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Chelsea Blue

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Everything posted by Chelsea Blue

  1. A friend of mine recently had a problem with Enterprise Rent a Car attempting to deliver a hire car to one of his neighbours. Whilst undertaking the delivery they managed to crash one the hire cars into his fence causing damage, then assessed the damaged to the car, looked at the fence and chose to do a runner. Fortunately my friend has excellent cctv and captured the whole event. Laurel and Hardy springs to mind!!!. They made no attempt to find out who the fence belonged too nor left a note on the fence. My friend has subsequently been to the local office to try and resolve the issue and although they admitted liability, but only after being shown the footage, have failed compensate him as agreed. Initially they wanted him to obtain quotes for the repair and quite rightly he told them to gather the quotations themselves as they have caused him enough inconvenience already. They couldn't be bothered to do that so my friend priced up the bits and bobs required and a retired friend has offered to repair the fence for £150. He went back to the office to find out what was going on and again they fobbed him off, so he suggested they pay him the £150 so his friend can undertake the repair. The said they were happy to do that and for him to gave them his banking details. That was 3 weeks ago and now after yet another visit, they are saying they are not going to do that unless they have business receipt, yet they agreed to his friend fixing it! I think they they are messing him around so much that hope he will give up What would you do? Report the incident to the police to investigate criminal damage and leaving the scene of the accident? Put the cctv footage on social media for everyone to watch these clowns at work? Or does anybody have Enterprises Rent a Car CEO email address so he can give them one final chance to resolve things, as I don't think this incident has gone any further than the local office. What makes me laugh is if you have even a minor bump/scratch with this lot you will lose your deposit in a flash, yet when they cause damage to your property it's like pulling teeth. They certainly don't adopt their own policy of any damage must be reported immediately !!!!
  2. Can the mods remove the times on my thread as i don't want to identify myself. Please accept my apologies
  3. Many thanks for your quick reply dx As this only happened today, I will wait and see if anything arrives and will post up. btw I didn't mention 'fine'
  4. Just got back from an appointment to find the parking arrangements have yet again changed. It's not my local hospital and I attend maybe once a year. Things used to be simple with a barrier entry/ticket then after your appointment put your ticket in the machine then pay before exiting. Then the barrier got smashed off and they relied on a person taking reg numbers and times giving you ticket to pay in the coffee shop before you exit. Today's visit was most confusing, with people waiting at the ticket machine not sure whether to pay before of when you exit. It appears most people were of the opinion that you pay when you are about to exit as they have cameras set up. I checked with reception and they said you can pay before or after. Very strange I thought and proceeded with my appointment. When I returned I punched in the reg number expecting it to say how much, but nothing, you have to the guess how long you were parked up for!!! I paid for two hours as I checked my watch and it was correct. I've since checked my dash cam and i arrived at 14.34, took about a minute or two to find a space big enough for my van and left at 16.37 buying my ticket at 16.35. So worst case scenario is i overstayed by 3 minutes with the best case being 1 minute. Do you think this an automatic penalty from these sharks or do they have a grace period? Also, are the ticket machines linked to the camera system for timings. Don't want a £100 fine around xmas time. Tried to contact the hospital for clarification but they haven't got a clue.
  5. Update!! Good news this morning, I have just received confirmation in the post from APCOA Parking stating that the 'Parking Charge Notice has been cancelled and no further action is required'. I must admit that the Travelodge Webchat advisor was really good and ensured that her promise was met. Well done to her and Travelodge!!
  6. Just an update. Have spoken with Travelodge via their webchat and the advisor agreed that it should be cancelled. They have sent me an email requesting the Parking Charge Notice details with a view to getting it dropped. I have requested confirmation when that has been undertaken. I will keep you informed.
