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Everything posted by Slatted

  1. Does this effect the Budgeting Loans too? Bet it is going to be a great help for all those who are moving due to HB being cut and need help with things like rent in advance.....bet they would be delighted to be told they (and their prospective landlord) had to have vouchers instead!
  2. I have never heard of anyone "outgrowing" epilepsy and in the literature it has always been pointed out that even if symptoms end the risk of them starting again is there..were they definitely epileptic seizures and not the other type? I was always told that epilepsy is managed and not cured and although some can go without fits for years it is never safe to assume it has gone forever. I am glad that your fits are no longer troubling you Nystagmite.
  3. Nystagmite Whilst I agree with the sentiment of your comment and agree taht certainly the comment from andys12 seems to underestimate the organic and difficult nature of mental illness... epilepsy is a permanent condition, it is "for life". Whilst the symptoms can be managed and some fortunate people control seizures completely with medication it is never cured, it can resurface at any time and medications may need adjustment over time. The medications also have some nasty side effects that can effect abilities also and in my husbands case he had to change medications completely as they reduced his white blood count and nearly killed him!
  4. Has anyone found out that the doctors and medical profession think about all this? Seems the prognosis is not medically based and the fact they have certified a person unfit for work should imply unfit for the Work Programme in many cases too. Maybe fit notes need to state what they should avoid in more detail....not just unfit for work but work related activities etc...? I cannot believe how quiet GPs are being about how their decisions are being more or less ignored. Surely unfit for work means unfit for a number of things other than just work? It is just the form that implies it is work related. The way this situation is being played it surely implies that GPs are incompetent and fall for those trying to skive rather than using professional skills and judgment to determine whether a person can or should work?
  5. The daughter is still living at home so I do not think she will be classed as a lone parent and the issue is more about the fact that my friend cannot claim CTC etc for her daughter and the daughter cannot claim anything else so at a time of most expense the income is going down and she is in no fit state to try and sort anything, her memory and thinking abilities are declining due to the lump and I can only do so much. It is heartbreaking.
  6. The thing with the plans outlined in the article is that the categorising of which, if any, group will not have even begun! Even someone in a coma could find themselves with a potential sanction for not participating if the information about their condition does not get to the right circles! It is downright senseless. And it is not as if the real underlying reason is to encourage those who can work to do so.. it is about money. Like Estellyn says, if they were truly helping and supporting and encouraging then that would be different.
  7. My friend believes they were told that the daughter would qualify for Income Support when CTC stopped. So is everyone saying this was not true? So basically they are meant to lose a significant amount of income at a time when it is needed most. She did not chose to end study, the course ended because the college her to one of shorter duration due to her condition. Surely she would not be eligible for JSA or ESA either so that is ridiculous....but not unexpected sadly. The problem is my friend is a single parent and facing surgery for her tumour next week. She has not the time or energy to go to CAB and I doubt the daughter will go on her own.
  8. My friends daughter is pregnant and has reached the 29 weeks point. Was told that CTC would stop (her daughter has attended college whilst pregnant) and that the daughter would qualify for Income Support and Maternity Grant. She has now been informed this is not going to happen as she lives at home! (although she may be going into temporary respite care as my friend is undergoing exploratory surgery for a possible brain tumour). What is the position? Is there anything for the 16 year old to claim? Surely my friend is not meant to keep her daughter for free? (then again, these days....).
  9. If this goes ahead it would mean they are not even waiting until the result of WCA to start pressuring people, threatening sanctions etc and many are really not at all well and those destined for Support Group will end up in the worst position if forced to take action to prepare for work or lose benefits. It will undoubtedly cause more suffering and could result in more deaths, more easily recognised as directly linked/ caused by how the process is applied to those genuinely sick. I assume this is to counteract the fact that the 13 week period is now proving a lot longer for many.....
  10. Apologies if this is posted somewhere else but I thought it needed to be here! http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/9683811/Prepare-for-work-or-lose-your-benefits-long-term-sick-are-told.html
  11. This is the type of situation that should be reported in the Press....there is too much about how lazy people are and how they do not want to work but nothing about the struggles of those who find work but cannot get at it....and the lack of help that the Govt spin wants to make everyone believe is there.
