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Everything posted by Rayn2036

  1. UPDATE, CapQ wrote back insisting agreement is enforceable. (Please see attached). I am worried about court case. Please help. Should I offer F&F?
  2. Hi, Sent a letter like above, yet again, its returned saying they need signature and Proof of address. What shall I do next? Should I sign and send proof address?
  3. This ain't working any more. Just signed in and date currently showing 17 Ian hence whatever auction you add to your account, it says auction ended.
  4. This ain't working any more. Just signed in and date currently showing 17 Ian hence whatever auction you add to your account, it says auction ended.
  5. Fletch I have posted letter to CAPQ, robbers way & Link as per yours & Daniella suggestions, I will update again as soon as I hear from them.
  6. Hi fletch, sorry mate I had to delete my attachments as a precaution. I forgot to delete some sensitives informations. As DCAs are spying through this forum, I had to be very carefull. I am sorry for the confusion but I will post the attachment again if need be. Sorry I am a bit ameteur in this field and got carried away easily.
  7. Fletch, CCA sent to all creditor/DCAs. No reply from Lowlife/Barclays Loan, and Crapboot/BC, Its been three months. Natpest CCA sent again today as per your suggestion. It looks like all CCA reply I received- none of them seems enforceable. I am particularly interested on this http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?409424-MBNA-CCA-received-please-help. Should I reply them or should I just shut up? DX, helpful as always, already helped me on this thread but let me have your thoughts please.
  8. Cheers Fletch for your valuable comments. I will stick to your points and you are absolutely correct that we cant give what we don't have. My debt is probably around £40k however none of them seems to be enforceable. I now regret why I didn't come across CAG long earlier. I have paid enough money to ED. Lowlife (Barclays Loan) and one debt with Crapboot (BC) yet to get back to me with my CCA request and it has already been almost 3 months.
  9. Thanks DD, all typed and ready to do.
  10. Thanks DD, all payment now stopped. DMA dumped.... Now I am up for challenge. Will be bugging you guys for suggestion as soon as demanding letter pops through the door.
  11. This PPI belonged to my wife which she applied online around 2003. I think like DX said on previous post, she had no choice but to accept PPI to complete the application. When I claimed on her behalf, they didn't question anything and upheld the claim because as per DX suggestions, I had given them enough information. Big up DX, this win is for you.
  12. Update: My claim has been upheld and cheq for £2300 on its way after deduction of £203 tax. I am a happy bunny. I had so much support on this forum and appreciate all your help especially DX on this claim. My first win amongst numerous battle. I hope I will continue to get your support on my on going fight and very first donation will be made as soon as the cheque arrives. Once again thank you CAGGERS
  13. Here is the original thread. And it's for credit card. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?401857-Experto-Credite-returned-my-%A31-PO-saying-I-need-order-CCA-from-OC-natwest-credit-card-debt
  14. I am not sure who actually owns the debt. Natwest and CE both writes to me at my current address and I have been dealing with them not ED. Please hit me with the letter for Natpest.
  15. Fletch, Thanks for the link, its a good read. I have now received CCA request from all DCAs apart from Credite Experto (OC Natwest). And I can gladly say none of the agreement seems enforceable. I will be on the phone to Eurodebt later today to cancel it. Credite Experto returned my request along with £1 PO saying I need to request this from OC, I sent CCA request to Natwest and they too returned it saying I need to send them Passport or Driving licence photocoy & six month bank statement (Online statement not excepted) because data they hold do not match (possibly different address). Don't know how to tackle this as I don't want to send my statement.
  16. Cheers Fletch, this letter will nicely do for my MBNA/Link http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?409424-MBNA-CCA-received-please-help. debt as well. Thanks a million.
  17. Hi Fletch, Sorry I forgot to attach application form which I guess is an agreement. I have now added application form on my previous post with attachments. Attachment here is the extract from my SAR so I guess date shown on the memo is the default date. I do not have default notice I am afraid.
  18. Hi Fletch, sorry for the confusion, They are two different debt, OC being CapOne on both the debt. One is being collected by Robber Way and another by Capquest. Capquest thread has the attachment with blank pages and they are infact blank pages apart from couple of informations. Please see my other thread for the attachment again.
  19. Thanks DX, can they enforce if they cannot produce T&Cs at inception/default?
  20. There is a new thread for the missing bits. Please let me have your feedback on both the threads. Thanks http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?409427-Capquest-chasing-2nd-Cap1-card-debt
  21. Hi DX, can you not make Capquest a new thread? Thank you DD, I will wait for your reply.
  22. Another debt for this poor debt ridden chap. Please advise if this is enforceable. DCA- Link Financial OC- MBNA - Credit card applied back in 2001 DMP- Eurodebt, been paying token payment since late 2002, will be ditching them soon. SAR sent to MBNA and waiting.
  23. Yup two blank pages, all it says is default agreement and account number in one and, Original agreement and account number on the other. If you also look account number on the agreement and 16 digit number on application number do not match.
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