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  1. I am required to register for the .Gov site first so snail mail it is. You are very helpful, thank you for this
  2. They are claiming the whole balance of £10,664,78 + £190 court fee = £10854,78. claiming 8% p.a. from 29/02/2012 to 28/05/2012 & daily rate of 2.20 up to date of judgement. Can they do this i thought this was owned by MBNA not them/
  3. Do i send the completed form to IDR or the Court?
  4. Thank for the reply. I guess i fill in the form with personal details and hope for the best. how do I know they have entitlement to charge interest etc?
  5. There is no seal. it looks like a standard copy of the document with the badge of Northampton CC on it. I have not had any information from MBNA about this.
  6. Also, if my credit file is already tarnished for 6 years as a result of my default with MBNA what is the benefit of trying to resolve this with a company i know nothing of?
  7. I seem to have been issued with a CC claim from IDR Finance (28th May 2012) & a letter from Link Financial (28th May 2012) asking for the same amount £10,664. They inform me that the 'Benefit of the Debt has been legally assigned' to IDR. 2 things - I have not been informed that this has happened by MBNA, Do I respond to the claim notice or ignore it, I don't know if this is a legitimate claim form or legit assignment at this stage?
  8. How do I start a thread - sorry new to this!
  9. I seem to have been issued with a CC claim from IDR Finance (28th May 2012) & a letter from Link Financial (28th May 2012) asking for the same amount £10,664. They inform me that the 'Benefit of the Debt has been legally assigned' to IDR. 2 things - I have not been informed that this has happened by MBNA, Do i respond to the claim notice or ignore it?
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