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  1. Hi all , Thanks for taking the time to read this thread for me , this is a rather daunting and irritating subject that is really upsetting my family. I will try my best to explain the current situation and i really hope i can get some advice. My girlfriends grandmother past away this year , around 3 months ago. The solicitors my girlfriends nans used is [name edited], and she gave them power of attorney. Now my girlfriends grandmother wasn't a wealthy lady by any means. She lived within her means and lived off a state pension. How ever she did have a significant amount of savings somewhere in the region of around 13,000 pounds , i don't mind sharing this number with the forum because its important you know. The solicitors in question are delaying everything , the lady dealing with the case is constantly going on about there nothing being any money left after their fee's and the funeral costs. But working out the funeral costs and other things , it doesn't add up all. I was in charge of almost everything when she passed away i saw all her assets and i saw the cost of the funeral , after the funeral costs there would still be 8000 pounds remaining , and she doesn't owe anybody money because ive checked and my motherinlaw would of known as we all saw her on a regular basis. The way the solicitors are treating my family is just disgusting , they know we aren't wealthy either and the money set aside was addressed in her will for her daughter and grandchildren , which would go a long way to improving factors in their lives. We are constantly being kept out of the loop and for every phone call shes making to us shes charging us , but when ever we phone her shes never in the office because she loves to rack up the bill over the phone by calling us. I just this second also found out the solicitor has put a add in the paper stating if anyone new her please come forward. :S Why would they do that? The will is crystal clear anything left in the terms of money and other items goes to the grandchildren and siblings. We are being taken for a ride here , shes been delaying this now for months and months. My girlfriends grandmother had next to nothing theres no way it should take this long. What should we do? Contacting her would be met with snobby sadistic remarks as we have already had. She even accused my motherinlaw of stealing from the insurance pay out. Please help.
  2. Hey all , Its understandable a company you owe money to can get frustrated , but there are ways and means of getting said money and i want to know if the person that's spoken to me has behaved in a disgusting way. My partner is my carear and we went with a buy as you view for a washing machine and a dryer , im writing this on her behalf to see if there's anything illegal about the gentlemen's actions from buy as you view. We started falling behind with payments a few weeks ago , around 90 pounds or so most of which is charges for making a late payment in retrospect we only owe 40 pounds minus the charges. Now we have had no issues with the direct debts before now as we dont see it leave the account. But lately we had a few issues which stopped them being paid for a few weeks. With this being the only issue we have ever had with the company we thought they would allow us some time to get the money together to clear the arrears, they said it was fine. The day we set to phone them up and make a partial payment them there was a knock on the door. It was a gentlemen from buy as you view demanding the full amount , my partner explained that would be impossible to do as the weekly budget has already been set aside and we cannot adjust it to the amount he wants as we already came to a agreement with the company over the phone. He started rambling on about how he was going to enter the property and remove the products from the house there and then. Now at present my foot is broken and as i suffer from a number of mental health issues , i didn't think showing my face and getting myself into trouble would be the best idea. So i decided to call consumer direct and they where about as helpful as a chocolate teapot stuck up stairs and having my partner face this clearly ignorant man , i had no choice buy to allow her to use my card and i could clearly tell this man was intimidating her , he even went to the trouble of causing his manger then his manger starts to guilt trip my partner *I quote* We thought you could afford the products why are you letting us down by not paying*. When i shouted down to my partner he cant enter the propertie its illegal , he shouted up , IT ISN'T. Now this happened around a week ago , and we now have a regular payment going back to them to clear the small debt. But i want something done to this pig who made my partner feel like this. Its still bothering me now and i very much doubt its going to go away until this bloke is dealt with. Thanks for reading.
  3. Hey all , Before i start my rant i have to say i was brought here by google from typing in buy as you view , the poor man that good arrested :S Anyhow basically me and my partner wanted to join virgin media when we moved into our new house now i always assumed the service with them was second to none as the speeds they offered where amazing and i can download in minutes , not only that but i did consider myself at the time to be a professional gamer so i wanted to go with them due to see other friends getting really decent latency in game. However it simply wasn't the case when i joined the deeper i dug the further i saw how corrupt the company was , nothing but lies and and scripted morons letting you vent frustration all the mean while not being able to solve any issues at all. After 3 engineer visit these guys didn't have a clue how to solve the issues , and on the 3rd visit i was sent the head engineer for my area he phoned up a national main line for virgin media and they told him it would all be fixed within a month as they would be performing a cable split in my area , so basically the ISP is over subscribed and there splitting up the area so there's less utilisation aka lower ping. I waited till that date and nothing had changed , i refused to pay them anything they had lied to me over and over and over again , and when there was 80 pounds of arrears on the services i half expected them to cancel the services which they did , but they refused to cancel down the contract all together , we tried to just get the TV and phoneline gone with the company but they said the arrears needs to be cleared before they can do anything. 560 POUNDS LATER! A man from virgin media came out to remove the equipment from the properties , of course we allowed him to do so because they can charge any longer as i don't have the equipment to run there services any more and he gave us a receipt. Now im wondering what are my rights as a consumer with virgin media , they sold me faulty broadband that never worked and disconnected all the time , ive been lied to on more than 25 occasions. What can i do? Thanks for reading!
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