  7. Went to London for the New Year Eve celebrations and booked a Travelodge for an overnight stop. When we arrived, I attempted to pay for parking, but the machine refused to accept a card payment. Message on the screen was Network Unavailable. I brought this to the attention of the recetionist and showed him the machine ( I also took a photo on my phone ). He said can you not pay with cash and I said, no as I didn't have any on me. He then said no problem, I will email the parking company with your Reg number and you pay me cash later, obviously a little cartel going on here!! When we returned in the very early hours, a little bit worst for wear, I tried to pay the money to a different receptionist who said they don't accept payments. She said not to worry as her collegue would have emailed the company and basically you have free parking. Well this morning I have received a parking charge notice from APCOA Parking dated 15/01/16 saying I breached the terms and conditions of use of the hotel car park and want me to pay £60.00. Should I appeal this, complain to travelodge or chuck it in the bin!!?
  8. Firstly, I would defiantly get a covert camera set up with night vision or better still a couple showing different angles, then I would buy a cheap secondhand moped making sure it has mot, tax and insurance which is usually very cheap. Then permanently leave it parked on the road by your drive so as to prevent him from parking there. Make sure it is well locked up and the camera's are focused on it, should someone attempt to tamper/try to move it! I know it is stooping to his level, but what you are doing is perfectly legal and hopefully will not cost you much money and should ensure there are no issues to declare should you wish to move in the future. Ideally, a cheap secondhand car would be better but the costs are obviously a lot more. Good luck. Some people are real kn*bs!
  9. As the title says, my mother who is 76 years old has been asked to carry out a review. (She currently pays nothing) She is worried sick because her son, my brother has used her address as a contact point since his wife chucked him out 2 years ago. He was thrown out on the street whislt his former wife stayed in the martial home (rented). He stayed with me for some time and at my sisters house also. As he did not have a permemant address, he used mums address for everything. eg. bank account, drivers licence, employer etc with post still going to mums.. Looking from the outside in and on the face of it, it does look like it was his place of residence but that has never been the case. He would only stay over at mums when he had the kids overnight, which was about once every fortnight if he was lucky. He soon met someone new and stayed mostly at her address, who incidentally was paying full council tax, but was never declared as living there because of his physco ex wife. He didn't want her to spoil his new relationship, yet it was her desision in the first place, but that's another story. So fast forward a year or so and now mum is worried sick. She is so protective over all her chidren and especially the grand children and thought she was helping him out, but is now worried she will be in serious trouble. How should mum handle this?
  10. Thank you GrumpyToSayTheLeast, that make sense to me. I will let him know and it's up to him to sort it out with the Finance Co and I dare say some kind of outstanding fine with the DVLA waiting in the wings. This is the problem with youngsters, they buried their head in the sand and hope it will go away!! No chance!!
  11. He is not sure when the car was taken, it could have been up to 6 months ago. The reason why it has come to light this week is because the balliffs turned up at his mums house ,he is not sure how they got the address, looking for the car. Other than one missed payment at the start of the agreement, due to direct debit attempt one day before his wages were put in the bank which was quickly resolved, all payments are up to date. He accepts that he is liable for all the remaining payments but cannot understand why the balliffs came, unless someone told them that the car is no longer/scrapped/stolen/hidden. That's the reason why I asked whether the DVLA would notify the Finance Co or not. But why would the Finance Co worry about the car, if payments are still coming in every month?
  12. He is 18months in on a 36 month agreement.
  13. I hope I've posted this in the right section. Long story short. Friend had a barny with his misses and cops were called. He was bailed on a condition that he does not speak with her or go near their shared house. He had no key or documents for the car, which was left at the house. Car runs out of tax/insurance and the DVLA take the car away. Car is subject to a finance agreement. He assumes the DVLA would have notified him as the registered keeper but obviously his ex never passed it on. (He never notified the DVLA of a change of address as he was living out of a black bin bag at various friends houses). So fast forward six months and the Finance Company coming looking for the car which was lifted. Would the DVLA have to carry out a HPI check on the car, and also notify the Finance Company, before crushing? He is convinced it has been crushed.
  14. Been over two weeks since I emailed Chris Weston a formal letter, yet no response at all. I at least thought they would have the courtesy to acknowledge receipt. Any advice?
  15. Thank you guys. I will construct a formal letter of complaint over the weekend and will await a reply. I will of course keep you all informed.
