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  1. I've been with Triage since January 2012 and they have offered no support or help whatsoever. They simply forced me to sit in front of their computers for an hour every 3 weeks to do a jobsearch even though I am capable of doing that in my own home. I've barely seen any adviser and when I finally did the computer broke down preventing me from having the appointment. When I put in a complaint listing all the different problems I'd experienced with them they simply denied, dismissed or ignored the facts and claimed they'd done everything they could and adhered to their contractual obligations. I think the most worrying thing is that they lost a form of mine containing sensitive personal data. I've got a complaint in about that with the ICO. They've acted in a deeply incompetent and unhelpful way at all times. Oh and they treated me the same when I was referred to them back in 2010 on the old Flexible New Deal programme. The Work Programme can't allow cherry picking as the contracts state they are to help everyone that comes their way and provide a basic level of service to them all. Even with cherry-picking they are failing to make any difference to the benefit claim rates. Remember the people they cherry pick are people likely to be able to find their own work anyway, so why pay these companies money to do something that would happen anyway? What worries me is that some people end their claim once they are assigned to the Work Programme leaving them in even greater poverty/debt while they struggle to look for work. It seems to suggest that all people care about is reducing the amount claimed in benefits not actually supporting people who have no income or who need/want support to look for work, which is what they claim WP is all about. Triage has been nothing but rude and incompetent and it didn't surprise me watching the Panorama programme at all. The cost of benefit claims remains the same while the extra costs given to these dreadful providers has added an extra expense (ie. through attachment fees and job outcome fees). Looking at all the evidence it all seems a massive con. I've certainly felt conned while being on WP.
  2. Sorry about the problem with the jpeg - here is the letter in pdf which I hope is legible to everyone. Any advice/info on it would be welcome. Thanks in advance. Letter.pdf
  3. Has anyone else received this letter from the DWP? It seems a good idea to participate and tell them of my bad experience. But I was wondering if anyone has had the interview and knows what kind of questions they ask. What kind of answers are asked for - is it multiple choice or otherwise? do they focus on technical details or personal satisfaction? Any advice or information would be most welcome.
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