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Everything posted by down'n'out

  1. They are just blame shifting, waiting for the changes next year. From next year we will see no legal aid for appeal, no benefit paid during appeal, and an unspecified wait time for a reconsideration before being able to make an appeal. So the probability is many less will be able to afford such a wait for appeal. The Government will then be able to put forward how the appeals have been reduced, due to how the WCA is now working correctly. As for the actual appeal(tribunals service), well, what changes will be made by Grayling?
  2. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/9591875/Long-term-jobless-take-a-20-dole-cut-and-work-in-the-community.html
  3. There was some proposals as to freeze various benefits for the next 2 years, however, from a comment by Cameron we may well actually see a reduction. http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2012/oct/07/david-cameron-mansion-tax-cuts
  4. I suppose it will depend on the rules/conditions they push forward. I have no doubt they will try and side track data protection, and set conditions with penalty of sanctions for not putting out enough information to give possible employers all the information they may need. Because DWP/WP will be able to track/log your activities on the new site.
  5. I find the answer shown for Q3 a little interesting:- That, to me, is looking more about preparation for online UC I wonder how many job-seekers will be mandated to this by the WP? or, if it will become mandatory, as part of the conditions for UC?
  6. Well, of course "Mastercard" would want that, given that they would expect a transaction fee. A few million transaction charges a day soon adds up.
  7. IMHO, ESA is only about getting people looking(or ready to look) for work. With the WCA you get the 3 outcomes. 1 :Fit for work: So you look for work. 2: WRAG: You are given work related activity (via WP or volunteer or forced to volunteer) to prepare looking for/getting ready for work 3: Support: You will get support if you decide to look for work.
  8. What % of the council tax is currently going to the gold-plated (final salary) council workers pensions? Back in early 2009 it was reported as being approx 20% (although back in 2006 it was calculated at approx 26%, due to added contributions to Fire/police pensions)
  9. When working out the tax credits, there are "Elements" that get added together which then give you your yearly entitlement. Last year there was an "Element" for the over 50s which added (I think) about £1500 to the year. But that was abolished this year. Really makes it more worth while for over 50s to get work.
  10. I have not seen the specifics for self employed and changes being made for UC, but there is an article here that may give an indication:- http://johnnyvoid.wordpress.com/2012/06/23/universal-credit-self-employment-and-the-minimum-wage/
  11. I noticed a proposal that all those in receipt of benefits should have a bank account. So they can manage their money better, setting up DD for rent etc. Maybe just a coincidence lol, but I have also seen a proposal from the banks, that free-banking should be stopped.
  12. With a good housewife, yes they would cut expenses, but they would not intentionally cut their income. With the government, they appear to be cutting their income, with (as simple example) tax breaks / lower corporation tax, then turn around and try to gain that back with (as example) increased VAT and reductions in benefits. If money is so tight, then make cuts yes, but dont cut it from those who really need it, then give more away to those who dont. IMHO of course.
  13. You can only budget for a month if you have a months money. When the switch over kicks in, it will be a case where you will get 2 weeks benefit that has to last (at best, if IT system works) 4-5 weeks. For those last 2-3 weeks many will have nothing and have to borrow/beg to survive. Then when the months benefit does arrive, there are extra debts to pay, so probably (for many) will not be enough to last the 4-5 weeks again, (or they have to miss paying full rent etc)
  14. It is getting annoying. Those on low income/benefits, budget/plan week to week how they will best spend the money they have, those with mi££ions plan on how they will best get their next mi££ion and hide it from the tax man.
  15. I have seen some posts that state a FOI was made concerning that, and the reply was that sanctioned are not counted as unemployed/ on benefit. Have not seen the FOI, but not hard to believe.
  16. Of course sanctions do not help people, they only help getting the benefit expenditure down a little, so the Government can then give more away to the large corporations. But if you get (for example) a million part-time workers, who are then forced to look for further employment, it will just cause even more problems for the unemployed. The only thing I can see with that, (apart from sanctions), is that the Work Providers will probably get hundreds of mi££ions to take the part-time workers onto their books.
  17. http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2012/sep/15/welfare-bill-iain-duncan-smith Only unfair for part-time workers?
  18. I am on contributory benefit, so with the above info, my post is not relevant. Very sorry
  19. There would also be a need to check how much is added to income, if that takes you over "How much the law says you need to live on" for your circumstances, the extra amount (excess income) will cause the council to reduce the amount of HB and CTB. Currently with me, the "excess income" I have, the council take 85% towards HB and CTB
  20. ESA(IR) WRAG can be, yes. ESA© WRAG (currently) no, but if they volunteer, then it becomes mandatory.
  21. I have a bad feeling that when Universal Credit is introduced, one of the conditions set (if under threshold) could be having to participate in the work programme. So not being on a JSA may not get you out of the work programme if claiming UC.
  22. Have they recently change the participation groups? The last time I checked the "Work Programme Provider guide" (chapter 2) it stated that those on IS or where a "full time carer" are placed in the "Voluntary Participation group" along with those on "ESA support", if they volunteered to enter the work programme. Those on ( for example) ESA WRAG or JSA, if they volunteer to enter WP, then yes, they then become mandated.
  23. It was a case of "pay your NI and if unemployed/ill you get social security". It worked similar to an insurance policy. Now, you pay NI and if you become unemployed/ill they put forward you expect something for nothing. That is why they renamed unemployment benefit to JSA, making it out to be an allowance while searching for a job. Become ill, no longer is a certificate[of illness] from your GP any good, you need to go to a 3rd party who will try their (with DWP) best to show you are not really ill, and fit for work, or some work. There is a "expect something for nothing" culture, it is the bankers, large corporations and MPs.
  24. Unless the £100 would cover your rent/bills food etc, signing off may not get you out of the conditions of receiving UC due to imposed thresholds. If for example, you get a part time job and take home £100, but still need to claim UC, then you can be expected to either increase your hours or get a better paid job. You could find yourself with a 16 hour low paid job you like, told to take a different job, refuse, and then have the UC (or % of) sanctioned for 3 months (on first offense).
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