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  1. Hi all Sorry for delay in getting back to you - pc problems. Anyway Goodluck all. Loopylou xxx
  2. Hi Unfortunately I have already returned the signed letter and have not crossed out the confidentiality section. Oh well - I will have to keep quiet about that. I have also contacted the court and posted a copy of the letter with signed agreement to the court. I am happy as long as the money is paid quickly into my account. Good luck to all of you. lou xx
  3. Well guys I was waiting with baited breath - thinking I was going to have to attend court and not have Barclays turn up. One week to go and low and behold, a letter came in the post, saying they wished to settle in full, including interest and court costs. LOL It was lucky, because My computer is non-operational and it was going to be such a headache getting together any paperwork for court, although I hadn't been asked to bring any paper work. Big relief, but right up to the end, Barclays are denying any liability,although they do not consider the amount I am claiming (just under a £1000) worth going to court over. (Any excuse) I have to sign something to say I agree with this statement and will not discuss this or disclose any information about the case with anyone - don't think this counts, because I have not given any details LOL. Anyway - it was getting too close for comfort, but there was no way I was going to back down. So to all of you still waiting for settlement - don't be afraid to go to court if you have to, although banks do not appear to bother attending. No matter how nervous you feel - it is the principle that counts - you are in the right and should not back down. Good luck to everyone and a big thankyou to all who helped me. Cheers. Loopylou xxx
  4. Do I need to cntact them? Should I get a court bundle together anyway? Any advice appreciated. Thanks Ali xxx
  5. OK received a notice of allocation to the small claims track (hearing) yesterday. The date set is 19th April.It says original documents shall be brought to the hearing - does not mention submitting any documents before. Does this mean I should put togther a court bundle, but do not need to submit anything to the bank or court before appearing?It says the case has been listed in a block list - what does this mean? - Is it being heard with other similar cases?I am now wondering if I should contact the bank to see if they are willing to settle - any suggestions gratefully received.Many thanksAli xxx
  6. Hi all thanks for all your help, although I am getting totally confused by the use of letters e.g MIG etc - a real novice at this lot. I managed to work out that DCA means Debt Collection Agency LOL My debt is just over £10,000 and I have only been paying £20 per month, but this has been ongoing for so many years and the debt does not appear to be reducing - perhaps I am just about covering the interest. The DCA did ask if I would be willing to make an offer of about £3000, but that was a few years ago and I just didn't have the cash - same is true now, cos Hubby is ill an unable to work any longer and I am a nurse student. I guess I just wanted to see if there was any way of either making a much lower offer, or writing the debt off, considering the number of years I have been paying the monthly amount, particularly as we would not have owed this sum of money if the property had been sold for its street value at the time. I think it looks like I may be wasting my time and should perhaps just continue making the monthly payments. Thanks for all your help guys. Lou xxx
  7. Hi I have still not sent letter. I want to just make sure I am sending the correct letter to all concerned. I have received a letter from the company I have been paying this monthly amount to for many years, because I have stopped the monthly payments. The letter says this Dear Mrs *** Our client: Chelsea Building Society Initial Balance: £10156.15 Account No: *** Property: *** According to our records, as at the close of business today, your agreed monthly repayment towards the outstanding balance specified above, is now overdue. However, we feel sure that this must be an oversight on your part.Your payment was due on 10th February 2007.We now therefore require a payment of £***, without delay, in order to bring your agreed repayments in respect of your account up to date. Please be advised that in the event that agreed repayments are not maintained our client reserves the right to revert to the full outstanding balance and may consider legal action against you for the recovery of that loss. Such action may also involve additional costs and interest.If you are in a position to raise a lump sum payment and would like to establish what savings would be made against this debt, please contact *** at this office on ***. Yours sincerely I am unsure if this company - Henderson Booth and Snell are debt collectors who have bought off the debt or working for the original lender - Chelsea B/S. The inital figure they said I owed due to the sale of the property at a very low figure after it was re-posessed, does not appear to have gone down at all, since I started making payments. They are still saying I owe the same amount of money.I am therefore a little confused about which letter I should send them.Can anyone help? CheersLou xxx
