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Everything posted by CraigMcK

  1. Be cautious that you are not signing for the lease, with the company paying the bill each month. If you leave the company it's going to fall to you to pick up the payments for the remainder of the term.
  2. I had a contract with 3 for my sons phone, came to the end of the contract and was offered an upgrade to the new phone he wanted. After checking around, got the same phone on a better bundle for £5 less via carphonewarehouse (still with 3). For some reason they refused to match it, so cancelled and set up a new one. Loyalty does not mean much to them it seems Always best to shop around.
  3. They will want another £8k if you want to keep the car, so total payable is £23k
  4. I believe you are incorrect. That fee is not included as part of the £15k if is optional and is in addition if you was to keep the car. Check with them to be sure
  5. Get a report from the second one and claim your money from kwik fit
  6. As has been said. You don't need to go past them. In a straight line I believe the camera / laser can get you at 1km. It obviously depends on road layout and more importantly if you have anyone in front of you. Are you disputing you were speeding or just that they caught you doing it?
  7. Just looking for some advice My wife just sold her car, there is about 2 months left on her insurance policy. Going onto Quote me unhappy's website they want £53 to cancel the insurance and an extra £30 if I call them to cancel it. There is no refund for the remaining term, which I can accept, but charging to cancel it seems well OTT, which I'm not about to pay. So 1) Is it just me or is this a complete rip off 2) Can we just leave the insurance running until June when it's finishes Thanks
  8. I agree you can't demand they sell you anything, but I'm interested in the comments above. They do sell ex display stock at huge discounts, Christmas displays are a good example of this. When they do sell them I don't believe there are any notes regarding possible danger and not liable for any accidents
  9. How much over the 2 hours were you. If it was say 20 minutes you might be able to argue that. If it was 2 hours then I would not use that as an argument in the case. I do agree entry / exit times don't constitute parking duration. It would be strange not to have some tolerance built into the time capture to allow for this... But I suppose they are out to get as much money as possible irrespective of the ethics
  10. Hi Hope someone can advise I've got a fixed rate mortgage with Nothern Rock/Virgin Money. It's due to finish on 31st October. I would like to repay it early (Selling house in July) however there is an early repayment clause. This is where it gets annoying Mortgage payments for July - Oct = £2000'ish Early repayment charge is £4000'ish I'm really not happy about paying twice the actual mortgage payment to get out of the deal, can anyone advise if it's worth pursuing this with them, or just accept I signed the agreement and live with it. PS not buying another house, so can't port it. Thanks
  11. Did he also claim therefore to have 5 years no claims? Obviously dropping back to 4 would reduce the discount
  12. From a DIY'er point if view. It would not make any difference matt or satin to it peeling, that's down to prep unfortunately. It's possible that the paint has reacted with a previous coating and is peeling, this us very common if varnish was previously used. Also the newer formulation of paints takes days / weeks to dry out properly, you may have not waited long enough. I would be surprised if you can get any more than the cost of the paint from them, but it's worth a try
  13. Possibly was direct, but the same system applies if you use a monthly payment rather than an actual usage, they all convert the payment to a number of units and go from there. So if BG is more expensive per unit that's why you end up with false results.
  14. These sites don't work that way, Let's say you pay £100 and with ovo that gets you 100 units. You now tell the comparison site that you pay BG £100, they look at BG unit cost and that might only buy you 80 units. This is compared to the other suppliers and with ovo it would show 80 units would cost £80, so a saving is shown. You really need to know your usage rather than what you pay to get a proper cost comparison
  15. There a regulations available online regarding the height of trees and distance from houses. Have used it before. If you google it I am sure you will find the document. I've got a feeling it was linked on a council website, probably inside the planning area
  16. I don't understand why you are responsible for the light bulbs. Is this not the responsibility of the landlord?
  17. Please remember that for up to 2 years they can drop you fairly easily. You might not want to make too many waves!
  18. I really hope there's a typo in the above. £700 loan paid back £15k?
  19. My apologies. I was talking about electricity usage than gas. Are you sure they have increased you tarrif rate on a fixed contract. I don't see how this us posdible
  20. Are they putting the price up or just charging for the amount you are using? Unless you've got electric heating your usage does not change that much across the year I'm not sure where the issue is if they are changing your payments to match your usage and they don't normally change unless they believe your payments / usage across the term won't match. Would you rather have a huge debt to pay at the end of the fixed rate
  21. I agree it's not a good article for them. But the scenario used is typical. If you are unfortunate enough to be unemployed, why go out and buy a 50" tv or play station. They are hardly essential. Sadly that is the world many live in. They want the best of everything and BH offers it too them, they know the costs involved, but still go ahead. If people were to save up and buy it in cash from a more reputable store, BH would not be in business, and if you can't afford to save the money, they you certainly can't afford the BH option. So while I have some sympathy for people who see the full BH experience, there are other ways, they may not be as instant, but you don't get the bank coming round to say you did not put this weeks savings into your account!
  22. If your concerned by them talktalk now offer a sim contract for £3.50 with some call/text/data allowance. Google talk talk mobile
  23. Have a look at satellite broadband it's not cheap. But if you limit your use it's not too bad. Google tooway as a start
  24. Never put a rear facing child seat in the front without disabling the airbag. If there is not a switch, then don't fit the seat, it's very dangerous in the event of an accident if the airbag fires
  25. Have a look at the deals on 3. 3p/min 2p/text. Shows what can be done to gain market share. I agree 30p/min is ridiculous Ps I've no connection with 3
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