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Everything posted by Minibits

  1. Firstly, many thanks to all who contribute here. I have followed the advice of many in filling in my wife's ESA form. She has been on IB for twenty years but were still expecting a fight. She is registered partially sighted due to diabetic retinopothy, and the damage caused by severe lazer treatment to her eyes. She suffers from recurring infections in her feet, and her hands have become deformed, again as a result of the diabetes. She also has other problems such as pernicious anemia, arthritis, athsma, hypertension and heart disease. Anyway, we were pleased to hear that her claim was successful, without a face to face assessment, but she has been placed in the WRAG group, this has currently been appealed but two appeal letters have yet to survive the postal service and arrive at their destination! One letter made it to us though. This morning she has been summoned to appear at a WFI interview on Thursday 27th Dec. Well, technically, Christmas is over by then, I suppose, so can't complain! The letter was pretty helpful, I thought, once you get through all the warnings about taking your money off you if you don't attend etc. It states that "We may be able to help with (amongst others) the cost of replacement care for an adult you care for." Seem's reasonable enough, but what if "you" are the one being cared for? Well, you can bring someone to the interview with you, but "...it may be helpful for you to know that JC+ offices can get very busy and there is limited space in the waiting areas." So "her" carer can attend (gratis, of course) but will probably be expected to stand in the corner. Ah well, if I decide to take her, it may be the makings of an interesting thread to cheer you all up over the holidays. Thanks again for all the help I have gleened from here, and please, everyone, have the best Christmas you can, and a Happier New Year. Good Luck!
  2. Well, if it's training "for a job" you want, then you are limited to training for a WP Advisor, JobCentre Advisor, DWP Advisor, Appeals Tribunal Clerk... or an Undertaker! If it's just training you want, I'd go for Astronaut. That should take you comfortably up to retirement age.
  3. If that is their only income at the moment, then they should apply immediately for Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit. This is paid regardless of NI contributions. With regard to your other queries, someone more knowledgeable should be along shortly. Best of luck.
  4. Ocdset, that link is utterly staggering. Thanks for the link. I've downloaded a copy of that questionaire, and am thinking of filling it in and including it in my wife's appeal papers, when she gets her nil points award. It may not help much, but perhaps the Tribunal Service will offer her a job.
  5. Thank you both. As I feared, I'm no doubt about to go into debt for the first time in my life.
  6. This is my first post, and thank you all for making this site so informative and friendly. I have searched quite a bit, but cannot seem to find an answer, so thought someone here might know... is it possible to claim income support to top up the assessment rate of £71, if it is deemed to be less than you need to live on?
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