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  1. Hi, just a quick update from me. I decided to change address with the court, haven't heard anything from the solicitors or Capquest but am not sitting back comfortably just yet as think it will pick up again at some point! Just want to thank everyone for keeping me sane through all of this.
  2. Sorry to keep repeating but do you think ok to just inform the court of change of address as don't really want to trigger contact from anyone else but also don't want to get a sneaky CCJ either as want to try and get a mortgage in 3 years. Thanks
  3. Goodness, didn't realise that (even though I have read up loads on here etc), my stomache has been in knots every time I have logged in! Thank you
  4. Sorry and yes, still same as post 147, nothing happened - yet!
  5. Thanks, will inform the court (did look at doing that online but am guessing needs to be done in writing). If I keep checking Moneyclaim online I would assume that any further action would be logged on there too wouldn't it? Thank you for your fast reply.
  6. Hi, at the moment we still haven't heard anything from Drysdens or Capquest still am anticipating something happening in the not so distant future as doubt they will just leave it from here. Have logged onto Moneyclaim online regularly and still showing as the last action being the defence which was submitted on 7/8. Quite irritating really. wondered if you could help me (yet again) with something, we have moved house, do I notify Drysdens/Capquest of change of address , have been relunctant to do this as feel it's admitting to everything in a way also know that if they do anything via the courts that we don't receive then could be in big trouble with a possible CCJ or worse. Any advice please? Many thanks
  7. Hi, fnally got the internet after over 2 weeks of waiting. I have not heard anything again yet from anyone, the last letter gave me 14 days to respond (from Drydens) and was dated 28th August. When I log onto MCOL it's just showing the last action was the defence on 7/8/15, do they note anything on the claim do you know as not sure what's happening? Thanks
  8. I'll see what I can work out (all of this type of things goes way above my head) and with no proper internet even my photo's took a day to come through to my email last time. Thanks
  9. ^^^ finally managed to get the photo's I took of the paperwork. Hope you can make some sense out of them, have no access to any other way to show them. Thanks
  10. Thank you. Will see what happens. Such a shame as was hoping for a finish line to be in sight! Thanks for all of your help and everyone elses through all of this.
  11. Can't do photo's either as they won't send to my email. Really frustrating. Do you think I have cause for concern Andy?
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