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Everything posted by onlymemyself

  1. hi, i too am in scotland much same circumstances as you, just waiting on date for court hearing. not much of an expert but my advice would be to have accurate income and expenditure showing what you can realistically afford to pay monthly in addition to your normal mortgage payment to clear arrears. reasons for arrears and how u have now resolved what caused them. evidence for sheriff that u can clear arrears in a reasonable time. would be worth phoning shelter Scotland for advice they have been brilliant with me. know u not got much time before court but they can probably still give advice at this stage. don't know if u can request court date to b postponed but worth a try....good luck
  2. Hi, wondered if anyone can advise me in my situation as follows. i am in arrears with mortgage of around £5000. Have taken good advice from well known recognised money advice organisation and have I & E showing I can afford to make my normal mortgage payment plus additional £70pcm toward arrears. Lender will not agree this as I have previous broken arrangements over the last few years. Now have expired calling up notice and lenders lawyers are getting a court hearing. I have paid mortgage payments plus extra regularly for the last few months. My question is whether sheriff will be likely to rule for repossession when even although I have reasonable case I have broken repayment arrangements before. i am in Scotland btw. Thanks.
  3. I would phone them on day payment is due and explain your circumstances. Ask for repayment plan at amount you can afford and ask that they freeze further interst and charges as you are having financial difficulties. I found them okay to deal with on the phone and they confirm everything by email immediately. They will not phone your work as long as they have personal contact number foryou and you don't ignore them. they have never tried to contact me at work and I have been dealing with them for a while now. Don't know about payment from your card but if cancelled card shouldn't come off new card as different details. good luck
  4. Nothing on envelope indicating from wonga when I received letter from them but was about two years ago so could't say this is definitely still the case. wouldn't think they would though due to privacy issue
  5. customercare@wonga.com. I have found them ok to deal with on the phone and they have always confirmed repayment plan by email straight after the phone call. I have repayment plan with them which is nearly finished now thank goodness. Have had to change dates a few times now but never been a problem. Good luck
  6. I will def make payments exactly as agreed would not give them any excuse to say I broke the agreement. and yes you did tell me......and I'm glad you did. thanks for everything renegadeimp u r a star x
  7. Success at last!!!! can hardly believe it I am so delighted. OPOS have accepted repayment of my original loan amount plus one months interest to be paid monthly at the amount I requested. I sent them off a further email saying I would not pay any more than this as the additional charges were extortionate and unfair and that I did not believe these would be enforceable if the matter went to court. Surprise of my life when I got their reply accepting.Thanks so much for all the great advice and support received. Will def be making contribution to this site when I am financially sorted. To others best advice I can give is stick to your guns and don't give in with PDL companies you can get fair outcome eventually even with minimuppets!!
  8. I do owe the original amount plus interest so am happy to pay that. I have been corresponding by email. l only made initial contact with opos by telephone in response to their text request. Previous contact with minimuppets and with opos (apart from the initial call) have been by email/writing and that is what I will continue doing
  9. completely understand. will keep thread updated. thanks
  10. okay but unsure what to say to OPOS meantime. Really feel I should reply as I do not want them contacting my employer. If they would agree to further reduce the settlement figure a bit further then I would just accept to get rid of the stress. Don't mind getting complaints off to OFT etc. but worried what happens meantime
  11. further contact from OPOS - saying they want to resolve the matter amicably without having to go to court. They now say my account will not be passed back to Mini Credit (this is contrary to what they told me yesterday) as they, OPOS, are the legal representatives. They say, " The only information we require to collect the debt is your address and we have also confirmed details with your employer to arrange possible attachment of earnings from your salary at 31%. If you wish to arrange the payment plan at £xx per month for reduced settlement offer of £600 then this would be acceptable to avoid possible costs. Please email back if you wish to accept this. If not, then I can no longer enter in to communication with you via email. Again I need some advice please. Tempted to agree to paying the reduced figure monthly just to draw a line under this. Also really don't want them contacting my employer, hope they haven't already.
