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Everything posted by tajezza

  1. oh and i forgot mention that someone i know ho got one of their letters in june the same car park had their appeal heard in 2 days and was let off as a good will gesture,she had no more evidence than we did now that really adds insult to injury!!! how canthey let one person off and others they persicute
  2. hi thanks for all your emails but saturday received two more letters one from parking eye stating that "you did not meet the criterria of the landlords of the car park (ie whittlingham trust) to have a succesful appeal" and that they would hold off more action for 14 days for me to gather evidence to proove i paid!!! the heck am i supposed to do that!! and on the same day a letter from debt collections plus telling my son that they would accept a reduced amount of 112.00 if paid in 7 days then the same letter came through again on saturday. they really are not going to give up and why did it take them all this time to respond to the appeal anyway i cannott ignore this as they say it is going to litigatin and i beleive it actually will we have now han 10 letters from them told you i would be the unlucky one. seriously though i really do need some help on how to make this stop it is making me ill!
  3. thanks for your help and yes and ther scare tacticts are working!!! you say a remote possibility beleive me with our rubbish luck we will be the ones they get
  4. thanks but just because debt collectors have no real powers do not mean that they will not issue a ccj against him and threats of bailiffs really scary i moved into a flat years ago and on the second day bailiffs turned up for the previous occupent and pushed their way in and starting grabbing things!! this was terrifying and it was not even my debt, they also said that if i was lucky i was there they had the right to brake in and help themselves. should i at least try writing to debt collection plus and appeal again as they do show on their web site lots of cases they have issued ccjs on people, i know you say chill but as you can see i am a worryer although i have noticed that evey time i appeal aletter on that exact date is sent out!!!
  5. can you help my son received a penalty from parking eye for a 47min stay on easter sunday evening at our local river 60.00 if paid then 90.00 then 120.00 now have received 2 letters of notice of litigation from debt collectors plus they do seem like a real company and very scary. now if the driver {who was not the registered keeper} had not attempted to pay i would not mind so much but twice they attempted to pay entering registration etc then inserting money it took money twice but no ticket. we appealed and they ignored so we wrote to the owners of the land i well known trust in norfolk said they would look into it. 5 weeks went by heard nothing assumed it was all over but unfortunately not!!! the authority who own the land said parking eye asked and there were no reported faults,no because we did not at time report it as tourist information board at this time was closed s in their oppinion if it was not reported then no fault was found great!! the woman at the trust said that we could still pay the original 60.00 but parking eyes debt collector demanding 140.00 {where did they get this figure from?] my son wants to pay it as he does not want a court action taken against him please please help what should i do oh and the letters convinently come by second class post so arrive after each deadline anyway HELP i know everyone says ignore but they do not seem to give up now have until 18/06 to pay or litigation will proceed!!!!!
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