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  1. Following on from above: I finally got the manager who said there is nothing he can do. Luckily I did a bit of research and looked into who owned them, etc, so when they said if I wasn't happy I should write a letter so I went to town with them. I sent an email quoting all sorts of legal jargon, reporting them to the media, and name dropping a few senior level managers within their company that I was going to personally write a letter to regarding the bad service. The email was sent at 5.30pm. Funnily enough by 8.10am the next morning I had an email from the senior manager apologising for the service and offering me an upgrade on the phone with lower excess and no extra costs. The manager I eventually spoke to was really nice and accommodating. I accepted by email and received my phone the following day. Again stay away from this company at all costs and if you're unfortunate enough to be trying to claim through them, a threatening letter should do the trick.
  2. I had exactly the same. I've been ongoing with Gadgetsafe for nearly a month. Stolen from jacket on back of seat. They declared it as lost instead of stolen to double my excess with them. They then declined it on the basis that I didn't report it within 24 hours. I appealled successfully but I am lucky that they tried to get extra excess from me by saying it was lost, otherwise they would have come back with the same condition as above. They had the phone for me but their payment system was down all day on Friday. They promised to hold the phone but when I called in on Monday the phone was gone. They can't replace like for like and expect me to pay extra on top of the double excess for an upgrade now. Still waiting on the manager to call back with a solution. I'm refusing to let this go until they upgrade me and waive the extra £40 fee on top of the excess. I can see this taking a while. STAY AWAY FROM GADGETSAFE!
  3. I am in the middle of a similar claim. My phone was stolen at a wedding on a Sunday night. I made the discovery the following evening, reported it to the network and had the phone blocked and then called the police the following morning to make the report and get the report number, well within the 24 hour reporting period after discovery. I then contacted the bank who use Gadgetsafe for my cover, spoke to the relevant people, got the forms and completed and returned them that day. This was nearly a month ago. I reported the phone as stolen to both the police and network. The company sent me a letter about a week later declining the claim on the basis that I didn't report it to the police within 24 hours of discovery. As this was nonsense I called them, was told there was nothing they could do and of course requested to speak to a manager. Apparently 24 hours is the standard reply time for a Manager to call you back. I had to call them two days later and was told if I wanted to appeal it would take a week for it to be heard. I sent an email with the appeal articulating every detail of the proceedings making them aware that I could provide CCTV footage from tescos and an itemised phone bill from my girlfriend showing the exact time of discovery. A week later I had to call them and apparently after review my appeal was successful, three days before I called them. They offered me a refurbished iphone 4 8gb instead of my 3GS so I thought fine. I called in two days later to make the payment to find out their payment system was down. I tried again that afternoon with the same result. They said they would hold the phone for me and low and behold I called in on the Monday to find out it's been allocated to someone else. I'm now waiting on the manager calling me with an outcome as I refuse to pay extra money on top of the £50 excess (supposed to be £25 for a stolen phone but my phone apparently was lost according to the Gadgetsafe) to upgrade to a new phone. They offered my totally different phones instead. To top it off they are based in London NW10 and I'm calling from London but I have to pay them 10p per minute just to speak to them, and I've had alot of long winded conversations with them. Still waiting... Advice: Stay clear of GADGETSAFE as they will do anything they can to make the claims process as long and arduous as possible to put you off in the hope you'll give up and just buy a new phone.
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