minor run down on how much of an impact this is likely to have on my life? I take it I can kiss goodbye to becoming a Police officer or a teacher? Thanks
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