  12. I see interesting I will not be contacting them again if I can help it. Letter or email only unless I am phoning to Make a payment and then it will be to minicredit
  13. Exactly . See they have Glasgow address and phone no. Person I spoke to def had Glasgow accent too. Does mini have Glasgow office also?
  14. Think I will stick to paying mini direct . Safest option I don't trust opos at all told me they were completely separate company from minicredit when I phoned them earlier. Anyway thanks again for all your advice has relieved the stress loads.
  15. Will get one of those apps then. Just found bank details for opos but bit wary of making the payments to them rather than mini. What do you think would it matter?
  16. Good advice I won't. Not looking forward to phoning them but suppose I will just say I am making payment and see what they have to say not going to refuse to take it surely
  17. thanks will get prepaid card and start making payments asap, see how they react to that
  18. Yes I am feeling a little panicky I must admit, but will keep going with this and stick to "I will only pay original amount plus one month interest" .meantime I would like to be making some payments to show I am serious about repaying the original loan and I want rid of this debt. Problem is how? no bank details for Minimuppets to make direct payments and don't want to phone with payment giving my card details. can anyone help with this? BTW OPOS seem to have premises in Glasgow so are they not actually in the same premises as minimuppets, i.e.not minis inhouse collection team? Anyway once again thanks for reply and support
  19. Contact by OPOS by email and phone today re mini credit debt. Bottom line is as I will not agree to set up repayment to repay full amount they want £1300+ they will not let me pay monthly payments as I will stop making payments when I have repaid original loan plus one month interest. Accused me of dictating what I will pay and using stalling tactics. Guy on phone said he is now referring back to minicredit which is fine I'll keep arguing with them. Just worried that it will be the action in their email that they go for. I really cannot face court/ bankruptcy - I would lose my house. Here is what the email from OPOS said "Should this balance remain unpaid we are left with no other alternative than to recommend to our client that we look to secure Judgment (CCJ) for the recovery of the above amount including any incurred costs. Due your current employment status, and upon receipt of the land registry, we will recommend a Statutory Demand is issued with a view to file for Bankruptcy through ** **** Sheriff Court. Upon receipt of the Statutory Demand you will have 21 days to ‘satisfy’ the debt owed. A Final Notice of Intent will be issues within the next 14 days should you fail to acknowledge this request." Please someone advise me what to do now, there is no way I can even give in and pay I I don't have this amount of money. I don't even have enough to pay original amount at one time. Just don't know what to do anymore
  20. thanks charles34c - email going off to them this evening with these quotes
  21. ok I will try. btw do you know what I can quote to them regarding the OFT guidelines they are breaking.thanks
  22. I have now received another email from mini credit. they are not backing down regards amount they have offered to settle for. As they have waived most of their charges the amount over and above the original loan is made up mostly of additional interest. I am wondering if I am within my rights to dispute this? I know I can say their charges are extortionate but not sure about interest as I signed the loan agreement. They have said in their email " The interest charges You have accepted under the Loan agreement which is a financial binding document between Yourself and our compay. If You did not agree with the Terms set in the Loan agreement You had no obligation to signe the agreement and accept the Terms." Anyway they have said that Opos will be in touch with me shortlly and I can make monthly payments. Should I just accept that I need to pay the additional interest as they don't seem to be budging on this, I would try to get them to waive the small amount of charges they are still asking for(they waived most of the charges). again I would appreciate your advice. thanks
  23. glad you got a solution with minicredit that suited your circumstances sillymoo2. they are a nightmare.I wouldn't recommend taking their word for anything over the phone - would make them confirm by email at least. If you persist with the emails they do eventually respond if you ignore all telephone contact. I would never evertrust these lot with my bank details either they will try at random times to take what they can from your bank account. I speak from experience. they will not bother whether they leave you penniless or not.
  24. I'm sure they did but think they are trying to call my bluff. see if I do know my rights, and make me think I don't have a leg to stand on legally. They have had an equally sarcastic reply back I can assure you.Maybe I shouldn't have but couldn't resist they are really absolute plonkers
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