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Everything posted by Arikostinaal

  1. eBay froze my account due to 'unexpected activity' (meaning I sell toys, had the foresight to sell them early and made a load of cash over a two week period). No explanation, no excuses. They refused to move, or give me the money (PayPal also frozen) so I ended up giving pretty much back everything in refunds as I couldn't afford to buy the stock (money all tied up in PayPal account). This has ruined my company. I owe some fees to eBay but there's not a cat in hell's chance I'm prepared to pay it if I have any chance of fighting and winning. Does anyone have any advice? Should I pay the money or has ANYONE ever fought eBay and won? What they've done here at this critical time of the year is just astonishing; it's hardly the first time they've utterly messed me around and cost me a load of cash but this is the final straw.
  2. I know. It's so easy to look back and go "ugh, why didn't I do that?" But I didn't because it wasn't worth it. I'm winding up the company anyway as there's been a whole lot of damage done by another company and we (my accountant and I) felt it wasn't worth starting up a limited company in this case. Stupid really... The company is all set up, just dormant. Gah! Well, I have proof they sent the wrong stock levels and refused to accept it back. The rest is by phone. I'm trying to get copies of the calls, but as this is with HSBC, they've being particularly difficult and unhelpful. Who'd've thought it? I'm not sure it's a fair world when you try to send stock back or pay in installments, and they can still take you to court (and refuse to give you the credit you're owed)...
  3. Hey there. Sole trader. Yes the company was mine. Thanks so much for taking the time to reply Was going to go limited but the company has majorly been struggling due to a third party issue which has caused untold damage... It's all been a bit of a nightmare!
  4. Have had a Court Summons from DG Solicitors for a company debt from earlier this year. I've made numerous attempts to offer a repayment plan, which they've basically ignored. They sent me a letter today saying they wrote to me on the 12th of April and as no satisfactory arrangement has been agreed, they are continuing with court action. Is there anything I can do? I've tried to return the stock - they wouldn't allow it. I've made offers of repayment - they've all been rejected. Basically, I've been strung along and given false information and now I have to go to Court and it's very stressful. Is there anything I can do or should I go to court and handle the financial repercussions?
  5. Received a County Court Summons from Solicitors today for an invoice from one of my suppliers. I can't pay this back in one lump sum. Bank wanted a ludicrous amount a week, so they said, hang fire, it'll go to our solicitors, and they will be able to resolve this and offer you a more agreeable repayment offer. Went to solicitors, I called them a few times. No response. But rather than get in touch in any way, they've simply started legal proceedings against me. Is there anything I can do at this point to waive the legal proceedings and get back to a repayment plan?
  6. Can I just thank everyone that took their time to post on this thread. It's been incredibly helpful for a company that uses rather threatening tactics to try and get money from people. So THANKS!
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