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  1. Hi Everyone, A final update - I received an email from Lee yesterday. Having reviewed my account, he has now arranged to refund the £61.98 that I paid to Vodafone in March - as a gesture of goodwill so that this unfortunate situation can be amicably resolved. Lee has also confirmed that there is no adverse credit entry. Thank you all for your support, and thanks to Lee. Lee, if you want to send me your correspondence details I will happily write to your management and pass on my appreciation for your efforts - I wasn't expecting this to be resolved given my experience of your colleagues. Kind regards John
  2. Just to keep you updated, Vodafone (Lee) did reply to me last week (26th April). He is awaiting an update with regards to my credit file and will then consider my request for a refund of the money that I paid to Vodafone at the end of March. I will let you know the outcome. All the best John
  3. Good afternoon, Just to let you all know, I received a response from Lee yesterday afternoon (Thank you, Lee). This was actually a fairly helpful response, unlike that I have experienced from his colleagues. Lee advises that Vodafone did actually only take £61.98 from me at the end of March - the amount quoted in their letter was ANOTHER mistake. Lee has also cancelled the final bill so I need to pay nothing further and will be checking whether any reference was made to a credit agency. Lee is also sending me a copy of the letter sent to me in December concerning my PAC. Whilst a copy is helpful (4 months later!), given all the mistakes I have experienced on letters so far I have no belief that the letter was ever actually sent to me. As I mentioned, my girlfriend had the same dispute - one of her letters from Vodafone contained a second letter addressed to another customer with a similar sounding name - and it also included their account details!!. If I was sent a letter, I strongly suspect that it too ended up with the wrong person, hence why neither of us received these letters. Civil disputes are settled on the balance of probabilities and I have to say that I think that balance is still well weighted towards me - thankfully I am meticulous with record keeping. I have emailed Lee back requesting the £61.98 also be refunded so will let you know the final outcome, hopefully this can then be put down to a bad experience and laid to rest. A shame really as the service with Vodafone until this point had actually been fairly good. All the best John
  4. Thank you to everyone for your interest. I have now submitted the information to Lee via email (#8891741). I shall let you know the outcome. Really interested about the credit agency stuff - I will be making some checks and pursuing that as appropriate. I did already write to Vodafone and advise that if they made such a referral it would be an abuse of process and most likely unlawful, given that this is a contractual dispute not an inability to pay. I am not sure that will have deterred them however - the latest letter from Vodafone advises me that they have taken £91.98 from my bank account when I telephoned them on 31st March as opposed to the £61.08 that I advised them, and they repeated back, on the telephone call! Dishonest appropriation of property with intent to permanently deprive - sounds very much like a theft to me! The rights and wrongs of the PAC code saga make an interesting debate, but regardless they should have brought this to our attention being that it isn't exactly obvious. I asked Vodafone to show me how they had done this and they said they have wrote to me - but when asked couldn't supply a copy of the letter! I have never had anything lost in the post, neither has my partner - and yet neither of us received anything. The most ridiculous thing is that my partner and I have written exactly the same letters at exactly the same time - her account has now been closed and outstanding costs cancelled. All I want is the money back - records will show that the phone hasn't been used for several months anyway. All the best, John
  5. Good morning, I am in a dispute with Vodafone concerning the cancellation of my account. The contract reached 2 years in January 2012, prior to this I provided 30 days notice to cancel. I also requested a PAC code, which was subsequently supplied by TEXT, not by LETTER. The "We're sorry you're leaving text" gave me the impression that the contract would end as instructed. There was no mention that it would remain live if the PAC wasn't used. The contract remained active and I have incurred costs of around £100. Not a huge amount, but this is now a matter of principle. I have communicated clearly with Vodafone at all times, they haven't. Their most recent letters even have basic spelling mistakes! All the more frustrating, my girlfriend had exactly the same problem. We sent identical letters of complaint to Vodafone, at the same time and to the same address - her issue has been resolved, whereas for me they refuse to back down. I now have the information and documentation from the county court, ready to launch a claim for this breach of contract and breach of consumer regulations. Is anyone able to signpost me to the address of the Vodafone legal department for inclusion in correspondence? Thanks in advance John
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