  8. Hi sent my AQ back several weeks ago and still not heard a thing - is this normal? I have so much going on right now - hubby is quite poorly and just come out of hospital, so I am not sure I could not cope if this had to go to court. Also, I am assuming I will now need to put together a court bundle, which again will be a bit of a nightmare to find the time. Anyway - thanks for all your support. Ali xxx
  9. Wow Stan - thanks I will get this in the post a.s.a.p. thanks again - such a great help. I will stay in touch. Lou xxx
  10. Hi Stan5131 I have had a long look through your thread and a quick look at Tideturner's. Very interesting but extremely complicated - sorry but I do not have a great head for finance - science yes - anything to do with money - no. lol. It is late, so I need to look at this again tomorrow, when I have slept. From what I have read, the first thing I need to do is send a S.A.R - (Subject Access Request) to the building society Chelsea - although have not had dealings with them for years and so unsure of where to send it. I am not too sure what the CCA is that you refer to and say I should send to the DCA. Thanks again for your help - it is so appreciated. If I can reduce my expenditure at the moment, it would really benefit us. I am a student again, studying Adult Nursing and my husband has a chronic neurological condition, which prevents him from now working. Times are hard and I am doing my best to keep our heads above water, without banks and building societies making illegal charges. It seems to me the people that are charged the most, are those that can least afford it - why is that? Sorry - having a bit of a feel sorry formyslef moment - I have snapped out of it now. lol Lou xxx
  11. Actually - have to correct something: I am not sure HBS have purchased the debt, because they still put Chelsea Building Society down as their client on letters. Lou xxx
  12. Hi I have posted this problem elsewhere, but this seems a good place to post it also. My husband and I purchased a property jointly and had it re-posessed over 8 years later. It was a commercial property, although we bought it on a semi-commercial basis, but never received Miras and were sold an endownment policy on a commercial property, because hubby could not get a repayment mortgage. The property was a shop with flat above and my husbands business took a turn for the worse and we could no longer afford the repayments. The property was left not lived in for some time, because we were living and working elsewhere, to try and continue paying the mortgage. When the property was re-posessed, we had actually paid more than the initial amount we borrowed and the property was then sold at a much lower figure than the valued firgure. This left us with a substantial debt, from the interest that had been added to our initial mortgage and we had cashed in the endowment when things got tough and continued to pay the interest. My husband was made bancrupt in 2000 and the debt collection agency said the debt was now entirely my responsibility. I have been paying £20 per month for over 10 years now and every now and again, the debt collectors (Henderson Booth and Snell) who have purchased the debt, offer me the opportunity to pay a lump sum, usually of about £2500, but I can't afford this. I was just wondering if anyone had found themselves in a similar position and just how long I should expect to carry on paying for this debt. Many thanks Lou
  13. Hi - just used the above link to get to the letter (S.A.R - (Subject Access Request)), but not sure it is relevant to what I have beenpaying, becuase we had our property reposessed, after paying more to the building society than we had originally borrowed and then the property was sold at a knocked down price, resulting in a shortfall we then had to pay. The peeps who took over the debt did give us the option to pay off a lump sum a few years ago, or more recently come up with a figure we could afford, but we cannot afford to make large payments. I have already paid over £2000 to this company. Do you think this SAR is still relevant? Ali xxx
  14. Hi Had letter the other day from peeps working on behalf of the Chelsea Building society, who have presumably taken over the debt and we have been paying them £20 per month for the last 10-11 or so years approx. Does anyone have dealings with this company: Henderson Booth & Snell. So I will send an S.A.R to them and let you know how I get on. Do I have to send this also to the Chelsea B.S? Many thanks Ali xxx
  15. Oh yes Sorry - one more question: Has anyone included anything in the section - other information on their AQ? Ali xxx
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