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  1. Hi, not sure if anyone can give any advice. Recently, through our local crown decorating centre, we purchased a number of rolls of wallpapermat 36.99 a roll. We have some six rolls which are unused and still have the receipt, however, the supplier says they do not offer refunds. Is this allowed? I thought all retailers had to offer refunds?
  2. This is really helpful, thank you all so much
  3. Not been sent any paperwork from blackhorse, and absolutely nothing from apex. Apex banked two £10 cheques meant for SAR but nothing was forthcoming. We've now sent an SAR to blackhorse direct sent recorded delivery. Lowells ring constantly despite my telli g them I will only commucate by letter although for some reason they won't write to me. Thanks, will use this letter and get it sent.
  4. The 4000 paid to apex we have no idea what's happened to it until we get the SAR. But I would assume not as lowells say 8245 still owed. It's frustrating I've been reading so much about dca's that I wished I'd have know six months ago
  5. Luckily I don't own my own home, never have done, so not too worried that, and a ccj at my age won't be particularly that bad. Sadly I am on my last legs !
  6. During this whole process my son has sent four letters to blackhorse requesting statements, and asking for termination of agreement with collection of vehicle and he's not had one response. Will just keep pursuing them and keep opies of everything
  7. I'm not agreeing pay anything and my son can't pay anything. If we ignore ignore ignore is it likely to end up in court?
  8. Apex was the first my son was paying 500 for 6 months then all of a sudden lowells got in touch saying it was now with them? Blackhorse refuse to speak to my son or me
  9. What would be classed as unlawful? We've sent a SAR awaiting that now. I'm just getting myself prepared for what may come, bloody kids! I am assuming I am just as liable as my son ?
  10. I thought it was illegal to sell with hp on it? The car is probably worth half of what he owes. He was paying apex 500 a month for 6 months and it barely covered interest fees charges (although we didn't realise this until now)
  11. Hi, I agreed to be guarantor for my son in his purchase of a car. To cut a long story short he has defaulted on the finance, has received default notice and debt on being chased by the second dca, lowelss (was apex). The outstanding balance is around 8000. The dca write to my sons address but my name. I signed the original agreement. My son is In terrible financial trouble and has written to blackhorse asking them to terminate the agreement and collect the car although they havent done so yet. He's over half way through agreement but because of arrears I am not sure if the opportunity to hand car back with nothing else to pay will stand (of course he'll have arrears tocpay). I no longer work because due to illl health and I wonder where I stand on this. Will they pursue my son first, then me, or are they thinking they are pursuing me by writing to me but at my sons address? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
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