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  1. Got an Order from the Court (of its own initiative without a hearing) that the claim be struck out without further Order because they hadn't complied with the original Order. Yay! Thank you Cag Forum for all your help, particularly Andy and as soon as we have some spare cash, we will be sending some to cag. This site is brilliant. Thank You
  2. Good morning. We're back from a very wet holiday - it rained the whole week but that's to be expected, we went to Scotland! It was beautiful though, so not complaining. we returned to expect a Disclosure list from MKDP but there is nothing, nada, zilch! So.. . we are supposed to request sight of documents for examination by 14th April but if we have no idea what is on their list, we can hardly request sight? Is there something we can do to 'report' this to the court or do we chase them for their N265 list? I am off work next Sunday so will spend the day looking through other threads but in meantime , if anyone can suggest what we do next, I'd be grateful. Thank you
  3. So, like this 1. CPR 31.14 Request letter dated blah 2. Proof of posting voucher from Post office dated blah 3. Section 77/78 letter dated blah 4. Proof of posting voucher from Post Office dated blah 5. Defence Statement submitted on blah 6. Witness statement Then we send the N265 to MKDP and go on holiday and expect a similar thing from them for whan we get back? Presumbably, that's when it will start to get more interesting, particularly as we cannot see how they can possibly have any proof that we owe this money - my partner thinks the credit card was originally sent out, completely unsolicited and definitely never signed for.
  4. Help - the Order from the Judge for disclosure has come from one court but the Notice of Allocation has come from a different one - so which one do we quote on our N265? Also, we have downloaded the form N265 but we're not really sure what to do next. The Claimant has not responded to any of our requests for documentation nor replied to either CPR 31 or section 77/78 letters. All we have in our possession is a July 2008 Default Notice that very clearly states it is for a Credit Card. Should we mention this or continue to play dumb? They are insisting this is a debt for a bank account overdraft facility. Is there a template copy amywhere of how to fill in the N265? Thank you
  5. Hi Andy Thank you - just took a look at a sample N265 but even more mystified now because we don't actually have any documents to disclose?
  6. Hi Andy, we have until 2nd April 4pm to give each other standard disclosure of documents by list.... have no idea what this means as we have no documents. by 4pm 16th April any request must be made to inspect the original of, or to provide a copy of, a disclosable document evidence of fact - by 4pm 30 April we must serve copies of the signed statements 9th July pre trial checks must be sent trial window between 4 - 22 August We are going on holiday (caravan in scotland) on 3rd April until 12th April, so need to try and get everything done by 2nd really... but we honestly don't know where to begin. We still maintain that this is a credit card not a bank account or overdraft and therefore not sure where they're getting the info that it is a bank overdraft from?
  7. Help! We have now received a Notice of Allocation to the Fast Track and it stipulates that all parties must consider settling by any means of alternative dispute resolution but we have never received any reply to our request for more information on a bank account that we know never existed - (it was a credit card!) So, please, please, please can someone help us. We have no idea what to do next.
  8. Thank you for your condolences - funeral is on 30th January.. This morning received from CCBC a N24 - Standard Order for stay for settlement with consent of all the parties. Says on or before 27 January one of the following steps must be taken: either the claimant must notify the court that the whole of the claim has bee settled; or the claimant or defendant must write to the court requesting an extension of the stay period, explaining the steps being taken towards settlement and identifying any mediator, expert or other person helping with the process or all the parties must file a completed directions questionnaire at the court. We're not sure what to do now? We still haven't received any documents from MKDP giving us any details of where they think this money is owed from... they haven't replied to our CPR request or the S78 request. Can someone please help? Thank you
  9. OKay, mother passed away last night - peacefully - so now we need to organise funeral etc - but remembered to send off the N181 to the Court and to MKDP today, registered post, so now just wait and see? We are not sure if we have done everything right but sure we'll soon find out? We didn't have time to research any more - so what will be will be. Thank you everyone who has contributed assistance. Once the Court date is set we might need help with compiling the defence pack??
  10. HI, Ganymede, thank you for your responses... the Notice from the court doesn't mention costs. It says something about if we believe this is not suitable for multi track we must complete box D2 and explain why. MKDP have put in their attached Draft Directions that it should be ordered to Fast Track but they haven't put anything in box D2 - then again, they don't seem to think they need to follow any legal rules as they obviously have total disregard for any rules! How we're supposed to mediate when they can't even be bothered to send us the full details of the claim, does seem a bit pointless! Anyway, we're off to the care home again today...mum is hanging in there but she is going downhill... We think we need to get this in post by tomorrow morning in order for it to be on the desks at Court and MKDP by MOnday 6th.
  11. The Notice of Proposed Allocation to the Multi Track is what is headed up on the letter (form N149C) that came with the N181 for us to fill in and file by 6th January. We also received a copy from MKDP and they have attached a load of stuff on the back saying the Judge has ordered things but there's no dates so not sure what that is? We are panicking a bit because we really are not too sure what we're doing. Mum-in-law is dying as we speak... that's stressful enough without having to worry about this as well! We also can't see how we're meant to go to Northampton Court... can we request a Court nearer to home? Feeling very scared and frustrated by this.
  12. Okay, thank you for being so helpful. You really are a Star!
  13. Hi Andy, sorry to be a pain - should we say yes to settle even though we don't know what it is? Seems like we're admitting we owe it? The letter says Multi
  14. Just read through and it has been allocated to Multi Track. We found your Order for Draft Directions on one of the other threads and have copied this...we sent CPR 31.14 on 21/10/13 and S77/78 on 6th November and have had no response other than the copy of their N181.
  15. One more quick question - they have ticked the box about trying to settle the claim but we don't want to settle as we don't know what this is account is - do we therefore tick NO and what should we write in the box?
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