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Everything posted by down'n'out

  1. So have they also got you to sign the waiver for data protection? Have a look at this site:- http://www.consent.me.uk/ Regards,
  2. Ask them for review at your next meeting, the review would need to go through that provider. Look at "chapter 3":- http://www.dwp.gov.uk/supplying-dwp/what-we-buy/welfare-to-work-services/provider-guidance/work-programme-provider.shtml page 4 Regards,
  3. You cannot be mandated to hand over a copy of your CV. You can show them the CV to show you have one, but do not let them take a copy. Neither can you be mandated to apply for jobs. Regards,
  4. They managed to put out a lot of spin(sick-note culture/ scroungers/ fraudsters etc etc) to cut back support for the needy. If someone was to treat their pet as badly as the government is now treating the disabled, they would be taken to court(and maybe they will yet, if not by us, then maybe by the EU). Regards,
  5. I must of been typing while you edited your earlier post. I would really put in a request for review of mandated activity. Stateing your problems and how having to constantly attend interviews etc is being detrimental to your mental and physical well-being. They do need to review and give you a written response.
  6. Hi, Did you complete a form for WCA http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/MoneyTaxAndBenefits/BenefitsTaxCreditsAndOtherSupport/Illorinjured/DG_172012 They can move you from IB to ESA without an actual medical (ATOS interview). But you should of filled out a form/questionnaire to get onto ESA As for the mandatory WP, yes that is now correct. The info I was finding was from last year(They should put dates on the docs). They changed how they deal with long term WRAG. But it does still state entry point is optional, but looks like not optional for us, only optional for them to force us into it. What have the WP put forward as mandatory? Regards,
  7. You must of been informed at some time as to how long you where on WRAG? ESA support and single mother yes, but also for WRAG with 12+ month prognosis, entry point is "optional from WCA outcome" (well from what I can find), so is optional(but may be seen as optional for job center referral?). But they may well of changed everything. Have a look at these:- (Hope OK to post direct download links for documents (pdf format). www.dwp.gov.uk/docs/wp-pg-chapter-2.pdf check page 4 (entry/access point) I cannot get the link to work for another pdf that shows entry points for JSA / IS and WRAG. Do a Google search for entry access point to work programme Regards,
  8. I am also confused as to the process. I have just been put on WRAG, so still awaiting first interview. From the documentation I can find, anyone on WRAG with 12+ months prognosis, the entry point is optional. But with this being run privately, I would think they want everyone in they can get to make more money. At the first interview, did you put forward, that due to health issues, you would find interviews etc at this time would be detrimental to your mental and physical well-being? They are only allowed to mandate reasonable tasks based on your circumstances. They are also required to give you in writing what is mandatory. Regards,
  9. Hi Mikey, I could appeal, but I would really like to get back into work. Unfortunately I do not believe that the WRAG is set up to actually help those with health issues, but only to try and force those into some form of WP. I am finding conflicting info concerning the rights(or lack of rights) of those on WRAG. As what I am seeing (possibly having to take unpaid work) is going against the regulations 2011 with no sign (that I can currently find) of change in those regulations since then concerning the WRAG and WP. I have no doubt I will be finding out personally over the coming months, all of which I will be documenting. At least I am not just feeling ill now, I am also feeling quite angry. What joy to have such a caring government. Regards,
  10. I need to be careful, as I could easily be led to believe that those avoiding tax could be involved in, or at least have influence on, policy making. I do not want that, do I
  11. Hi Mikey, Sorry, I should of updated my thread. I do not really like to ring them, as I do not have a means to record. I prefer the paper trail. However, I did receive a phone call earlier in the week, which stated I am now in the WRAG. I am now awaiting the letter for confirmation of what was put forward. Thanks. I am hoping all is well, or should I say, not worse than before. Regards,
  12. They are blinkered on welfare reform/benefit cuts. Why do they not chase tax avoiders? http://www.pcs.org.uk/en/campaigns/campaign-resources/there-is-an-alternative-the-case-against-cuts-in-public-spending.cfm
  13. When they start putting out "The Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) thinks a new, independent medical assessment might reduce the number of people awarded the benefit by around half a million", it is just a cost cutting exercise again, similar to changes with ESA assessment. Who will do the "independent medical assessment"? How many bet on it being ATOS? .
  14. After looking more, I see that site sells info/guides. So can understand that site being blacklisted. But the info I found there does appear to be correct, as I have found the same on various other sites, but again, I cannot link as yet.
  15. Hi, From what I am seeing, from April 2013 when the changes take effect, then, for example, if you are placed in WRAG and appeal, you will lose the right to claim ESA, you would either have to go without benefit or claim JSA. Forum will not allow me to place links to original info, in fact the forum is changing the links from benifitsandworks to disney.go. That is a bit dubious to me.
  16. Thanks for the reply. Sorry for my delay in reply, have not been too good. I will wait for either IB to stop going into bank, or until I get confirmation of change, whatever the result may be. I just need to stop worrying, as I am in hospital next week for another check up, so a little concerned with that. The last time I went, they kept me in for a week due to dangerously low blood oxygen level. Take care, Regards,
  17. I have just been searching. I will receive my current benefit until my claim is reassessed (source DWP website) I will not know the decision until they have made it. So why would I make a claim for JSA without written confirmation that that is something I need to do? Are you putting forward it is my responsibility to find out myself if I failed ESA? You stated earlier:- Which puts forward receiving a letter, not my phoning for verbal confirmation. .
  18. Hi, Thanks for the reply, But my IB will already be closed won't it? I am waiting to see if I get ESA Having to go on JSA is certainly a probability. If so, I think I would prefer to wait a few weeks before I find out. As you mentioned earlier in the thread, I will be able to get it back-dated. Regards,
  19. Hello again, I presume that my IB will now of been stopped, and will have to wait for decision from DWP?
  20. Thank you all for the replies. Regards,
  21. Hi, Thanks for the reply. A "fit note", is that what they call them now? I do not have much confidence in doctors these days and currently avoid them when possible. I did find a link in another thread showing the descriptors for ESA. If ATOS entered the info correctly, then I should be placed in a support group, but I think, going from what I have seen posted, I doubt ATOS put down what was said. I will wait and see, while climbing the walls and panicking about anything and nothing, as I usually do these days. Regards, d'n'o
  22. Hello, Came across this forum while trying to find info. Some great info/links here, thank you. I am still a little uncertain about steps in the process, so hope you don't mind my asking? I have been on long term IB (depression/anxiety) and had the interview with ATOS for ESA at the beginning of the week. As they did not actually ask any questions about my illness, I can only presume I will be yet another classed as work_shy and need to get a job. I have read about the appeal process, but need a little more clarity. If I receive no points (or not enough points) and ESA claim rejected by letter, will I also receive (with that letter) the forms for the appeal at the same time? Would I first need to ask the reasons for the rejection? Would I need to get a medical sick_note from the date of the ESA rejection letter? If I was to decide to go and sign on for JSA, I believe there is a waiting time period before claim can be made, what is that time period now? If the letter concerning the failed ESA was, for example, received by me 5 days after date on letter, would I also lose that time period for any benefit? Sorry if this as been covered some where, I have looked, but am getting more confused the more I read. Thanks for any help, Regards,
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