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  1. Thank you Reb11, again you have put my mind at ease. I'm sure it will be paid soon, if not I will be on their tails blowing smoke! Regards, Amelia
  2. No I haven't contacted them as I wanted to give the item chance to go through the returns procedure. As you pointed out and quite rightly so, give it a week to go through the system. But I just wondered what the consumer law is on refunding money? As I read it, they have to refund your money immediately when it's agreed that the item is being sent back. I may be mistaken though and read it wrong. One has to be showing that they are reasonable in these matters, and I am certainly that! But if they are knowingly unreasonable themselves, then I will challenge them. I just want to be prepared. Looking forward to your reply Reb11
  3. I understood from that information you kindly forwarded to me that they should refund immediately?
  4. So it's only to be refunded when it shows on their books?
  5. Hello again! The merchandise was collected by the courier on Tuesday and I have retained a receipt. However, they still have not refunded my money!! Am I correct in assuming that the money had to be paid when It was agreed that the item was to be returned? With regards, Amelia.
  6. Hello again! The merchandise was collected by the courier on Tuesday and I have retained a receipt. However, they still have not refunded my money!! Am I correct in assuming that the money had to be paid when It was agreed that the item was to be returned? With regards, Amelia.
  7. Thats brilliant! In shall certainly be digesting some info from that rebel 11.......if that is how I address you! This is the first time I have used this site, so I'm just a learner at the moment. I referred to you as Site Team earlier, sorry if I made a mistake. Regards, Toots.
  8. Thank you Site Team for your swift response. I have been so upset about this issue. The so-called 'expert' on juicers I was redirected to on the phone, was somewhat arrogant to say the least even though I wanted a replacement. And the lady who called herself a Director became quite haughty when I rang back. She said "Oh yes!" in a conceited manner, "I heard the telephone conversation!" I said "did you hear what I was saying?" She replied "no!" She changed her attitude immediately when I told her what I had done for a living before retirement and that I had never in my profession taken the side of a telephone conversation unless I had heard the other side speaking. She suddenly but swiftly replied, "Oh!, X has just gone past(meaning the so-called Juicer Expert) and said you don't have to pay any postage! What a transformation!!! What was that all about?? If she is the Director, why is he calling the shots I asked myself!!.... Well, the package is being picked up on Tuesday of next week by courier. I would love to report the so-called expert for his rudeness. I'll make damn sure I get a receipt before the appliance leaves here on Tuesday! Incidentally, I have purchased one from another site!......Looking forward to some serious juicing.... I'm very grateful to you. Kind regards and best wishes, Toots.
  9. I recently contacted a reputable company the day after I received a Juicer to inform them that it was not functioning as described by the video demonstration given on the site. It was squeaking dreadfully!, a really grating and annoying sound. There is no way it made that sound on the Demo. Although I am aware that juicers can be noisy, I was unhappy by the dreadful noise it was making, very unusual in my opinion. I was informed that once it was returned, if the appliance was found by them not to be faulty then I would not get my courier charges back. They were willing for it to be picked up, but it worried me that once it was returned they could easily state it wasn't faulty and I would lose my return postage costs. I reminded them that I was not qualified to know if it was fault or not, but I was unhappy with the product and it was not sounding like the one demonstrated on the site. It was much noisier. Naturally they were defensive of there product and said I was to expect juicers to be noisy and they even stated that I couldn't go by the Demonstration as the demonstrators microphone may not be positioned to pick up noise. It all sounded bizarre to me. Am I entitled to pay for the refund postage if they found it not faulty even though I was unhappy with the product. Regards. Toots.
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