  12. I personally love the bit about "intensive support" idea....so that is what WP and sanctions do is it....support...... :-/
  13. I thought that ESA assessment period was a MINIMUM of 13 weeks? I am not sure they should be allowed to consider doing one before, especially when so many are waiting so much longer. It does not make sense. And yes I know that is pretty much the sentence that summarises the ESA system!
  14. I heard them "hint" more that those who gained work experience by volunteering for the Olympics found employment of some kind following this also....good "spin" innit?
  15. I am sure I saw it on the news yesterday....that those out of work are less in number than since records began in the 1970s! Was I dreaming? I may be wrong but I smell a great big rat....surely we have not had a great big surge in employment that I did not notice? I know they mentioned the increase in part time and contract work but I do not believe this is all that has caused this If they are only looking at those on JSA then maybe it is the fact that many are jobless but not able to claim benefits...or are undergoing sanctions.... And of course many of those 16 to 18 have found they are having to go back into training to make sure they can eat as parents are losing benefits..... Am I wrong? Am I being too cynical?
  16. I always get my sicknote in advance of the expiry date of the other. Seems DWP/JCP would expect that and GP doesnt mind giving me one from the date I see him and friends on ESA have also done this. It is not illegal to overlap dates, what makes you believe this to be the case? Postdating them is the problem I believe but if it runs from the date it is signed until a date later than the other expires there is no problem.
  17. I am sure someone with the chapter and verse will be along soon to help.
  18. I think that JSA rules may differ where you are a parent of a child under 5 years of age. Have you checked with JCP on on Directgov website? Or spoken to anyone like CAB? Who was it that "advised" you?
  19. Now you are in WRAG you no longer need to provide sick notes. They have agreed that, for the meantime, you are not fit to work but they will assess you again and you may receive ESA50 soon....so make the most of the relative "peace" .
  20. I think the problem is, if you have a chance to look at the other threads on the forum under ESA and the like that there is no longer a "level playing field"....and things are no longer fair where ESA is concerned. it is understandable that you are confused and angry and want things to be "fair" but mostly it seems all we can do is work within the rules that now govern our benefit and welfare system. It is all down to "descriptors" now....the WCA is not a medical and therefore although they "should" know about the medications and conditions but that does not always seem to matter if you can be seen to do what they ask. That does not mean we accept them and many challenge and complain but if you are not fit for work then you need to start the appeal process and gather your evidence or get help from the likes of Welfare Rights or CAB. I am not sure if you have contacted DWP to start appeals process? Have you looked at the Sticky about appeals?
  21. I rang up and was given a FREEPOST address for my local BDC. I may have to provide an envelope but at least there is no postage cost.
  22. Ridiculous isn't it? They want us to find work and then there are so many obstacles when we do because hours and pay rates are often low (not as much full time work around) whilst costs like transport keep going up and up!
  23. I believe that because whoever does the "medicals" will have to follow descriptors....like for ESA there are some for PIP and therefore that is all they will look at and ask about. They are not asked to diagnose or treat only apply medical knowledge and examination to determine where you fit in the "scores". It is meant to determine if you need help to maintain some independence, alledgedly.
  24. I am sorry that my earlier reply was not clear enough for you to feel you could ask for your call to be escalated when you rang today. Am not sure if Talktalk offer a deal on 0845 but would definitely suggest you ring their Customer Services and ask...or maybe check their website? It is not as if you are unlikely to have to ring 0845 numbers in future....especially whilst on benefits I'm afraid. I am never asked my sort code as ID but can understand how that could be the case, have you checked the exact account number with them though? Even a digit wrong can make all the difference. The Crisis Loan repayment is high but I believe that amount can be appealed and I was just meaning that at least you would have money in the hand to spend and if you have had it then repaying it, no matter at what rate, is better than not having anything at all is it not? When they call back ask if they know why promised each time and not arrived. It sounds as if they are under the impression it is being sent by "Faster Payment" which should guarantee that it reach the account on the same day but not when, but if so there is no excuse for it not arriving especially twice already!....I suspect it may have been sent by "normal" means which can take up to five days and there is no way they can recall it so, depending upon when it was sent, it could be after the weekend before they let you have it. There is no easy answer to this I am sorry to say.
  25. It is very confusing, even if you have claimed benefits before it is no clearer believe me! And yes it is the "piece of string" as to how long to wait for an appeal. Some regions are quicker than others and some are fast tracked.
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