  16. My mum who is a 76 year pensioner, lives on her own, has been relying on her 30 year inefficient boiler to keep her warm, had it serviced by BG under a contract from new. Every time the salesman, I mean the engineer arrives, he tells her it is now so old, parts are no longer available and you need to buy a new one. Well mum certainly cannot afford a new one, so I undertook to find out whether she is entitled to a free replacement boiler under a government scheme. After speaking with and completing an application through the Energy Saving Trust, she indeed qualified for a free replacement boiler and was told who would she prefer to have it installed by. Mum being mum said British Gas, as she has always used them and doesn't like the idea of the other big five suppliers as none of them have gas in their name. She was accepted by British Gas and given a reference number supporting her application but was told there is a shortage of surveyors in her postcode area and there will be a short delay before installation, but this will not effect her application. That was 24/02/14 and she has heard nothing since. I phoned BG today to chase things up and was told that they have now reached their allotted government funding and will not install her boiler under the scheme. I can't believe that BG have allowed this to happen, when her application was approved, awaiting installation. If I had of known about this delay I would have told her to contact one of the other suppliers, but BG assured her it was approved. The Energy Saving Trust can't comment as it was handed over by them to BG in the correct manner. I'm not sure what to do next other than ring BG Customer Relations to have rant. What do you guys think? Should I write to the CEO to complain or will I be wasting my time?
  17. It is possible that he may not have received it, I'm not sure if it was tracked, but from history I can remember when he successfully sued someone else regarding another matter and payment was tracked, he deliberately refused to sign for the letter containing the payment after looking at the reverse to see who it was from, and told the postman he didn't want the letter. I witnessed him doing it. I know this caused lots of problems for the other person. A real nasty piece of work!! I will give it to the middle of next week and if not cashed, I will inform my solicitor.
  18. Having recently lost a civil case against a old business partner who was acting as a litigant, he thought he was going to get tens of thousands of pounds, but he was only awarded three thousand. Despite arranging for a cheque payment to be sent to him via my solicitor, he has not cashed it. I'm sure he has received it, but why would he not cash it? The only reason I can think of is that he was so annoyed with the outcome, that he will deny ever receiving it and will inform the court that no payment was made, so as a CCJ will be registered against me and maybe send in the bailiffs as a final attempt to damage me. Obviously I don't want a CCJ recorded, as payment was made shortly after judgement, well within 2 weeks. Is there anything I can do to prevent this from happening?
  19. Thanks for clearing that one up.
  20. This is a question which noboby seems to know the answer. Can you help? What is the minimum age a person can buy non alcoholic beer from a supermarket?
  21. Thanks for your reply Bandit. No payments have been made by either partner so does the below apply then:- Joint debts If you have a debt that is in joint names with another person, this means your creditor can chase either or both of you for the full amount. You do not only owe 50% each. If you think your joint debt might be statute barred, you need to check if the other person has made any payments. If they have made a payment within the limitation period, this means the time limit restarts again for both of you. If the other person has not made any payments, but has admitted to the creditor that they owe the debt, the time limit will only restart for them.
  22. Just a quick question regarding an outstanding debt over six years old. If it was a personal debt, I understand if no payments or acknowledgments were made, then it would become statue barred. But, if it was business debt (partnership) and again no payments or acknowledgments were made, would it also become statue barred? What would the case be if only one partner agrees with the debt and acknowledges it, does it mean that it becomes active again for that partner only, from the day of acknowledgment, or for both partners?
  23. Just checked statement today. All seems correct. Thanks to everyone for your help
  24. Went into the shop earlier and spoke with a very helpful rep. It does appear the account is correct although the girl who set it up, not working today, set it up in a confusing manner, not showing discounts and credits. It took them a little while to work out what she had done, but they definitely can't understand the BlackBerry bit. (no extra costs involved though) They have assured us that it should be correct on next months bill. Their advice was to wait until the next bill arrives, then double check everything. Should it not be correct they informed us that they will be able to easily rectify the account. Think we got there in the end. Thanks for your replies Chelsea Blue
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