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Everything posted by Nightstar

  1. Hi Let Them Knock, thank you for your reply, my letter off jennifer smith, customer services. it seems a bog standard type letter, it does say I have 28 days to call them if unhappy or FOS within 6 months lol
  2. recieved a letter from halifax basically saying they are not upholding my claim for a return of mis sold PPI, this followed a telephone call from halifax which the lady asked if I remember as far back as 2002 when I took my mortgage out, I cut the conversation there and I advised the Halifax lady to speak to The claims guys reference my claim, can any body advise weather the Halifax are playing hardball or is this a process that they follow in order to try and stop or delay my claim? Oh they did enclose the FSO booklet and the letter seemed A-Typical bog standard letter that I am probably n ot the only person to haqve received? any wisdom would be most welcome. Thank You:-x
  3. Hi renegadeimp it states pay now 50 pounds or it will increase after 14 days to 90 pounds...
  4. I am blocking you and your inflated attitude Mr jordan Good Bye
  5. JohnJordan I was asking advice on parking tickets not the parking so I would thank you if you got down off your high horse and did not comment further.
  6. Okies so I nipped in B&Q for 5 mins it was 7pm on a co9ld wet Tuesday evening, so I parked in one of several disabled bays mainly due to mits proximty to the stores entrance, low and behold upon my return there on my windscreen was placed a ticket.....Pay £50 quid in 14 days or goes up to £90...People your sound advice on this matter is most appreciated please, I thank you
  7. Hi there slick132, It feels good to be back.............
  8. Thanks you guys, I am indeed still here and shortly due to re-reclaim bank charges from my old adversarry BB.... wait out!!!!
  9. Hi Guys, Thanks for all your responses, happy to inform you that the council have indeed met me 1/2 way and reimbursed me nearly £700 (3 years) so I am happy with that decision. Once again thank you all very much.
  10. Thanks guys, I am sure they have to be sure that before I can get 6 years backdated refund, but I have always lived alone and I have been on the electoral roll so I assumed they could check this out? I feel that yes I should of read the small print advising me of a discount but hey they have my money and I want it back...,.
  11. Hi All, I havent visited this site for some time but like an old friend it's never forgotten, thing is Ive got a bit of a dilemma!!! I have recently discovered (by chance) my council (liverpool) have been charging me band A council tax for the last 6 years without deducting 25% as I am a sole owner/occupier!!! I discovered by chance talking to a friend Ive been paying too much. So I phoned the local council and the very nice lady confirmed that I had indeed been paying full whack for 6 years although she said 'you will only be able to reclaim 2 years and if you wish to claim the rest then send us a letter' I would like to know how to reclaim my money? can they fob me off because I havent twigged? I know there will be a lot of people thinking 'wot a plonkert' but I just pay by direct debit and they take my money, so in the past had no need to question it. Your expert help would be very welcome. thanks all.
  12. May the force be with you JackG:D Good luck mate and ...Hey take it easy, Good things come to those that wait.......
  13. Nice One junior09, and Welcome.
  14. 15% ???????????? why? The process to reclaim is really very easy and not that time consuming I certainly wouldnt trust anyone over the internet who wants access to my personal details especially financial details. But I suppose everyone to their own. Good Luck:)
  15. hi fedupandhardup, They never cease to amaze, thats why they made 7 billion in profit this year.....
  16. Loopylou40, Please calm down, all this is supposed to intimidate you, they wont go to court in a month of sundays rest assured... they use scare tactics to intimidate, have courage and stick to your guns...
  17. It's my pleasure fedupandhardup:D Good luck
  18. Good Luck Stevie, following this thread with interest..
  19. GOOD LUCK.........................
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